2+2 Thread - Most absurd thinking.....

#1| 0

Vi havde en lign. tråd her på PN for et stykke tid siden.. Denne er dog priceless..

En ven via MSN gjorde mig så opmærksom på denne tråd:


"Heads up pre-flop. Lady: I think you have aces but I call. Me: Why did you call if you think he has aces? Lady: Well, if he has aces, my 4-4 is about the same as K-K there. And there is no way I am folding K-K pre-flop. "

"I once heard a guy talk about how if we won 2 satellites to a WPT event he wouldn't sell the second seat. He explained how selling the second seat would be stupid because "that would be just another player I'd have to knock out." He wasn't joking. "

"I'll spare the gory details of the hand. The board is J52KK. I bet the river, get called, and table my JJ. The large woman who called me shows KT. Her: You're lucky that river paired the board. If it didn't my trips would have been good. Me: If the river didn't pair the board you wouldn't have had trips. She ponders what I said for 20 seconds. Her: (genuinely impressed) Wow, you're smart! "

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22-06-2009 04:27 #2| 0

I forhold til hvor få 2+2 tråde der bliver postet på PN, så er det småskidt at man ikke lige kigger efter om den allerede er her.
Derudover er tråden ikke nær så sjov og epic, som så mange tidligere 2p2-tråde ... imo.

22-06-2009 05:08 #3| 0

nå det havde jeg sgu ikke lige set, sry for that..

dog ikke enig i at den er ikke er sjov - ok måske ikke "epic" men værd at poste på PN som jeg forstår allerede er blevet gjort- så der er jeg ikke helt off:D

22-06-2009 07:27 #4| 0
"Heads up pre-flop. Lady: I think you have aces but I call. Me: Why did you call if you think he has aces? Lady: Well, if he has aces, my 4-4 is about the same as K-K there. And there is no way I am folding K-K pre-flop. "

Jeg synes den er SÅ fed!
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