AP Reload- er det mig som er bims?

#1| 0

Fik denne email fra dem :

This Long Weekend is 20% Bigger - We're making this long weekend even bigger and better with an exclusive $20% Reload Bonus up to $125 on your first deposit. The long weekend bonus begins Friday at 00:01 ET and ends Sunday at 23:59ET. Use Bonus Code APR6to8. Click here for more details.

Efter at have skændtes med flere i AP support må jeg lige have pokernet til hjælp.
Venligst forklar en bonushaj som mig selv, hvor meget man skal indsætte for at få max bonus og hvad max bonus er.
Eller rettere, hvordan læser i ovenstående tekst?

06-04-2007 20:43 #2| 0

"Reload Bonus up to $125 on your first deposit"

Jeg forstår det på den måde, at du kan få op til $125 i bonus. Det vil så kræve at du indsætter 5 x $125 = $625.

Det er i hvert fald den logiske konklusion på det der står.

06-04-2007 20:51 #3| 0

Jeg er helt enig, men det er en gut i live supporten samt deres tlf support ikke :-(
Det er faktisk en kæmpe grinere chat, men nederen for mig.
Har også postet på two+two og der bekræfter en spiller at han har fået 125$ i max bonus.
Jeg måtte nøjes med 25$. Se nedenstående, spm er chatten.

Welcome! An online representative will be with you shortly. You are number 1 in the queue. Your wait time will be approximately 0 minute(s) and 8 seconds. Thank you for waiting.
You are now chatting with 'Oscar'
Oscar: Hello, thank you for contacting your Deposit Center! How may I assist you?
you: Hello sir. I have a question regarding deposit
you: I have received an email with a reload bonus code
Oscar: sure
Oscar: ok
you: But when i go to the cashier
you: There is no field to type that code?
you: I am making the deposit with neteller
Oscar: sure it is there is a box that says promotional code
you: Nope
you: Only 3 boxes
Oscar: but thats fine let me check your account
Oscar: Can I please have your e mail address?
you: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oscar: do you have the promotional code/
you: yeah its APR6to8
Oscar: but you havent deposit today?
you: No because i cannot type the code anywhere
you: So if i make the deposit i am not sure i would get any bonus
Oscar: that's fine you can first deposit and then we can apply the promotion for you, if you consider there are no boxes
you: Do you want me to send a screendump`?
you: There are no boxes for the code
you: If i make the deposit now, while we speak, could u then make the bonus for me?
Oscar: sure
you: ok give me a minus
Oscar: you can make your deposit
you: minut
Oscar: I'll check it for you then I'll apply the promo for you ;)
you: Done
you: 600 is deposited
Oscar: ok, let me submit the information, please hold
you: ty
Oscar: The corresponding Bonus has just been credited to your account.
Oscar: Is there anything else i can help you with today?
you: hmm 25$ ? isnt the reload 20% ?
you: I made a deposit of 600$
you: Thats equals 120$
Oscar: it is up to $125
Oscar: www.absolutepoker.com/mailers/bonus/april-03-07-real/
you: Yeah 20% reload
you: You just have me 25$ on my deposit of 600
Oscar: correct up to $125
you: I dont get it
you: 20% of 600 = 120$
you: i got 25$
you: I should have 120$ right ?
Oscar: no, the deposit amount is up to $125 this means that the promotion applies for no more than $125
Oscar: Is there anything else i can help you with today?
you: Yes you still put the wrong bonus in my account
you: Its clearly states 20% reload up to 125$
you: I deposit 600$ and you give med 25$??
you: 20% of 600 is not 25$, its 120$
you: I am missing 95$ in bonus
Oscar: yes 20% for $125 = $25
you: you have gotten it wrong.
you: Should i write an email to support?
you: Its has ALWAYS been the procent of the deposit with a MAX of 125
Oscar: the bonus is not $125
Oscar: it's the percentage for $125 = $25
you: Well what can I say? I have always made these reloads when u have offered them and it has never been this way.
Oscar: ok
Oscar: Is there anything else i can help you with today?
you: No thanks
you: Have a nice eastern

EDIT - Jeg har skrevet til deres support, men håber da ikke at de læser reloadbonussen på samme måde som de 2 jeg allerede har talt med.

06-04-2007 21:07 #4| 0

Du har da i hvert fald en ret god sag, hvis andre spillere har fået $125 i bonus.

06-04-2007 21:15 #5| 0

Jeps, det har de ifølge two+two :-)
Det plejer også at være ganske standard terms, men hvis en medarbejder læser det anderledes, så er det bare det. Håber supporten skriver noget fornuftigt..

06-04-2007 21:46 #6| 0

Jeg fik 125 også....

AP er som udgangspunkt latterlige, men der er nok ikke meget du kan gøre ved det andet end at true med at skrive om det i alle de poker fora du kender.

Men er det et problem? Sidst jeg kiggede havde jeg 1800 dollars i pending. Det jeg mener er, at der går nok ikke længe før de har en ny reload, de er rimeligt gavmilde med skidtet

06-04-2007 23:20 #7| 0

Nej de er faktisk ikke så gavmilde længere og ja, jeg har intet stående pending da jeg spiller der meget.
Men det går nok. Jeg fik fuld reload på deres skin, så jeg overlever.
Undrede mig bare over at der er forskel på deres bonus, lidt afhængig af hvem fra deres support du taler med.

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