sick latterlig test, angående ludomani, denne skulle være gearet til pokerspillere.
1. Do you play for stakes that you know are too high?
obv ja, skud skal tages.
2. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are behind?
3. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are ahead?
nope, sick leak at have btw.
4. When you lose, is it often because of bad beats rather than your own bad play?
øhmmm wtf, ja obv.
5. Do you often get angry at other players at the table, for such things as slowing down the game?
6. Have you gone on tilt more than once?
7. When you are losing, do you increase your bets to try to get even?
8. Do you often stay in too many hands?
9. Do you drink a lot, sometimes going on binges?
obv, men hvad har det med poker at gøre
10. Do you sometimes forget important social obligations, because you are playing?
nope, hvis de er vigtige skal jeg nok møde op. definationen af vigtige er dog nok lidt løs.
11. Have you misled or lied to your family, friends or at work about how much poker you play?
nope, kun kæresten.
12. Are you increasingly using the ATM?
ja, men igen, hvad har det med poker at gøre.
13. Have you lied to get money to play poker?
14. Do you feel bad about things you have done because of poker?
njahh lidt måske, ik altid familien/kæresten får så stor opmærksomhed
15. Are you more interested in poker than sex?
16. Do you feel you always have to be in action, even when you are not playing poker, so that you often bet on games and propositions that are more luck than skill?
16 spørgsmål til pokerspilleren
Næ. Nærmere det modsatte, BRM freak.
2. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are behind?
Næ, kun sket en enkelt gang. -8 buyins på 1k hænder :x
3. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are ahead?
4. When you lose, is it often because of bad beats rather than your own bad play?
5/95 - 95 til badbeat siden.
5. Do you often get angry at other players at the table, for such things as slowing down the game?
Næ, 12 tabling ftw.
6. Have you gone on tilt more than once?
7. When you are losing, do you increase your bets to try to get even?
8. Do you often stay in too many hands?
Næ. Spiller det jeg har lyst til.
9. Do you drink a lot, sometimes going on binges?
10. Do you sometimes forget important social obligations, because you are playing?
11. Have you misled or lied to your family, friends or at work about how much poker you play?
12. Are you increasingly using the ATM?
Næ, har ingen penge.
13. Have you lied to get money to play poker?
14. Do you feel bad about things you have done because of poker?
15. Are you more interested in poker than sex?
16. Do you feel you always have to be in action, even when you are not playing poker, so that you often bet on games and propositions that are more luck than skill?
1. Do you play for stakes that you know are too high?
Tja, BRM er blevet bedre, men der skydes da over, men med måde
2. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are behind?
3. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are ahead?
nope, sick leak at have btw.
4. When you lose, is it often because of bad beats rather than your own bad play?
øhmmm wtf, ja obv.
5. Do you often get angry at other players at the table, for such things as slowing down the game?
6. Have you gone on tilt more than once?
7. When you are losing, do you increase your bets to try to get even?
8. Do you often stay in too many hands?
9. Do you drink a lot, sometimes going on binges?
obv, men hvad har det med poker at gøre
10. Do you sometimes forget important social obligations, because you are playing?
nope, hvis de er vigtige skal jeg nok møde op. definationen af vigtige er dog nok lidt løs.
11. Have you misled or lied to your family, friends or at work about how much poker you play?
12. Are you increasingly using the ATM?
13. Have you lied to get money to play poker?
14. Do you feel bad about things you have done because of poker?
15. Are you more interested in poker than sex?
njaah, hver ting til sin tid (måske fordi jeg har noget at forbedre i poker ;)
16. Do you feel you always have to be in action, even when you are not playing poker, so that you often bet on games and propositions that are more luck than skill?
Ikk specielt
Fjollet, men tak til live for lån af en del svar
1. Do you play for stakes that you know are too high?
Det sker men oftest på tilt - nok ikke så godt
2. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are behind?
Ja - uheld kan jo ikke fortsætte - har dog en tilt tendens.
3. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are ahead?
nej - må være et leak som de andre siger.
4. When you lose, is it often because of bad beats rather than your own bad play?
Kombi - i øjeblikket nok mest dårlig spil :-(
5. Do you often get angry at other players at the table, for such things as slowing down the game?
6. Have you gone on tilt more than once?
faktisk på tilt pause nu...
7. When you are losing, do you increase your bets to try to get even?
nogen gange, men sjældent.
8. Do you often stay in too many hands?
ja dårligt spil
9. Do you drink a lot, sometimes going on binges?
kender ikke ordet(binges), men har skåret ned på mit druk :-)
10. Do you sometimes forget important social obligations, because you are playing?
Nej - men kan da godt udskyde events lidt hvis man er i skrub.
11. Have you misled or lied to your family, friends or at work about how much poker you play?
12. Are you increasingly using the ATM?
13. Have you lied to get money to play poker?
nej poker og privat økonomi er adskilt
14. Do you feel bad about things you have done because of poker?
15. Are you more interested in poker than sex?
kommer an på hendes udseende
16. Do you feel you always have to be in action, even when you are not playing poker, so that you often bet on games and propositions that are more luck than skill?
Fryden: hvor mange timer om dagen tænker på/har du sex ? og hvor mange timer om dagen tænker/spiller du på poker ? : O)
I rest my case
1. Do you play for stakes that you know are too high?
Nej, aldrig
2. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are behind?
lol, nej.
3. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are ahead?
4. When you lose, is it often because of bad beats rather than your own bad play?
Oftest bad beats, men hvad har det med ludomani at gøre?
5. Do you often get angry at other players at the table, for such things as slowing down the game?
6. Have you gone on tilt more than once?
Jep, men det er lang tid siden sidst.
7. When you are losing, do you increase your bets to try to get even?
8. Do you often stay in too many hands?
9. Do you drink a lot, sometimes going on binges?
10. Do you sometimes forget important social obligations, because you are playing?
11. Have you misled or lied to your family, friends or at work about how much poker you play?
12. Are you increasingly using the ATM?
13. Have you lied to get money to play poker?
14. Do you feel bad about things you have done because of poker?
15. Are you more interested in poker than sex?
16. Do you feel you always have to be in action, even when you are not playing poker, so that you often bet on games and propositions that are more luck than skill?
4/16. Vel ikke så slemt, især ikke da jeg ikke rigtigt mener at 2 af dem er relevante.
1. Do you play for stakes that you know are too high?
-Nej, aldrig
2. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are behind?
-Desværre ja, og ved det er et massivt leak
3. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are ahead?
-Nej, heldigvis ikke et problem
4. When you lose, is it often because of bad beats rather than your own bad play?
-Som jer andre mener jeg bestemt også at den her ikke hører til her, men ja, det mener jeg oftest det er.
5. Do you often get angry at other players at the table, for such things as slowing down the game?
-Nej, har jeg intet problem.
6. Have you gone on tilt more than once?
-Jep, desværre.
7. When you are losing, do you increase your bets to try to get even?
8. Do you often stay in too many hands?
9. Do you drink a lot, sometimes going on binges?
-Ja, alt for meget, men igen kan jeg ikke se hvad det har med ludomani at gøre.
10. Do you sometimes forget important social obligations, because you are playing?
11. Have you misled or lied to your family, friends or at work about how much poker you play?
12. Are you increasingly using the ATM?
13. Have you lied to get money to play poker?
14. Do you feel bad about things you have done because of poker?
15. Are you more interested in poker than sex?
-Nej, heldigvis ikke da.
16. Do you feel you always have to be in action, even when you are not playing poker, so that you often bet on games and propositions that are more luck than skill?
-Nej, men nok et problem mange har.
I rest my case
There are 3 kinds of lies, lies, damned lies and statistics. Du kunne jo, hvis du ønskede et andet resultat spørge: hvor mange gange om dagen, eller sætte det i forhold til hvor lang tid der bruges på tingene. Du kom aldrig helt til et eentydig svar mht. de der 5-10 minutter i går :)
En krig tager jo osse, som regel, længere tid end et topmøde!
"11. Have you misled or lied to your family, friends or at work about how much poker you play"?
nope, kun kæresten.
Er det ok siden det "kun" er kaersten?
Sorry to say it, men jeg kan tydeligt laese at din benaegtigelse staar stort i vejen for din videre helbredelse i flere af dine svar.
1. Do you play for stakes that you know are too high?
Nope, jeg er lidt af en bankroll management freak.
2. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are behind?
Nej. (:
3. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are ahead?
Nej. (:
4. When you lose, is it often because of bad beats rather than your own bad play?
99% bad beat, 1% bad choices
5. Do you often get angry at other players at the table, for such things as slowing down the game?
Nogle gange.
6. Have you gone on tilt more than once?
7. When you are losing, do you increase your bets to try to get even?
Nej. (:
8. Do you often stay in too many hands?
Nej. (:
9. Do you drink a lot, sometimes going on binges?
Nej. (:
10. Do you sometimes forget important social obligations, because you are playing?
Nej. (:
11. Have you misled or lied to your family, friends or at work about how much poker you play?
Nej. (:
12. Are you increasingly using the ATM?
Nej. (:
13. Have you lied to get money to play poker?
Nej. (:
14. Do you feel bad about things you have done because of poker?
Nej. (:
15. Are you more interested in poker than sex?
16. Do you feel you always have to be in action, even when you are not playing poker, so that you often bet on games and propositions that are more luck than skill?
Nimacos: ja det mener jeg er ok, hun har ingen forståelse for poker, er ikke interesseret heller, og har som sådan ikke noget med hende at gøre.
når vi går inde i byen siger jeg heller ikke at hende der går foran har en fantastisk røv, betyder det så at jeg skjuler noget for min kæreste ? eller bare har realitets sans ?
Jeg havde ikke forstillet mig du selv kunne se det.)
Folk i benaegtigelse kan som regel enten ikke selv se det, eller de vil ikke se det.
LOL: jeg er nok ca så langt fra en ludoman om en pokerspiller kan komme. ofte gider jeg ikke selv at spille, der synes jeg det er sjovt at have andre til at spille for mig, eller smide lit på en fodbold kamp, det er vist det hele.
har virkelig prøvet at tage mig sammen til at gå i gang med at spille i dag, men lysten mangler simpelthen, både Live og online, det er et arbejde, og intet andet.
are u for real ?
1. Do you play for stakes that you know are too high?
2. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are behind?
3. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are ahead?
4. When you lose, is it often because of bad beats rather than your own bad play?
5. Do you often get angry at other players at the table, for such things as slowing down the game?
6. Have you gone on tilt more than once?
7. When you are losing, do you increase your bets to try to get even?
8. Do you often stay in too many hands?
9. Do you drink a lot, sometimes going on binges?
10. Do you sometimes forget important social obligations, because you are playing?
11. Have you misled or lied to your family, friends or at work about how much poker you play?
12. Are you increasingly using the ATM?
13. Have you lied to get money to play poker?
14. Do you feel bad about things you have done because of poker?
15. Are you more interested in poker than sex?
16. Do you feel you always have to be in action, even when you are not playing poker, so that you often bet on games and propositions that are more luck than skill?
går udfra det er en level: men jeg kæmper for at kunne ligge nok timer i det hver uge til at leve bare nogenlunde ordenligt, har ca mellem 5-40k indtægt pr måned på poker, gennemsnitligt 20kish, så lever ikke godt af det, og ofte så hænger det mig langt ud af halsen. spiller 1k live tours og 10-50$ online, det er en grind og det sucks.
mange ting kan man kalde mig, de fleste tager jeg til mig, men ludoman er way off.
at jeg tiltider stikker kæresten en hvid løgn er en anden ting, men det er for at undgå skænderier, hvem gør ikke det ?
når hun står op klokken syv og spørger om jeg har spillet hele natten, nej skat, kunne bare ikke sove mere, eller jeg tager lidt cash game i pokerklubben eller kasino efter en tour, og hun spørger hvorfor jeg kommer sent hjem, får hun også en plade om at det var turen der trak ud. det er nu engang det letteste
1. Do you play for stakes that you know are too high?
2. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are behind?
3. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are ahead?
4. When you lose, is it often because of bad beats rather than your own bad play?
5. Do you often get angry at other players at the table, for such things as slowing down the game?
6. Have you gone on tilt more than once?
7. When you are losing, do you increase your bets to try to get even?
8. Do you often stay in too many hands?
9. Do you drink a lot, sometimes going on binges?
10. Do you sometimes forget important social obligations, because you are playing?
11. Have you misled or lied to your family, friends or at work about how much poker you play?
12. Are you increasingly using the ATM?
13. Have you lied to get money to play poker?
14. Do you feel bad about things you have done because of poker?
15. Are you more interested in poker than sex?
16. Do you feel you always have to be in action, even when you are not playing poker, so that you often bet on games and propositions that are more luck than skill?
Jeg kan også svare ja til det hele på nær:
15. Are you more interested in poker than sex?
dem der ikke kan svare ja til nr 15 må få for lidt sex imo.
zorro, dunno imo kan den ikke buges til noget.
1: Går poker udover din evne til at passe dit arbejde eller uddannelse
2: går poker udover dit forhold til familie, kone/kæreste venner, børn
3: har du spillet for lånte penge du ik havde råd til at tabe
4: har du løget dig til penge for at dække spillebehov
5: har du skabt "bundløs" gæld ved spil
6: spiller du selvom lysten ikke er der
7: lyver du for dig selv og andre om indtægter/udgifter ved spil
kan man svare ja til 3 af de ovenstående er man imo mild ludoman flere end 3 så er det små skidt.
nå, så klarer jeg mig fint... har kun 2 "ja" der :-P
og 6'eren er svær at undgå, når det er ens eneste indtægt :-)
1. Do you play for stakes that you know are too high?
nej. stram BRM.
2. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are behind?
har haft tendenser tidligere.
3. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are ahead?
4. When you lose, is it often because of bad beats rather than your own bad play?
mest bad beats.
5. Do you often get angry at other players at the table, for such things as slowing down the game?
meget sjældent.
6. Have you gone on tilt more than once?
ja. Men kun semi-tilt.
7. When you are losing, do you increase your bets to try to get even?
8. Do you often stay in too many hands?
9. Do you drink a lot, sometimes going on binges?
10. Do you sometimes forget important social obligations, because you are playing?
11. Have you misled or lied to your family, friends or at work about how much poker you play?
12. Are you increasingly using the ATM?
13. Have you lied to get money to play poker?
14. Do you feel bad about things you have done because of poker?
15. Are you more interested in poker than sex?
Bruger i hvert fald mere tid på poker.....
16. Do you feel you always have to be in action, even when you are not playing poker, so that you often bet on games and propositions that are more luck than skill?
Det var vel 2-5 "forkerte" svar. Er man så ludoman?
1. Do you play for stakes that you know are too high?
- Nej. Jeg sværger troskab til BRM - af og til i for stor grad, tror jeg.
2. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are behind?
- Nej. Jeg har forståelse for varians-princippet.
3. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are ahead?
- Eh, nej.
4. When you lose, is it often because of bad beats rather than your own bad play?
- 90/10 i bad beats "favør".
5. Do you often get angry at other players at the table, for such things as slowing down the game?
- Det skal godt nok ske til en absurd grad, før det går hen og irriterer mig.
6. Have you gone on tilt more than once?
- Ja, men det er aldrig vildt spewmonkeytilt. Jeg caller bare lightere (lol).
7. When you are losing, do you increase your bets to try to get even?
- Nope. Det er vist kun sket én gang, og det er ca. et år siden.
8. Do you often stay in too many hands?
- Nej, langt fra.
9. Do you drink a lot, sometimes going on binges?
- Ja, men ikke når jeg spiller poker.
10. Do you sometimes forget important social obligations, because you are playing?
- Nej. Så interessant er poker heller ikke.
11. Have you misled or lied to your family, friends or at work about how much poker you play?
- Nej. De har forståelse for, hvilket forhold jeg har til poker.
12. Are you increasingly using the ATM?
- Ikke ligefrem, nej.
13. Have you lied to get money to play poker?
- Heller ikke.
14. Do you feel bad about things you have done because of poker?
- Niksen biksen..
15. Are you more interested in poker than sex?
- Ja.
16. Do you feel you always have to be in action, even when you are not playing poker, so that you often bet on games and propositions that are more luck than skill?
- Nej, det føler jeg ikke, men jeg må da indrømme, jeg er begyndt at sportsbette mere o.lign.
1. Do you play for stakes that you know are too high?
2. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are behind?
Spiller kun MTT så må forlade bordet, når jeg er slået.
3. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are ahead?
Spiller kun MTT så må først forlade bordet, når jeg er slået eller har vundet turneringen.
4. When you lose, is it often because of bad beats rather than your own bad play?
Når jeg ryger ud af en turnering, sker det ret sjældent på grund bad beats eller dårligt spil. Meget ofte ryger jeg all-in dikteret af spil-scenariet, og villain kalder dikteret af spilscenariet, eller omvendt. Når spil-scenariet dikterer action sent i MTTs, hvor M er høj, så handler det meget sjældent om bad beats eller bad play (fra min side).
5. Do you often get angry at other players at the table, for such things as slowing down the game?
Aldrig. Det er en del af den psykologiske del af spillet. Hvis jeg opdager, at en anden spiller lader sig påvirke i negativ retning af langsomt spil, går jeg straks i snegle-mode og lukker ned for chatten. Live kunne jeg aldrig finde på at gøre det.
6. Have you gone on tilt more than once?
Næh, jeg mangler vist tilt-genet. Jeg kan da godt blive ophidset, hvis jeg på grummeste vis bliver suget ud af den tredje MTT i rap på en aften, men hvorfor begynde at spille dårligt af den grund? Det forstår jeg ikke? Men hvis jeg tænker mig godt om og sætter hukommelsen på arbejde, så kan jeg godt huske nogle tilt-episoder fra år tilbage, hvor jeg spillede cash.
7. When you are losing, do you increase your bets to try to get even?
8. Do you often stay in too many hands?
Nogle gange er det er del af min strategi, idet jeg håber det kan fremkalde nogle tyrekald senere i turneringen.
9. Do you drink a lot, sometimes going on binges?
Da jeg var yngre, drak jeg da meget engang imellem, men aldrig mere end at jeg ville kunne klare noget action, hvis den rette pige bød sig til. Så mens flere af de andre drenge fortsatte drukorgiet fortsatte jeg ofte med andre aktiviteter.
10. Do you sometimes forget important social obligations, because you are playing?
Nej, det er ikke sket endnu, men jeg vil ikke blive overrasket, hvis det sker en enkelt gang.
11. Have you misled or lied to your family, friends or at work about how much poker you play?
Næh, de kan jo sådan set se, at jeg sidder og spiller, men der er da nogle, som jeg ikke mener, at det rager dem, at jeg spiller poker. Har dog aldrig skammet mig over at være lidenskabelig spiller af poker og andre spil.
12. Are you increasingly using the ATM?
ATM = At the moment
ATM = Ass to mouth
ATM = Asyncronous transfer mode
ATM = Automated teller machine
ATM = Doing the same thing to investors
Der må være en sjette betydning af ATM, som jeg ikke lige kender til.
13. Have you lied to get money to play poker?
Når jeg spiller poker er det en fornøjelse, og det kan aldrig være en fornøjelse at spille for noget man har stjålet eller løjet sig til. Det kan man så godt, men det kræver et gen, som jeg ikke besidder.
14. Do you feel bad about things you have done because of poker?
15. Are you more interested in poker than sex?
Nej, og frygter dagen, hvor det sker!!
16. Do you feel you always have to be in action, even when you are not playing poker, so that you often bet on games and propositions that are more luck than skill?
Nej, jeg lider ikke af ADHD eller en kombination af ADHD og ludomani. Men jeg kan da godt ubevidst sidde og ryste med benene under bordet samt tænke på pokerspil, hvis situationen er kedelig og ikke til at slippe væk fra.
1. Do you play for stakes that you know are too high?
Nej, egentlig ikke :)
2. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are behind?
Nej, ikke rigtigt.
3. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are ahead?
4. When you lose, is it often because of bad beats rather than your own bad play?
ja, ofc
5. Do you often get angry at other players at the table, for such things as slowing down the game?
Det sker
6. Have you gone on tilt more than once?
7. When you are losing, do you increase your bets to try to get even?
Nej :D
8. Do you often stay in too many hands?
hmmm.... naahhh, definitionen på mange for mange hænder?? :s
9. Do you drink a lot, sometimes going on binges?
drikker ikke lige frem voldsomt meget, men det sker.
10. Do you sometimes forget important social obligations, because you are playing?
Nej, det vil jeg ikke mene, siger ikke nej til en bytur eller andet skæg på grund af poker
11. Have you misled or lied to your family, friends or at work about how much poker you play?
Nej !
12. Are you increasingly using the ATM?
forstår ikke dette spørgsmål
13. Have you lied to get money to play poker?
Nope !
14. Do you feel bad about things you have done because of poker?
overhovedet ikke.
15. Are you more interested in poker than sex?
ca 50/50
16. Do you feel you always have to be in action, even when you are not playing poker, so that you often bet on games and propositions that are more luck than skill?
næææææææh xD
@Holstt og n1co18:
ATM betyder hæveautomat. :-)
1. Do you play for stakes that you know are too high?
2. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are behind?
Nej, tværtimod.
3. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are ahead?
Hvorfor pokker skulle man dog det?!??
4. When you lose, is it often because of bad beats rather than your own bad play?
Begge. I øvrigt et underligt formuleret spørgsmål; hvad menes der med 'often'?
5. Do you often get angry at other players at the table, for such things as slowing down the game?
6. Have you gone on tilt more than once?
7. When you are losing, do you increase your bets to try to get even?
8. Do you often stay in too many hands?
Kun når jeg er på tilt.
9. Do you drink a lot, sometimes going on binges?
Nej, er kendt for at være lidt kedelig hvad den slags angår.
10. Do you sometimes forget important social obligations, because you are playing?
11. Have you misled or lied to your family, friends or at work about how much poker you play?
12. Are you increasingly using the ATM?
13. Have you lied to get money to play poker?
14. Do you feel bad about things you have done because of poker?
15. Are you more interested in poker than sex?
Selvfølgelig er jeg da det!
16. Do you feel you always have to be in action, even when you are not playing poker, so that you often bet on games and propositions that are more luck than skill?
Nej, kan ikke se pointen i den slags spil.
1. Do you play for stakes that you know are too high?
- Nej.
2. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are behind?
- nej
3. Do you sometimes feel you can't quit because you are ahead?
- Eh, ja.
4. When you lose, is it often because of bad beats rather than your own bad play?
- sometimes?
5. Do you often get angry at other players at the table, for such things as slowing down the game?
- ikke ofte
6. Have you gone on tilt more than once?
- Ja
7. When you are losing, do you increase your bets to try to get even?
- Nope.
8. Do you often stay in too many hands?
- Nej
9. Do you drink a lot, sometimes going on binges?
- Nej
10. Do you sometimes forget important social obligations, because you are playing?
- Nej
11. Have you misled or lied to your family, friends or at work about how much poker you play?
- ja
12. Are you increasingly using the ATM?
- nej
13. Have you lied to get money to play poker?
- nej
14. Do you feel bad about things you have done because of poker?
15. Are you more interested in poker than sex?
- Ja.
16. Do you feel you always have to be in action, even when you are not playing poker, so that you often bet on games and propositions that are more luck than skill?