Er dette ikke en fint spot at skubbe? Tænker enten tager vi potten ned pre ellers bliver vi vel tit domineret når han caller? Har svært ved at vurdere hans range her men det må vel være relativ bred?
PokerStars - $1.32+$0.18|40/80 Ante 10 NL - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4:
CO: 29.11 BB (VPIP: 30.95, PFR: 26.19, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 42)
BTN: 64.6 BB (VPIP: 36.36, PFR: 9.52, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 22)
Hero (SB): 14.79 BB
BB: 26.24 BB (VPIP: 16.87, PFR: 11.38, 3Bet Preflop: 3.83, Hands: 1,021)
UTG: 17.85 BB (VPIP: 47.62, PFR: 0.00, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 22)
MP: 16.16 BB (VPIP: 18.18, PFR: 14.29, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 22)
6 players post ante of 0.13 BB, Hero posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 2.25 BB) Hero has 7h 7d
fold, fold, CO raises to 3 BB, fold, Hero raises to 14.66 BB and is all-in, fold, CO calls 11.66 BB