3,3$ 5k og 2,2$ 8k lukket

#1| 0

Jeg tager et par heste til disse to turneringer..

3,30$ 5k gtd kl 18.00
2,20$ 8k gtd turbo kl 19.40

total bi 5,50$

deal 50/50 efter de 5,50 bi

kom frisk

11-10-2009 16:07 #2| 0

Jeg er frisk..Også selvom det er begge to :)



11-10-2009 16:09 #3| 0

polarisdk er klar til god indsats


11-10-2009 16:24 #4| 0

Hej Gumple :)
Jeg vil super gerne spille for dig.
Jeg arbejder med at skifte gear, det gør jeg fordi det ikke er nok for mig at cashe, jeg vil meget dybere end tidligere og der tror er en af de vigtige ting for mig.


Mvh Kasper

11-10-2009 16:33 #5| 0

Jeg tagr gerne 2.20 turboen. Jeg har spillet den et par gange og kommer over halvdelen af gangene i pengene. Nick: Ulykkesfugl

11-10-2009 17:09 #6| 0

Jamen i er alle på.. sender 5,50$ til


og så 2,20 til


GL til jer

11-10-2009 17:14 #7| 0

Tak for chancen :)

11-10-2009 17:15 #8| 0


11-10-2009 17:20 #9| 0

ty m/r - hvordan vil du have handhistory?

11-10-2009 17:21 #10| 0

1 og sidste og pause status..

Held og lykke:)

11-10-2009 18:08 #11| 0

tak for stake..

M/R til begge..

11-10-2009 18:49 #12| 0

Tjek pm gumple

11-10-2009 18:50 #13| 0

Gl til teamet

11-10-2009 19:01 #15| 0

1. hånd i 3,3

PokerStars Game #33903265874: Tournament #200030377, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 2009/10/11 18:00:01 CET [2009/10/11 12:00:01 ET]
Table '200030377 128' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Arand (3000 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 2: HodyCZ (3000 in chips)
Seat 3: playalong (3000 in chips)
Seat 4: POLARISDK (3000 in chips)
Seat 5: jackyholland (3000 in chips)
Seat 6: seba760 (3000 in chips)
Seat 7: Ronakos (3000 in chips)
Seat 8: m & m NJ (3000 in chips)
Seat 9: wrenchin'69 (3000 in chips)
HodyCZ: posts small blind 10
playalong: posts big blind 20
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to POLARISDK [6h 6s]
POLARISDK: calls 20
jackyholland: folds
Arand is connected
Arand has returned
seba760 has timed out
seba760: folds
seba760 is sitting out
Ronakos: folds
m & m NJ: folds
seba760 has returned
wrenchin'69: calls 20
Arand: folds
HodyCZ: calls 10
playalong: checks
*** FLOP *** [3d 3s Jc]
HodyCZ: checks
playalong: checks
wrenchin'69: checks
*** TURN *** [3d 3s Jc] [Ts]
HodyCZ: checks
playalong: checks
wrenchin'69: bets 40
HodyCZ: folds
playalong: folds
Uncalled bet (40) returned to wrenchin'69
wrenchin'69 collected 80 from pot
wrenchin'69: doesn't show hand
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 80 | Rake 0
Board [3d 3s Jc Ts]
Seat 1: Arand (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: HodyCZ (small blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 3: playalong (big blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 4: POLARISDK folded on the Turn
Seat 5: jackyholland folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: seba760 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: Ronakos folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: m & m NJ folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: wrenchin'69 collected (80)

11-10-2009 19:01 #14| 0

1 i 3,3 $
PokerStars Spil #33903265739: Turnering#200030377, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 11/10/2009 12:00:01 ET
Bord '200030377 14' 9-max Knappen er på plads #1
Plads 1: 1 hecht (3000 i chips)
Plads 2: Cibao1 (3000 i chips)
Plads 3: MuiMuiBueno (3000 i chips)
Plads 4: SeKeR~DMoN (3000 i chips)
Plads 5: Juanal07 (3000 i chips)
Plads 6: HHIED (3000 i chips)
Plads 7: EURI35 (3000 i chips)
Plads 8: Torsiev (3000 i chips)
Plads 9: 2dumb2fold2u (3000 i chips)
Cibao1: poster small blind 10
MuiMuiBueno: poster big blind 20
*** KORT ***
Givet til HHIED [Kd 5s]
SeKeR~DMoN: folder
Juanal07: kalder 20
HHIED: folder
EURI35: folder
Torsiev: folder
2dumb2fold2u: folder
1 hecht: kalder 20
Cibao1: folder
MuiMuiBueno: checker
*** FLOP *** [4d Ah 6d]
MuiMuiBueno: checker
Juanal07: better 40
1 hecht: folder
MuiMuiBueno: folder
Ikke callet bet (40) returneret til Juanal07
Juanal07 vandt 70 fra potten
Juanal07: viser ikke sin hånd
*** RESUMÈ ***
Pot i alt: 70 | Rake 0
Bord [4d Ah 6d]
Plads 1: 1 hecht (knap) foldede på flop
Plads 2: Cibao1 (small blind) foldede før flop
Plads 3: MuiMuiBueno (big blind) foldede på flop
Plads 4: SeKeR~DMoN foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 5: Juanal07 vandt (70)
Plads 6: HHIED foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 7: EURI35 foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 8: Torsiev foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 9: 2dumb2fold2u foldede før flop (bettede ikke)

11-10-2009 19:02 #16| 0


PokerStars Game #33903266047: Tournament #200030377, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 2009/10/11 18:00:01 CET [2009/10/11 12:00:01 ET]
Table '200030377 226' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Crusaderll (3000 in chips)
Seat 2: gut ne (3000 in chips)
Seat 3: AceCrash (3000 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 4: HHH109 (3000 in chips)
Seat 5: th3_rock91 (3000 in chips)
Seat 6: marimar333 (3000 in chips)
Seat 7: ollydadge (3000 in chips)
Seat 8: modthing (3000 in chips)
Seat 9: GoldPPK (3000 in chips)
gut ne: posts small blind 10
AceCrash: posts big blind 20
*** HOLE CARDS ***
ollydadge is connected
HHH109: folds
th3_rock91: folds
marimar333: calls 20
ollydadge: calls 20
modthing: folds
GoldPPK: calls 20
Crusaderll: calls 20
gut ne: calls 10
AceCrash: folds
*** FLOP *** [Ad 2h 5c]
gut ne: bets 100
marimar333: folds
ollydadge: calls 100
GoldPPK: folds
Crusaderll: calls 100
*** TURN *** [Ad 2h 5c] [Kh]
gut ne: bets 100
ollydadge: calls 100
Crusaderll: calls 100
*** RIVER *** [Ad 2h 5c Kh] [3s]
gut ne: checks
ollydadge: checks
Crusaderll: bets 200
AceCrash is connected
AceCrash has returned
gut ne: calls 200
ollydadge: folds
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Crusaderll: shows [Ac 8s] (a pair of Aces)
gut ne: shows [As Th] (a pair of Aces - King+Ten kicker)
gut ne collected 1120 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 1120 | Rake 0
Board [Ad 2h 5c Kh 3s]
Seat 1: Crusaderll (button) showed [Ac 8s] and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 2: gut ne (small blind) showed [As Th] and won (1120) with a pair of Aces
Seat 3: AceCrash (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 4: HHH109 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: th3_rock91 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: marimar333 folded on the Flop
Seat 7: ollydadge folded on the River
Seat 8: modthing folded before Flop (didn't bet)

11-10-2009 19:27 #17| 0

PokerStars Game #33904140099: Tournament #200030377, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level III (20/40) - 2009/10/11 18:24:24 CET [2009/10/11 12:24:24 ET]
Table '200030377 128' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: POHERAM (5000 in chips)
Seat 2: HodyCZ (575 in chips)
Seat 3: playalong (6310 in chips)
Seat 4: POLARISDK (5020 in chips)
Seat 5: jackyholland (6605 in chips)
Seat 6: seba760 (2340 in chips)
Seat 7: Ronakos (2825 in chips)
Seat 8: usafman511 (3245 in chips)
Seat 9: eatdimsum (2960 in chips)
playalong: posts small blind 20
POLARISDK: posts big blind 40
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to POLARISDK [9s 9c]
jackyholland: folds
seba760: folds
Ronakos: folds
usafman511: folds
eatdimsum: folds
POHERAM: calls 40
HodyCZ: raises 80 to 120
playalong: folds
POLARISDK: calls 80
POHERAM: calls 80
*** FLOP *** [Qd 5h Tc]
POHERAM: bets 120
HodyCZ: calls 120
POLARISDK: calls 120
*** TURN *** [Qd 5h Tc] [8c]
POHERAM: checks
HodyCZ: bets 335 and is all-in
POLARISDK: calls 335
POHERAM: calls 335
*** RIVER *** [Qd 5h Tc 8c] [9d]
POHERAM: checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
POLARISDK: shows [9s 9c] (three of a kind, Nines)
POHERAM: mucks hand
HodyCZ: mucks hand
POLARISDK collected 1745 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 1745 | Rake 0
Board [Qd 5h Tc 8c 9d]
Seat 1: POHERAM mucked [3s Qs]
Seat 2: HodyCZ (button) mucked [Kd Ks]
Seat 3: playalong (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 4: POLARISDK (big blind) showed [9s 9c] and won (1745) with three of a kind, Nines
Seat 5: jackyholland folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: seba760 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: Ronakos folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: usafman511 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

11-10-2009 19:30 #18| 0

sidste i 3,3

ikke meget at gøre

PokerStars Game #33904300335: Tournament #200030377, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level III (20/40) - 2009/10/11 18:28:53 CET [2009/10/11 12:28:53 ET]
Table '200030377 128' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: POHERAM (4385 in chips)
Seat 2: Cezium137 (3000 in chips)
Seat 3: playalong (6290 in chips)
Seat 4: POLARISDK (6170 in chips)
Seat 5: jackyholland (6985 in chips)
Seat 6: seba760 (2600 in chips)
Seat 7: Ronakos (2725 in chips)
Seat 8: usafman511 (3085 in chips)
Seat 9: eatdimsum (2640 in chips)
usafman511: posts small blind 20
eatdimsum: posts big blind 40
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to POLARISDK [Ah As]
POHERAM: folds
Cezium137: folds
playalong: folds
POLARISDK: raises 200 to 240
jackyholland: calls 240
seba760: calls 240
Ronakos: folds
usafman511: calls 220
eatdimsum: folds
*** FLOP *** [4h 2d 8c]
usafman511: bets 345
POLARISDK: raises 5585 to 5930 and is all-in
jackyholland: raises 815 to 6745 and is all-in
seba760: folds
usafman511: folds
Uncalled bet (815) returned to jackyholland
*** TURN *** [4h 2d 8c] [Kd]
*** RIVER *** [4h 2d 8c Kd] [Qd]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
POLARISDK: shows [Ah As] (a pair of Aces)
jackyholland: shows [Kh Kc] (three of a kind, Kings)
jackyholland collected 13205 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 13205 | Rake 0
Board [4h 2d 8c Kd Qd]
Seat 1: POHERAM folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: Cezium137 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: playalong folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: POLARISDK showed [Ah As] and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 5: jackyholland showed [Kh Kc] and won (13205) with three of a kind, Kings
Seat 6: seba760 folded on the Flop
Seat 7: Ronakos (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: usafman511 (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 9: eatdimsum (big blind) folded before Flop

11-10-2009 19:46 #19| 0

Exit :/

PokerStars Spil #33904894569: Turnering#200030377, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level V (30/60) - 11/10/2009 12:45:18 ET
Bord '200030377 410' 9-max Knappen er på plads #4
Plads 1: utd-we-fall (5040 i chips) sidder ude
Plads 2: -Iwin_Alway- (4030 i chips)
Plads 3: huanca (5685 i chips)
Plads 4: Donkazoid (3240 i chips)
Plads 5: HHIED (2430 i chips)
Plads 6: locho123 (3205 i chips)
Plads 7: 83eve (2835 i chips)
Plads 8: IamLooserCZ (5220 i chips)
Plads 9: tomhorn43 (4005 i chips)
HHIED: poster small blind 30
locho123: poster big blind 60
*** KORT ***
Givet til HHIED [9s Ah]
83eve: folder
IamLooserCZ: folder
tomhorn43: folder
utd-we-fall: folder
-Iwin_Alway-: kalder 60
huanca: folder
Donkazoid: folder
HHIED: kalder 30
locho123: checker
*** FLOP *** [Tc Kh Qd]
HHIED: checker
locho123: checker
-Iwin_Alway-: checker
*** TURN *** [Tc Kh Qd] [Jh]
HHIED: checker
locho123: better 180
-Iwin_Alway-: kalder 180
HHIED: kalder 180
*** RIVER *** [Tc Kh Qd Jh] [3h]
HHIED: checker
locho123: checker
-Iwin_Alway-: better 3790 og er all-in
HHIED: kalder 2190 og er all-in
locho123: folder
Ikke callet bet (1600) returneret til -Iwin_Alway-
*** SHOWDOWN ***
-Iwin_Alway-: viser [7h Th] (en flush, konge høj)
HHIED: viser [9s Ah] (en straight, ti til es)
-Iwin_Alway- vandt 5100 fra potten
*** RESUMÈ ***
Pot i alt: 5100 | Rake 0
Bord [Tc Kh Qd Jh 3h]
Plads 1: utd-we-fall foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 2: -Iwin_Alway- viste [7h Th] og vandt (5100) med en flush, konge høj
Plads 3: huanca foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 4: Donkazoid (knap) foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 5: HHIED (small blind) viste [9s Ah] og tabte med en straight, ti til es
Plads 6: locho123 (big blind) foldede på river
Plads 7: 83eve foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 8: IamLooserCZ foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 9: tomhorn43 foldede før flop (bettede ikke)

11-10-2009 19:59 #20| 0

Pause te :)

Chipcount: 7.185
Placering: 666 :)
Remaining: 3976

11-10-2009 20:39 #21| 0

Av av av..
PokerStars Game #33906928653: Tournament #200030377, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level X (100/200) - 2009/10/11 19:38:38 CET [2009/10/11 13:38:38 ET]
Table '200030377 226' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: Duckhunter60 (5170 in chips)
Seat 2: vegazs93 (2770 in chips)
Seat 3: AceCrash (8505 in chips)
Seat 4: boogys8888 (5310 in chips)
Seat 5: TThiagoAA (9415 in chips)
Seat 6: tipitip999 (10240 in chips)
Seat 7: rastaman-bar (4165 in chips)
Seat 8: modthing (8290 in chips)
Seat 9: GoldPPK (18735 in chips)
Duckhunter60: posts the ante 25
vegazs93: posts the ante 25
AceCrash: posts the ante 25
boogys8888: posts the ante 25
TThiagoAA: posts the ante 25
tipitip999: posts the ante 25
rastaman-bar: posts the ante 25
modthing: posts the ante 25
GoldPPK: posts the ante 25
Duckhunter60: posts small blind 100
vegazs93: posts big blind 200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to AceCrash [Ks Kd]
AceCrash: raises 600 to 800
boogys8888: folds
TThiagoAA: folds
tipitip999: folds
rastaman-bar: folds
modthing: raises 7465 to 8265 and is all-in
GoldPPK: folds
Duckhunter60: folds
vegazs93: folds
AceCrash: calls 7465
*** FLOP *** [Qd Qc 3c]
*** TURN *** [Qd Qc 3c] [8c]
*** RIVER *** [Qd Qc 3c 8c] [6c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
AceCrash: shows [Ks Kd] (two pair, Kings and Queens)
modthing: shows [Ad Ah] (two pair, Aces and Queens)
AceCrash said, "Sure"
modthing collected 17055 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 17055 | Rake 0
Board [Qd Qc 3c 8c 6c]
Seat 1: Duckhunter60 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 2: vegazs93 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 3: AceCrash showed [Ks Kd] and lost with two pair, Kings and Queens
Seat 4: boogys8888 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: TThiagoAA folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: tipitip999 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: rastaman-bar folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: modthing showed [Ad Ah] and won (17055) with two pair, Aces and Queens
Seat 9: GoldPPK (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

ryger efterfølgende på denne..

PokerStars Game #33906959152: Tournament #200030377, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level X (100/200) - 2009/10/11 19:39:22 CET [2009/10/11 13:39:22 ET]
Table '200030377 226' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Duckhunter60 (5045 in chips)
Seat 2: vegazs93 (2545 in chips)
Seat 3: AceCrash (215 in chips)
Seat 4: boogys8888 (5285 in chips)
Seat 5: TThiagoAA (9390 in chips)
Seat 6: tipitip999 (10215 in chips)
Seat 7: rastaman-bar (4140 in chips)
Seat 8: modthing (17055 in chips)
Seat 9: GoldPPK (18710 in chips)
Duckhunter60: posts the ante 25
vegazs93: posts the ante 25
AceCrash: posts the ante 25
boogys8888: posts the ante 25
TThiagoAA: posts the ante 25
tipitip999: posts the ante 25
rastaman-bar: posts the ante 25
modthing: posts the ante 25
GoldPPK: posts the ante 25
vegazs93: posts small blind 100
AceCrash: posts big blind 190 and is all-in
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to AceCrash [8h Qc]
boogys8888: folds
TThiagoAA: folds
tipitip999: calls 200
rastaman-bar: calls 200
modthing: folds
GoldPPK: folds
Duckhunter60: folds
vegazs93: calls 100
*** FLOP *** [3s Jd Jc]
vegazs93: checks
tipitip999: bets 200
rastaman-bar: folds
vegazs93: folds
Uncalled bet (200) returned to tipitip999
*** TURN *** [3s Jd Jc] [Ts]
*** RIVER *** [3s Jd Jc Ts] [3c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
tipitip999: shows [Tc 5h] (two pair, Jacks and Tens)
AceCrash said, "hahah"
tipitip999 collected 30 from side pot
AceCrash: shows [8h Qc] (two pair, Jacks and Threes)
tipitip999 collected 985 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 1015 Main pot 985. Side pot 30. | Rake 0
Board [3s Jd Jc Ts 3c]
Seat 1: Duckhunter60 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: vegazs93 (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: AceCrash (big blind) showed [8h Qc] and lost with two pair, Jacks and Threes
Seat 4: boogys8888 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: TThiagoAA folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: tipitip999 showed [Tc 5h] and won (1015) with two pair, Jacks and Tens
Seat 7: rastaman-bar folded on the Flop
Seat 8: modthing folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: GoldPPK folded before Flop (didn't bet)

11-10-2009 20:42 #22| 0

Første i 2,2 $
PokerStars Spil #33906985976: Turnering#200030487, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 11/10/2009 13:40:03 ET
Bord '200030487 170' 9-max Knappen er på plads #1
Plads 1: moim35 (2000 i chips)
Plads 2: sAyNeverLosT (2000 i chips)
Plads 3: slipcut (2000 i chips)
Plads 4: irrresistibl (2000 i chips)
Plads 5: Royal Vliet (2000 i chips)
Plads 6: HHIED (2000 i chips) sidder ude
Plads 7: DENIS I A (2000 i chips)
Plads 8: VovanFox (2000 i chips)
Plads 9: turkish34000 (2000 i chips)
sAyNeverLosT: poster small blind 10
slipcut: poster big blind 20
*** KORT ***
Givet til HHIED [7c 2c]
HHIED er online
HHIED er tilbage
irrresistibl: folder
Royal Vliet: folder
HHIED: folder
DENIS I A: kalder 20
VovanFox: kalder 20
turkish34000: folder
moim35: folder
sAyNeverLosT har brugt al TID
sAyNeverLosT: folder
sAyNeverLosT sidder ude
slipcut: checker
*** FLOP *** [9s 9h 2s]
slipcut: checker
DENIS I A: checker
VovanFox: checker
*** TURN *** [9s 9h 2s] [Ah]
sAyNeverLosT er tilbage
slipcut: better 20
DENIS I A: kalder 20
VovanFox: kalder 20
*** RIVER *** [9s 9h 2s Ah] [Qh]
slipcut: better 20
DENIS I A: kalder 20
VovanFox: folder
*** SHOWDOWN ***
slipcut: viser [4c Ac] (to par, esser og niere)
DENIS I A: viser [As 5s] (to par, esser og niere)
slipcut vandt 85 fra potten
DENIS I A vandt 85 fra potten
*** RESUMÈ ***
Pot i alt: 170 | Rake 0
Bord [9s 9h 2s Ah Qh]
Plads 1: moim35 (knap) foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 2: sAyNeverLosT (small blind) foldede før flop
Plads 3: slipcut (big blind) viste [4c Ac] og vandt (85) med to par, esser og niere
Plads 4: irrresistibl foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 5: Royal Vliet foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 6: HHIED foldede før flop (bettede ikke)
Plads 7: DENIS I A viste [As 5s] og vandt (85) med to par, esser og niere
Plads 8: VovanFox foldede på river
Plads 9: turkish34000 foldede før flop (bettede ikke)

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