Så sprang den endelig (taget fra Mermaids hjemmeside):
Dear All
Today at 14:01 GMT our Bad Beat Jackpot Hit at 553,817.66, with the Bad Beat Jackpot winner receiving 193,836.00.
The Hand in question was a Straight flush 6 to 10 beaten by a straight flush 8 to Queen:
elodonk - The loser of the hand but winner of the Bad Beat Jackpot won 193,836.00
V.N. - The winner of the hand, won 96,918.00 with a Queen High Straight Flush
The other players (4 players) in the hand all received 24,229.50 for participating in the hand.
Kan så informere om, at V.N spiller NL50-NL100. Må trods alt give et lille boost til hans bankroll :)
BBJ på Boss udløst
29-09-2010 11:34
29-09-2010 11:38
Bare en lille smule da :D
Tror i øjeblikket at han så at han vandt BBJ at han jizzede.
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