188bet suspendrerer konto og beholder vundne penge

#1| 0

Hey PN,

Jeg oprettede igår en konto hos 188bet for at placere et væddemål til odds 1.54. Jeg satte 100$ ind via NetEller og satte dette derpå.

Dette væddemål er så gået hjem.

Idag står min konto så meget mærkeligt i -46 dollars.

Men det korte af det lange er, at 188bet har nu suspenderet min konto og vil refundere de 100$ mens de beholder de 54$ som jeg har vundet på væddemålet.

Dette pga. at jeg har oprettet en konto hos dem hvor jeg angivet mit navn som værende Anders og så mit mellemnavn. Mens min NetEller konto er registrere som Anders og så mit sidste efternavn.

Jeg har 2 efternavne og jeg har så angivet et forskelligt hvertsted, og dette har jeg gjort fordi neteller ville have mit sidste efternavn, mens 188bet ville have mit family name.

Hvad fanden sker der lige her, det kan de sgu da ikke?

Her er mail udvekslingen: (Læs hvertfald den sidste mail fra 188sport.)

"Hello 188bet,

My account is at the moment in -46 US dollars, which I dont understand at all.

I have deposited 100$, and I have placed this deposit on a wager with 1,54 in odds, and this held home. Therefore my account should be in +154$. But it is strangely -46$.

If i go to "my account" -> statement -> and chooses "adjustements" I can see that there is some kind of reversal deposit adjustment at the amount of 200$ and that the status is pending. I dont know what this is.

The only thing I have done was to deposit 100$.

Can you please look into this?"

"Thank you for choosing 188BET.

We acknowledge receipt of your email inquiry with regard to your Account Balance. Please be informed that deposit adjustment has been made to your account due to you have used a Neteller Third Party Account when you have deposited with us with transaction ID DNET10020702487 amounting to USD 100.00."

"I don't understand your answer.

I have deposited 100$ to my account and won a bet so that I should have 154$ in my account. Instead I have - 46$. That can't be right?"

"Thank you for choosing 188BET.

We acknowledge receipt of your email with regard to the available funds on your account. To clarify this concern, we would like to inform you that as per further checking, it was found out that there is a discrepancy in the account names on your 188BET account and your Neteller account. Note, that you need to use an account with the same credentials as your 188BET to avoid such delays. Your funds are currently at USD -46.00 until the adjustments have been completed. Once done, you should have USD 0.00 on your 188BET account and the USD 100.00 should be return/refunded to the account you used to make the deposit from. You may fund your account again, provided that you use an account with same information/credentials as your 188BET account. As per our Terms and Conditions, The account name must be the same as the Name given in the member's registration process. 188BET reserve the right to withhold settlement of transaction should there be discrepancies between the account name and the Name given in the member's registration process. You may refer to our Terms and Conditions or our Help page for more information. You will receive an update or a notification through your registered email address once the funds have been returned to the account you used to make the deposit from.

With regard to the transaction ID you have provided, unfortunately, we were not able to locate this on our systems. Rest assured, that this is not the cause of the issue, but instead, the account name of the account that was used to make a deposit."

"There is no discrepancy.

My name is Anders ****** *********

My neteller account is registred with Anders ********* (Because they wanted my last name)

My 188bet account is registred with Anders ****** (Because you wanted my family name, and that is "******".)

Furthermore, my neteller account is registred in another email and that is because I had to make a new neteller account one year ago or so, because my other was defect. Therefore I had to registrer another mail."

"Thank you for choosing 188BET.

We acknowledge receipt of your email with regard to the available funds on your account. Please note that as per our Terms and Conditions, “The account name must be the same as the Name given in the member's registration process. 188BET reserve the right to withhold settlement of transaction should there be discrepancies between the account name and the Name given in the member's registration process”. This means that we will only accept deposit from accounts which have the same and exact credentials as that of the registered information given by the user on the website. Furthermore, your funds are currently at USD -46.00 until the adjustments have been completed. Once done, you should have USD 0.00 on your 188BET account and the USD 100.00, which was your initial deposit, should be returned/refunded to the account you used to make the deposit from. The USD 54.00 that you won would automatically be forfeited. You may refer to our Terms and Conditions for more information."

Hvad er det her for noget?

08-02-2010 15:42 #2| 0

Gad vide om de havde refunderet de 100$, hvis du havde tabt væddemålet?

- Kan dog ikke hjælpe dig med dit problem, kan kun støtte op om at det virker helt ude i hampen..

Held og lykke med at få dine $.

08-02-2010 15:49 #3| 0

Altså du burde vel kunne få dem hvis du kan vise noget id med de 3 navne og forklare dem det.

08-02-2010 15:52 #4| 0

Har ikke læst det hele, men jeg ville bare ringe derind, meget nemmere. Scandicbookmakers lavede noget lign. med mig, fik så fat i en svensk dame, der knapt nok forstod dansk, men vi fik på nærmest kodesprog ordnet det :)

08-02-2010 15:54 #5| 0
ROI: 102.23% (171)

Det ser ud som om det er nævnt i T&Cs. Jeg har af og til samme problemstilling da jeg ofte bruger mit fornavn+mellemnavn. Dog har det ikke givet problemer nogen stedet. Men tænker da over det, når der står navn på konto skal stemme overens med navn på kortet. På mit visa står der i øvrigt fornavn x. efternavn hvor x er første bogstav i mit mellemnavn. For at det skal være rigtig sjovt :)

Selvom det ikke er standard i mine øjne, lyder det som om de er dækket ind via T&Cs. Spørg dem evt. om du ikke kan ændre navnet på kontoen og verificere dette. Ellers er det vel blot at acceptere refund.

Hvad de havde gjort ved tabt væddemål er lidt svært at gisne om, tror dog ikke de går efter $100 og vurderer hver enkelt om de skal svindle ved vundet første væddemål.

De er nok bare lidt hårdere på security, hvilket til syvende og sidst jo er et plus.

PS: Har i øvrigt bemærket de har høje odds, men er ikke een af de bookies jeg har vurderet troværdig nok til at åbne konto hos. Kan ikke huske hvorfor præcist.

08-02-2010 15:56 #6| 0


Men det er sgu en super bookmaker imo, de er dog SUPER strikse med kontrol af ID osv.

Jeg oplevede selv at min konto hos dem gik i 0, så sendte jeg det ind de krævede og ganske kort tid efter var kontoen opdateret.

08-02-2010 15:58 #7| 0

@ Fryden

Jamen hvordan kan de være dækket ind? Jeg har jo angivet det efternavn som de bedte mig om begge steder.

Jeg synes det er vanvittigt det her..

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