Hej PokerNet.
Som en del af den service vi ønsker at levere med vores større partnere, så har vi efterhånden fået en del supportprofiler på banen herinde.
24hPoker er ingen undtagelse, og profilen 24hPoker er nu oprettet. Han hedder Sami Kurvinen, født i Finland, men er svensk. Hvis i har nogen som helst problemer med 24hPoker, så er han manden der holder svarene. Han er en flink fyr, og bider ikke, så tag endelig kontakt til ham.
Velkommen til!
MVH Skod
24hPoker supportprofil på PokerNet
Velkommen til Sami fra den gule fisk også! Sami er en meget respekteret mend i branchen, og dygtig til at hive i de rigtige tråde på de rigtige tidspunkter, så det er en stor gevinst for PokerNet!
Hi PokerNet,
Thanks for that introduction Skod.
I'm happy to have been invited to participate in this forum to get to know the players in Denmark on a closer level. Unfortunately my danish language skills are not as good as I would like it to be so I will write here in English instead. Hope that you guys don't mind that. Ok, I will try to improve my danish with time and then maybe try to write something in Danish for you later. ;)
My name is Sami Kurvinen and I am the affiliate manager for 24hPoker.com. I have also been playing poker myself from 2004 until today. I also played professionally for two years between 2007-2009. Me, like probably the most of you here, love the game of poker and now when I am on the other side of the table I would like to offer our players the absolute best service and experience as possible. I think of myself when I was playing poker regularly and how I wanted things to be and how to be treated from the companies and I want to provide you with that service that I myself was missing.
As you most probably have seen we put a lot of effort in our monthly promotions to our players at 24hPoker.com. In February we offer our players an exclusive private 220 000 rake race and also a private 1500 rake race only for the players from here, PokerNet.dk.
You are all welcome of course to try out our Poker room and if you have any questions or something that you are wondering about just get back to me here and I will reply to you as soon as possible.
Looking forward to hearing from you and to be involved in this community and to learn from you guys.
Best regards,
Sami Kurvinen
Affiliate manager
iGame Ltd / 24hPoker.com
One more thing..
Of course you can write to me in Danish because it is so much easier to read it, then to write it :)
Best regards,
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