50000 SNG Challenge (Player Collusion)!

#1| 1

50000 SNG Challenge (Player Collusion)! We have links to prove! Let’s unite against Microgaming scums!

Hi there!

My name is Alex and I hate Microgaming network, because I think their promotions are rigged and security is awful. I have not had any proves, but now I have a real facts, that their current promotion "50000 SNG Challenge" is rigged!
Please, guys, help us! Spread the word!

Original theme is here:

Post on 2+2:


These are just 4 of the names of player that at the end of march worked together to win sit and gos at the 5.50 stake (maybe more)
look at the links i have provided. Towards the bottom of the page click show last 100 tournements and analyze the sit and gos they all played together and you will see that they took it in turns to come 1st, 2nd and 3rd. There must be more players involved so i trust that you will investigate all hand histories of these players and all the sit and goes they where in.
All of the accounts are new to sit and go tournements so that they could get away with it.
Underneath is a copy of the message have sent to people in the poker community.
I have sent this to you because i need help from the poker community and people with poker knowledge to look at these players links i have provided. In march 2013 and on going in april 2013 there is a 50000 sit and go challenge.You recieve points based on you position e.g 50 points for 1st, 30 for 2nd etc and you have to get the best 10 consecutive sngs and/or the best 50 consecutive over a variety of stakes. PLEASE HELP ME AND ANALYZE THE PLAYERS SIT AND GOES FROM THE LINKS. CHECK THE DATES AND TIMES THEY ALL PLAYED AND LOOK WHERE THEY FINISHED!!!!

I finished in the top ten in both leaderboards. I was first until the last 36 hours when these accounts worked together. Print the links out and you can then match the dates and times and check, where the players finished. It will then be easy to decipher!

Microgaming have said their security team have previously checked before making payments for the 50000 sng challenge and have found no problems!! My links that i posted shows clearly player collusion so they could top the march leaderboard. Unbelieveable network! Cheats!

That is some very obvious cheating and if any security department says that it hasn't found any evidence of cheating then it can only be because it has failed to actually look for any.

wow so sick bro!!What are you going to do now??Dont play there never again imo...

Its a joke! I cashed out most of my money before i put in the complaint because of the cheating network. Does anyone know where i can go with this to get microgaming to admit wrongdoing. Tbh it wouldnt surprise me if the players were microgaming employees so they dont have to pay out the top prize to real player. I have another name of someone else involved in the scam but microgaming
aint interested. They said their stance is non negotiable!

They all played 10 same 11€ sng's and then turned back to the 5€ sng's. They did this because there were prices at different limits.
9 seat 3/31/13 12:09 PM NL Hold'em €11.00 5/9 €0.00
9 seat 3/31/13 12:05 PM NL Hold'em €11.00 4/9 €0.00
9 seat 3/31/13 11:57 AM NL Hold'em €11.00 7/9 €0.00
9 seat 3/31/13 11:55 AM NL Hold'em €11.00 9/9 €0.00
9 seat 3/31/13 11:49 AM NL Hold'em €11.00 5/9 €0.00
9 seat 3/31/13 11:46 AM NL Hold'em €11.00 7/9 €0.00
9 seat 3/31/13 11:41 AM NL Hold'em €11.00 6/9 €0.00
9 seat 3/31/13 11:35 AM NL Hold'em €11.00 6/9 €0.00
9 seat 3/31/13 11:30 AM NL Hold'em €11.00 9/9 €0.00

I would not be surprised if there were 10 of them. This is so obvious, would be insane of they came away with it. This challenge was so easy to exploit and they were "smart" enough to block sharkscope and started the last few days of the promotion. They must have taken all the top prices which started at 1500 IIRC.

One last post about which guys def cheated based on amount of sng played, when they started playing, which ones they played vs each other and how they blocked sharkscope.

gisemvan (played the 11€ streak)

That makes exactly 10 players although not all were in the 11 streak sng

People in the leaderboard should forward this and move up the ladder.
Its the numbers:
1,2,3 at 0-5 best of 10 = € 2305
1 and 3 at 0-5 best of 50 = € 1520
1-5 at 5-10 best of 10 = € 3025
1,2 and 4 at 5-10 best of 50 = € 1920
1,2 and 3 at 10-30 best of 10 = € 2725
nmr 1 at 10-30 best of 50 = € 1200
Somewhere near a € 12.695 scam

Krurupa1 is in it as well but only to let the others win. That makes me think that Krurupa (without the 1) number 4 in the 0-5€ best of 10 and 9th in the best of 50 ranking is in it as well
seeing the similar name.
But he can not be found at macropoker and is ofc blocked on sharkscope. I think there were a few more players at the lowest leaderboards who helped the top 4.

It started at the low buyins and gisemvan joined (probably heard of it from a friend and wanted in) and then took it further with a few others at the higher buyins. This is what I can tell from the timeframe and connection between the players.

Thank you!! Microgaming did nothing!! Im obviously dbuk1 and im angry cuz i shud hav topped one of the leaderboards and was pushed down on others. They start playing the last couple of days in March to scam the promo. Yeh they blocked sharkscope but not macropoker where i got the proof! Cheating scum!

Microgaming will not give a toss. Ladbrokes will be far more likely to care about having their image tarnished so if you're going to complain to anyone you would probably get more of a response from them. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Ladbrokes decision to leave the network has a lot to do with how shady Microgaming is these days.

Guys! Let’s unmask those scums! Let's show that the poker community is able to uphold rights of players! We are united! Post and repost this thread. Tell everyone about this scam and we will win!

Redigeret af nounderstand d. 19-04-2013 12:12
19-04-2013 12:10 #2| 1

Cliffs, please? :)

19-04-2013 12:18 #3| 1

Cliffs (som jeg forstod dem):

- Microgaming har en SNG promotion.
- Målet er at lave den bedste 10-SNG-streak på et niveau (dvs bedst mulige resultater for 10 SNG i træk) eller bedste 50-SNG-streak fordelt udover flere niveauer.
- Scammers venter til promotionen er næsten slut og opretter 10 accounts og sørger for at spille samme SNG's og ender derfor med at få de bedste resultater i alle kategorier.
- Microgaming mener ikke, at der var noget galt og scammers har blocked sharkscope. Ham, der skriver artiklen har så fundet resultater via en hjemmeside, der hedder macropoker i stedet.

Redigeret af ZorroDk d. 19-04-2013 12:19
19-04-2013 15:55 #4| 0

Cool story... Really, cool story!!

19-04-2013 16:14 #5| 13
Fuglsang skrev:
Cool story... Really, cool story!!

Luk nu med det cool story pis! Det er sku da super relevant på et pokerforum...
19-04-2013 16:17 #6| 0

Sjovt at de alle sammen nu også er blockdd/opted-out på Macropoker.

Obvious svans :(

Gad vide om netværket selv står bag, når de er så larmende stille og det samme med de fleste skins pånær 24h. Er det Microgaming selv der står bag promotionen?

Redigeret af HestenTonny d. 19-04-2013 16:18
19-04-2013 16:21 #7| 0

Naturligvis er det ikke siderne selv der står bag, det får de intet ud af. Dertil er pengene altså ret så ligegyldige mod det man kan tabe i forhold til at have svanset.

Når det er sagt, så virker det til at en gruppe har spillet sammen, og det vil vi på PokerNet naturligvis rejse for de af vores partnere der deltog i denne promotion. Det kan jo heller ikke være i deres interesse, at folk på den måde svanser.

19-04-2013 16:28 #8| 0

Det har/havde jeg da virkelig heller ikke lyst til at tro på, men det virker bare så sært at der ikke sker en skid. Jeg forstår stadig ikke nogle af de små netværk/skins der ikke forstår at god kundeservice er +ev.

19-04-2013 16:43 #9| 0

Som jeg lige hører det rundt omkring, så er jeg ret sikker på at MPN kigger på det lige nu, og i sidste ende får givet de rigtige præmier til dem der skal have dem.

19-04-2013 19:55 #10| 0

Åbentbart standard.
Betsafe ( Ongame) kører også et sitngo-race der løber fra 15-21april, man spiller
i blokke af 20 sitngoes og kan spille 5 blokke hvor bedste resultat så tæller.
De 12 øverst placerede har alle på nær en lavet deres topresultat i første blok,
sådan cirka 500 point hvilket svarer til at man vinder 10 ud af 20 timands sitngo.
Så er der flere af dem der pludselig har fået 0 point i anden eller tredje blok.
Det er så grinagtigt, at ongame bare opdaterer stillingen uden at studse over noget.
Bare navnene, og nej er ikke forudindtaget meeeen, valsha, kraarava,rurupa,zhutoma,
uchuck,ozolinsh m.m muahahahahaha.
mvh jan.

19-04-2013 19:59 #11| 0

Kan selvfølgelig være en forsinket aprilsnar fra ongames side.

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