jeg ved godt mit engelske ikke er perfekt men alligevel.
ville vide om mermaids nye turnering gav andet et points, siden den koster 20+2 (og hvorfor inkludere rake når det er et points race:P?)
nå men anyways her er chatten var ved at gå ud af mit gode skind!
Margaret: Hello 2646520, my name is Margaret, How may i help you?
2646520: hi. i was wonder the new mtt leaderboard promotion with player rankings. where 12 p
2646520: people would recieve a 4keuro gift.
2646520: would there be additional prices in the tournament just like in a regular tournament
Margaret: please wait while i check
Margaret: Mermaidpoker are presenting a brand new Leaderboard
Margaret: There be daily tournaments to participate in order to earn ranking points and raking points are rewarded to the top 50 finishers in each tournament, how the points are divided you can see in the box below.
In the lobby you will find the tournaments under name: Player Ranking
Margaret: There will also be 5 daily satellites to the Player Ranking Tournament
Player Ranking Prizes
Top 12 players on the Leaderboard wins an entry to a live European tournament
(2000), (500 of these for travel and accommodation).
Margaret: There will be no cash alternative to league prizes
2646520: so lets say one day i finish top 5 i will then only recieve points ? and no price what so ever beside the points?
Margaret: Players must spend at least 75% of the 2,000 on tournament buy ins and at least one of the tournaments must have European Ranking Points.
Margaret: Finishing position-5
Margaret: Points awarded- 300
2646520: hehe i get that part :) im simply just asking if the buyin for the tournament is divided amoung the players after each tournament. or the buyins will be accumilated for the top 12 finish. or the 12 finish is extra bonus generated by rake?
Margaret: you can check the details on
2646520: it does not say anything about that hence im asking. let me try explaining it again, my english isnt that good. would there be addiotional prices besides the top 12 players after each month. or is it only points you can win
Margaret: raking points are rewarded to the top 50 finishers in each tournament
2646520: Buy-in 20+2 Euro.
place#1 points awarded 1,000
and nothing else. ?
Margaret: Thats correct.
2646520: oki thanks for clarifying
Margaret: Is there anything else I can help you with?
2646520: no thank you have a nice day
håber ikke dette bryder med reglerne da det ikke er referral etc.
for bare 2 uger siden havde jeg fat i boss support gennem pokerkings, hvor jeg skulle bruge 7 mails på at forklare ham at man ikke kunne spille cash game heads up tables gennem deres skin. og han blev ved med at sige at det var under sit and go. JESUS CHRIST :D
blank support? maybe french?
25-08-2009 01:52
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