Partypoker spil

#1| 0

Et lille indlæg også postyet på thepokerforum fra undertegnede. God fornøjelse.


Partys 2-4$ tables are loose like this right now when they run the TV adds. And so far I've made 2 grand from them this month, averaging 5 BB/HR despite the fact that I play 3 simultaneous tables!!!! So don't tell me that these loose tables are unbeatable. But it does indeed play very different from what I consider a normal table.

Firstly - you don't raise to isolate in a no foldem game. Nobody respect your raises anyway, so you raise for value.

Secondly - you need a hand at showdown in order to win. Don't bluff - you will get called down every freakin time. This also means that you should take your free card whenever you can get it. Forget about betting with anything less then top pair decent kicker - fold if bet into.

Thirdly - fold your top pair when raised on turn or river, unless you have a VERY GOOD reason to think that you're ahead. Usually most of the players at these tables are loose passive. This means that they usually don't raise on turn or river without having a reral monster. Often they wont even raise on the river with the stone vold nuts!!! So when ever you encounter a late raise YOU KNOW they've got the goods.

Fourthly - Stop playing tricky. Don't slowplay and check-raise and all that crap. You don't need deception in this type of game. Most players decide whether or not to continue on basis of their own hand only. This means that you will see them call a triple bet with ace rags on an AKQ suited flop. Hey - top pair is a good hand isn't it?

It really is that simple. I think where most trained poker players get it wrong playing at a no foldem table, is not paying enough respect to raises, and then misunderstanding the purpose and prospects of raises in this type of game.

In any case, it sure doesn't make much sense to argue that the games get tougher when the opposition gets weaker. It doesn't - you can make way more BB/HR in a no foldem game then in a solid game. There are so much dead money in those pots that it's easier then stealing candy from kids at times. But you got to do it the right way. If you prefer playing real poker, just stay away from the no foldem game. Table selecvtion is about finding the game that fits your personal style the best. And if no foldem isn't your game, why bother? But for those of you who like to play family pots Partypoker is definitively the place to be right now (despite their various problems).

27-06-2003 23:14 #2| 0

Super godt indlæg Rune!!!

Jeg har selv haft problemer med at omstille mig til de vildt loose spil. Specielt har jeg været for loose efter flop, og prøvet at bluffe lidt for meget. Et bluf i de super mega wild loose spil (jaaaa ;-)) er helt sikkert -EV.

Mvh Carlos.

29-06-2003 21:05 #3| 0

Tak for et velskrevet og informativt indlæg.
Lige et spørgsmål: du siger at du gennemsnitligt har vundet 5 BB/HR, altså 20$ i timen. Er det ialt, eller er det virkelig pr. bord, altså 60$ i timen???

29-06-2003 22:38 #4| 0

Nej. Kun 10$ per bord i snit.

For øvrigt kan det faktisk være en fordel at spille 3 borde samtidigt, idet en bad beat bord som oftest mere end rigeligt opvejes af de andre to borde :-)

30-06-2003 13:42 #5| 0

Hej Rune,

Det lyder jo som en fremragende forretning :) - Er selv lige begyndt at spille på Party, og jo tak!! - Det er jo rent fætter BR i forhold til f.eks PS. :)
Er lidt nysgerrig med hensyn til din hand selection preflop på disse No-foldem tables. Spiller dem nemlig en del selv, og er ikke helt sikker på om det er den rette taktik jeg bruger. Dit indlæg hjalp en hel del skal dog siges.
Min hand selection er rimelig loose, hvilket jeg ser må være nødvendigt for at trække max fra disse borde. Jeg spiller A-Xs og pocketpairs fra alle positions + 89s => fra mid+late pos.
Der er jo næsten altid potodds + impl. odds nok til at trække efter nut straights og flushes.
Og det er sgu tit disse hænder der skal til for at vinde de store familypots.
.... hvordan ser din handselection ud??? eller andres der spille disse borde?

30-06-2003 17:18 #6| 0

Hmm. Måske jeg skulle skrive en artikel på et tidspunkt omkring de her ting, for det er noget som mange begyndere har lidt svært ved.

Indtil det er gjort, så vil jeg sige at Riverjohns forslag givet her: er et rigtiogt fornuftigt udgangspunkt både for No foldem, og mere normale borde.

Det specielle ved No-foldem er at du kommer til at spille mange flere hænder fra late position end du vil gøre i et normalt spil. Dog mener jeg ikke at Es lille er spilbar fra nogen position!! Det samme gælder faktisk også for par 2 og par 3 (i det mindste for mig).

Men en god måde at finde ud af det på er at investere i og så simpelthen holde op med at spille de starthænder der giver underskud for de forskellige positioner.

02-07-2003 21:33 #7| 0

yihaaa for i frankrig nu oeeevv alle de penge man gaar glip af....c ya all at da tables

09-07-2003 19:36 #8| 0

Din hand selection lyder ganske glimrende til disse spil. Husk at pumpe potten på floppet når du har et godt draw.

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