Artikel om Gus... i NYT

#1| 0

Jeg har ikke lige linket her, men i dagens New York Times er der en - ret elendig og fordomsvedligeholdende - artikel om Gus og co. - mener jeg det er.

23-09-2004 19:50 #2| 0

Ringe artikel, og så skal man oven i købet signe op for at kunne læse den........

23-09-2004 20:03 #3| 0

Nogen der vil copy/paste artiklen? herinde, så vi ikke behøver at signe op alle sammen...

23-09-2004 20:06 #4| 0

ja, selvfølgelig. glemte at man skulle signe op.

her kommer den

Poker Pros, Now in TV"s Glare, Always Want "In"

TLANTIC CITY, Sept. 20 - Sunday night, three of the luckiest guys alive finally caught a break and headed up to a room at the Borgata casino here for a rest in the middle of a long day at the World Poker Tour. In the past few years these three have each won millions of dollars - the talk generally gets less specific when losses come up - playing Texas Hold "Em, a card game that has stormed across television and computer screens and put poker in the middle of the table as never before.

The men are three of the kings of so-called no-limit poker, a format in which any player at any time can put all his money in the pot - all in, as they say. No-limit poker is as indigenous to America as jazz, and full of just as much improvisation. Apple pie is fine, and baseball is always good on a sunny day, but what could be more American than betting $1 million on the flop of single card?

Although pitiless when they sit across the table from one another for a game of Hold "Em, the three, Doyle Brunson, T. J. Cloutier and Gus Hansen, are friends, as friendly as professional card players get. They had mixed results playing the seven-card game at the tables that day, in part because they had to play through a clutter of amateurs that the poker craze has created. Now that the pros finally had some time to themselves, give or take a reporter, they could unwind at last. And play some cards.

Away from the television cameras and clamoring fans, they opted for a change of pace, plopping down on the king-size bed as Mr. Hansen dealt 13 cards to each player. Chinese poker was the name of this game, and it required that they arrange three hands of poker out of the cards they were dealt, in progressively better hands. The room went silent for five seconds after the deal as each man clicked through mathematical possibilities measured in thousands. And then they played nickel poker, with the word "nickel" meaning $500 and "dime" meaning $1,000. Many thousands of dollars changed hands in a matter of minutes.

Mr. Hansen, a former top backgammon player who came out of nowhere or, more specifically, Denmark, in 1997 as a professional poker player, won the first hand. Mr. Brunson, an old-school rounder who came up the hard way - and won the World Series of Poker, twice - was gracious in defeat.

"You won it all as usual, which is something I will have to become accustomed to," he said.

He and Mr. Hansen have seen a lot of each other. This past summer they, with six other of the world"s best card players, each anted up $400,000 for a professional death match on Fox Sports Net called the "Poker Superstars Invitational Tournament" - no amateurs or Internet players allowed. The last episode of the first round was broadcast on Sunday, with Mr. Hansen riding a hot hand to victory. A new round begins next Sunday.

In the game of Hold "Em, each player receives two of his own cards and then bets progressively over the next five common cards on the table - three cards known as "the flop," a fourth known as "the turn" and then the fifth, "the river." Millions of new players are flooding virtual Hold "Em games on the Internet and have stormed the casinos. The Borgata alone is in the midst of expanding its poker room to 85 tables, from 35.

But these pros aren"t new to the game. They are all self-described degenerate gamblers who just happen to be better at the game than civilians. Their every waking minute is spent in pursuit of action, not always at the poker table. If the three of them came across two worms washed on a sidewalk after a rainstorm, they might be compelled to stop and bet on which one makes it back to the grass first.

Someone brought up the evening"s National Football League

23-09-2004 22:46 #5| 0

"Mr. Hansen, a former top backgammon player who came out of nowhere or, more specifically, Denmark"

Den måtte jeg alligevel lige give et lille smil :)

24-09-2004 09:55 #6| 0

lol, ja, den havde jeg også kopieret for at paste i en kommentar..! :-)

24-09-2004 10:58 #7| 0

den var egentlig god... men "three of the luckiest guys alive..." er altså ikke ligefrem genial...

Men lad os bare sige at det KUN er held der adskiller mig fra fyre som Gus og Doyle ;o)

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