Gumple og Slasquer på tour igen 2

#1| 0

Vi spiller følgende tours sammen i aften:

18.30 11€ - 2K på Ladbrokes
19.00 11$ 14K SuperStack på FTP
20.10 9$ - 5K på Party Poker

Buyin i alt: Ca. 68,00$

ITM i: 1/6

FT's: 0

Balance for aftenen: 57,06$

Vi smider lidt hænder, og sætter næsen op efter at cashe megastort :-)

Derudover kommer self også pausecounts i denne tråd.

Send skrub!

26-09-2010 17:25 #2| 0
18.30 11€ - 2K på Ladbrokes
1. UDE
Endelig placering: Ude tidligt som 173/216

19.00 11$ 14K SuperStack på FTP
1. 4815 Avr: 5933
2. UDE
Endelig placering:Ude som 2659/3407

20.10 9$ - 5K på Party Poker
1. 1795 Avr: 4398
2. UDE
Endelig placering: Ude som 239/695
26-09-2010 17:25 #3| 0
18.30 11€ - 2K på Ladbrokes
1. 2195 avr 4655

20.00 11$ DFG på STARS
1. 1917 avr 4208

20.10 9$ - 5K på Party Poker
1. 3697 avr 4398
2. 9829 avr 8987
3. 6300 avr 17,300
out, vandt 11,12

26-09-2010 19:53 #4| 0

** Hand # 3542840163 starting - 2010-09-26 18:51:02
** €2,000 GUARANTEED[3645897]:Table 3 [Multi Table Hold'em] (30|60 NL - MTT) Real Money

rastamanmick sitting in seat 1 with 2075.00
Pam0767 sitting in seat 2 with 1740.00
najl sitting in seat 3 with 2750.00
LasAllInKing sitting in seat 4 with 3045.00
kenla sitting in seat 5 with 580.00
artixX9 sitting in seat 6 with 2365.00
adam8181 sitting in seat 7 with 2825.00
MySavings sitting in seat 8 with 3240.00[Dealer]
Turbofantome sitting in seat 9 with 2680.00
Baver88 sitting in seat 10 with 3700.00
Turbofantome posted the small blind - 15.00
Baver88 posted the big blind - 30.00

** Dealing cards to LasAllInKing: Kh, As
rastamanmick folded
Pam0767 called - 30.00
najl folded
LasAllInKing raised to 120.00
kenla called - 120.00
artixX9 folded
adam8181 called - 120.00
MySavings called - 120.00
Turbofantome folded
Baver88 folded
Pam0767 called - 120.00

** Dealing the flop: 9s, Kd, Jh
Pam0767 checked
LasAllInKing bet - 360.00
kenla called - 360.00
adam8181 folded
MySavings folded
Pam0767 called - 360.00

** Dealing the turn: 8h
Pam0767 checked
LasAllInKing bet - 1710.00
kenla went all-in - 100.00
Pam0767 went all-in - 1260.00
Pam0767 shows: 10d, Qd
kenla shows: 7s, 10h

** Dealing the river: Ks
Pam0767 wins 2025.00 from the main pot
Pam0767 wins 2320.00 from side pot 1

26-09-2010 20:03 #5| 0

jeg tror egentlig han chaser et flush draw.. men sådan var det ikke... da det er 1 hånd så synes jeg simpelthen ikke jeg vil være bekendt at bappere skal betale for det.. så jeg finder en anden 11$ turnering og spiller den i stedet..

Full Tilt Poker Game #24218336331: Super Stack $14K Guarantee (187194530), Table 127 - 10/20 - No Limit Hold'em - 13:01:00 ET - 2010/09/26
Seat 1: muoi1 (5,000)
Seat 2: Stile2 (5,000)
Seat 3: rush25 (5,000)
Seat 4: power42 (5,000)
Seat 5: ami2605 (5,000)
Seat 7: FelipeBR (5,000)
Seat 8: mlionell (5,000)
Seat 9: Gumple79 (5,000)
muoi1 posts the small blind of 10
Stile2 posts the big blind of 20
The button is in seat #9
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Gumple79 [Ad Kd]
rush25 has 15 seconds left to act
rush25 folds
power42 calls 20
ami2605 calls 20
FelipeBR folds
mlionell folds
Gumple79 raises to 120
muoi1 folds
Stile2 has 15 seconds left to act
Stile2 folds
power42 calls 100
ami2605 calls 100
*** FLOP *** [2s Kh Th]
power42 has 15 seconds left to act
power42 bets 580
ami2605 calls 580
Gumple79 calls 580
*** TURN *** [2s Kh Th] [6d]
get raked sits down
power42 has 15 seconds left to act
power42 bets 2,000
ami2605 folds
Gumple79 raises to 4,300, and is all in
power42 calls 2,300, and is all in
Gumple79 shows [Ad Kd]
power42 shows [Kc Tc]
*** RIVER *** [2s Kh Th 6d] [Ks]
Gumple79 shows three of a kind, Kings
power42 shows a full house, Kings full of Tens
power42 wins the pot (10,730) with a full house, Kings full of Tens
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 10,730 | Rake 0
Board: [2s Kh Th 6d Ks]
Seat 1: muoi1 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: Stile2 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: rush25 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: power42 showed [Kc Tc] and won (10,730) with a full house, Kings full of Tens
Seat 5: ami2605 folded on the Turn
Seat 7: FelipeBR didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: mlionell didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: Gumple79 (button) showed [Ad Kd] and lost with three of a kind, Kings

26-09-2010 20:04 #6| 0

** Hand # 3542861769 starting - 2010-09-26 19:02:11
** €2,000 GUARANTEED[3645897]:Table 3 [Multi Table Hold'em] (50|100 NL - MTT) Real Money

rastamanmick sitting in seat 1 with 1280.00
Pam0767 sitting in seat 2 with 3160.00
najl sitting in seat 3 with 2810.00
LasAllInKing sitting in seat 4 with 2160.00
osvaldboell sitting in seat 5 with 1675.00[Sitting out]
artixX9 sitting in seat 6 with 2320.00
adam8181 sitting in seat 7 with 3350.00
MySavings sitting in seat 8 with 4635.00
Turbofantome sitting in seat 9 with 2620.00[Dealer]
Baver88 sitting in seat 10 with 3490.00
Baver88 posted the small blind - 25.00
rastamanmick posted the big blind - 50.00

** Dealing cards to LasAllInKing: Qh, Qc
Pam0767 called - 50.00
najl folded
LasAllInKing raised to 200.00
osvaldboell folded
artixX9 folded
adam8181 folded
MySavings folded
Turbofantome folded
Baver88 folded
rastamanmick went all-in - 1230.00
Pam0767 called - 1280.00
LasAllInKing went all-in - 1960.00
Pam0767 called - 2160.00
rastamanmick shows: Kd, Ah
Pam0767 shows: 7d, 7s

** Dealing the flop: 7h, 7c, 5s

** Dealing the turn: 6c

** Dealing the river: Qd
Pam0767 wins 3865.00 from the main pot
Pam0767 wins 1760.00 from side pot 1

26-09-2010 20:18 #7| 0

Jeg spiller DFG som erstatnings turnering

26-09-2010 20:54 #8| 0

forkert tidspunkt at tage en chance på

** Hand # 3542966517 starting - 2010-09-26 19:52:01
** €2,000 GUARANTEED[3645897]:Table 14 [Multi Table Hold'em] (200|400 NL - MTT) Real Money

O_Unit sitting in seat 1 with 11141.00
tmjo61 sitting in seat 2 with 1545.00[Sitting out]
Gumple sitting in seat 3 with 1701.00
FinalTables sitting in seat 4 with 14043.00
jobsworthbum sitting in seat 5 with 5683.00
finanskris sitting in seat 7 with 1009.00[Dealer]
komix0 sitting in seat 8 with 4428.00
pichis69 sitting in seat 9 with 3335.00
FreddyFup sitting in seat 10 with 3615.00
komix0 posted the small blind - 100.00
pichis69 posted the big blind - 200.00

** Dealing cards to Gumple: Jd, 10d
FreddyFup folded
O_Unit folded
tmjo61 folded
Gumple went all-in - 1701.00
FinalTables called - 1701.00
jobsworthbum folded
finanskris folded
komix0 folded
pichis69 folded
FinalTables shows: Qd, Qh

** Dealing the flop: 2d, 2h, 5c

** Dealing the turn: 5h

** Dealing the river: 2c
FinalTables wins 3702.00 from the main pot

26-09-2010 21:17 #9| 0

Ude i Superstack - ØV!

Full Tilt Poker Game #24220473197: Super Stack $14K Guarantee (187194530), Table 32 - 40/80 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:14:46 ET - 2010/09/26
Seat 1: X-moro-X (8,460)
Seat 2: CB dott (4,920)
Seat 3: komtibi (9,860)
Seat 4: BettyBoothroyd8 (5,340)
Seat 5: LasAllIn (5,055)
Seat 6: mareve (13,025)
Seat 7: RookXPY (3,950)
Seat 8: rmwtdw (4,320)
Seat 9: jaroene (6,030)
CB dott posts the small blind of 40
komtibi posts the big blind of 80
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to LasAllIn [Kd Ad]
BettyBoothroyd8 folds
LasAllIn has 15 seconds left to act
LasAllIn raises to 240
mareve folds
RookXPY folds
rmwtdw folds
jaroene folds
X-moro-X has 15 seconds left to act
X-moro-X folds
CB dott folds
komtibi calls 160
*** FLOP *** [9s Ah 8s]
komtibi has 15 seconds left to act
komtibi bets 520
LasAllIn calls 520
*** TURN *** [9s Ah 8s] [5h]
komtibi has 15 seconds left to act
komtibi bets 960
LasAllIn raises to 4,295, and is all in
komtibi calls 3,335
LasAllIn shows [Kd Ad]
komtibi shows [As 3s]
*** RIVER *** [9s Ah 8s 5h] [4s]
LasAllIn shows a pair of Aces
komtibi shows a flush, Ace high
komtibi wins the pot (10,150) with a flush, Ace high
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 10,150 | Rake 0
Board: [9s Ah 8s 5h 4s]
Seat 1: X-moro-X (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: CB dott (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: komtibi (big blind) showed [As 3s] and won (10,150) with a flush, Ace high
Seat 4: BettyBoothroyd8 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: LasAllIn showed [Kd Ad] and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 6: mareve didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: RookXPY didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: rmwtdw didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: jaroene didn't bet (folded)

26-09-2010 21:28 #10| 0

Hey drenge, mine erfaringer på Ladbrokes/PLP/eller hvilket micro site at man på de tidligere niveauer lige skyder 1-2bb mere på de gode handsker.

Folk er ret meget callish i de mindre tours, og som i har bemærket fik jo et vel af callers med og det kan give store problemer.

Jeg ønsker jer GL iaften!

26-09-2010 22:00 #11| 0

OK Noller, og tak! - Det vil jeg prøve, og ja går ud fra at det specielt er AK hånden....... Ville forøvrigt gerne have sat lidt flere hænder ind fra Party, men kan ikke lige hitte ud af det :-) - Håber det går!

26-09-2010 22:57 #12| 0

ffs da

PokerStars Game #50211981245: Tournament #332010497, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (125/250) - 2010/09/26 21:53:43 CET [2010/09/26 15:53:43 ET]
Table '332010497 298' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: bluechedder (10487 in chips)
Seat 2: TREZM0 (6300 in chips)
Seat 3: Mikeelectric (6019 in chips)
Seat 4: tke936 (2285 in chips)
Seat 5: IGOREK-EYSK (7070 in chips)
Seat 6: madken1 (2249 in chips)
Seat 7: jonb10188 (6812 in chips)
Seat 8: Gumple (4365 in chips)
Seat 9: AA TURON AA (17396 in chips)
bluechedder: posts the ante 30
TREZM0: posts the ante 30
Mikeelectric: posts the ante 30
tke936: posts the ante 30
IGOREK-EYSK: posts the ante 30
madken1: posts the ante 30
jonb10188: posts the ante 30
Gumple: posts the ante 30
AA TURON AA: posts the ante 30
Mikeelectric: posts small blind 125
tke936: posts big blind 250
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Gumple [Qh Qd]
madken1: folds
jonb10188: raises 500 to 750
Gumple: raises 3585 to 4335 and is all-in
AA TURON AA: folds
bluechedder: folds
TREZM0: calls 4335
Mikeelectric: folds
tke936: folds
jonb10188: folds
*** FLOP *** [6h 2h Js]
*** TURN *** [6h 2h Js] [Ac]
*** RIVER *** [6h 2h Js Ac] [2s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Gumple: shows [Qh Qd] (two pair, Queens and Deuces)
TREZM0: shows [Jd Ad] (two pair, Aces and Jacks)
TREZM0 collected 10065 from pot
Gumple finished the tournament in 3562nd place
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 10065 | Rake 0
Board [6h 2h Js Ac 2s]
Seat 1: bluechedder folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: TREZM0 (button) showed [Jd Ad] and won (10065) with two pair, Aces and Jacks
Seat 3: Mikeelectric (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 4: tke936 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 5: IGOREK-EYSK folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: madken1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: jonb10188 folded before Flop
Seat 8: Gumple showed [Qh Qd] and lost with two pair, Queens and Deuces
Seat 9: AA TURON AA folded before Flop (didn't bet)

26-09-2010 22:59 #13| 0


Ude på Party med KK som gudhjælpemig kaldes af A10o - Hånd fra HEM

***** Hand History for Game 9671108409 ***** (Party)
Tourney Hand NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, September 26, 03:52:48 ET 2010
Table 5K Gtd (2019575) Table 7 (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Seat 1: Bredko666 ( $5046.00 USD )
Seat 8: MyMoneyIsUrs ( $5315.00 USD )
Seat 4: NIK_GR_ ( $19592.00 USD )
Seat 10: Trolly0803 ( $8406.00 USD )
Seat 2: eigue ( $11425.00 USD )
Seat 6: jedgell ( $8724.00 USD )
Seat 5: ocramatur ( $5345.00 USD )
Seat 9: slaske99 ( $7015.00 USD )
Seat 3: taylby99 ( $17510.00 USD )
Seat 7: udrc9 ( $1343.00 USD )
Trolly0803 posts small blind [$100.00 USD].
Bredko666 posts big blind [$200.00 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to slaske99 [ Ks Kh ]
Bredko666 posts ante of [$20.00 USD].
MyMoneyIsUrs posts ante of [$20.00 USD].
NIK_GR_ posts ante of [$20.00 USD].
Trolly0803 posts ante of [$20.00 USD].
eigue posts ante of [$20.00 USD].
jedgell posts ante of [$20.00 USD].
ocramatur posts ante of [$20.00 USD].
slaske99 posts ante of [$20.00 USD].
taylby99 posts ante of [$20.00 USD].
udrc9 posts ante of [$20.00 USD].
eigue folds
taylby99 raises [$800.00 USD]
NIK_GR_ folds
ocramatur folds
jedgell calls [$800.00 USD]
udrc9 folds
MyMoneyIsUrs folds
slaske99 raises [$6995.00 USD]
Trolly0803 folds
Bredko666 folds
taylby99 calls [$6195.00 USD]
jedgell folds
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8c, Ac, 7d ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 3c ]
** Dealing River ** [ 4s ]
taylby99 shows [Tc, Ad ]
slaske99 shows [Ks, Kh ]
taylby99 wins $15290.00 USD from main pot

27-09-2010 00:40 #14| 0

ude på party

KK vs QQ :(

har haft KK 5 eller6 gange og tabt HVER gang... så er det sku ikke nemt

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