Jeg er ved at skrive en mail til James fra Fortune omkring Boss Medias software. Jeg ved godt, at han ikke står for den, men han har sikkert noget indflydelse.
Jeg laver en liste omkring problemer med softwaren, og I må meget gerne komme med indputs, og så sender jeg det hele i en mail til ham.
Indtil videre betstår min liste af:
#1 Resize tables. Boss Media har lovet denne feature, men har intet gjort ved det.
#2 Seat available. Når der er et nyt sæde klar til dig, kommer der en pop op med dette. Hvis du ikke ser denne pop op, og bare spiller videre, forhindrer den de allerede igangværende borde med at poppe op, og derfor timer du ud.
#3 Et ordentligt filter. Man kan opstille simple "regler" for hvordan man vil se bordene, men det er ikke nok. Der mangler et ordentligt filter.
Hvis I vil, kan I evt. skrive jeres Fortune nicks her i tråden, så skal jeg skrive under for jer også. Det må trodsalt give lidt mere gennemslagskraft.
Håber I vil hjælpe :)
Boss Media software
Ah - den har jeg rent glemt. Tænkte jeg ellers også på! TY!
Ad #1 mener jeg Bonzai sagde at det kom med en update i mid marts.
Mht. til #2 ville det også være rart hvis man selv kunne vælge et sæde hvis der var flere ledige.
Desuden 1-klik aktivering af borde som på Stars og fjerne autofokus, så man beholder fokus på det table man er i gang med.
Buddy list. PA Hud support. Waiting lists hvor man rent faktisk kan se hvor man er på. Adde til waiting list når man åbner et fyldt bord. At deres klient ikke crasher et par gange om måneden.
Jo bedre softwaren bliver, jo flere TAG multitablers kommer der til. Lad det forblive som det er!!
- buddy list
- hand histories formattet. Se på Ipoker, de har det bedste på markedet, mens boss har det værste! Kort sagt, kopier Ipokers ide.
- Adde til waiting list når man åbner et fyldt bord
- Genindførelse af det "gamle" HU sng skærmbillede, så man fra lobbyen kan se hvilken spiller der allerede har tilmeldt sig.
Det er enormt tidskrævende at skulle åbne turneringens info først, vente på at systemet opdater, blot for at se at det er "gherkin" som sidder og venter på en udfordring. Altså, gør HU sng oversigten tilsvarende til cash-game bordene. Tror desuden det er godt for action på HU sngs, da mange synes det er irriterende med det nye setup.
Nogle punkter taget fra Roogers post, men for overskuelighedens skyld satte jeg det i punktform.
Dem nakker vi nok..
Den absolut vigtigste imo. At den ikke bestemmer det aktive vindue (bord) til det man netop har fået action på. Ødelægger alt flow hvad angår chatting, note, betting osv.
Fix postblind bug. Jeg ved ikke om det er et bot-protection tool eller hvad, men ret irriterende at softwaren pludselig prompter at poste blinds på alle borde uden grund.
En bedre HH viser feature. Umuligt at finde en specifik hånd, hvis man 6-tabler. Evt gør som party / stars hvor man hurtigt kan se sidste hånd ved hvert bord.
Add action buttons. (ved godt dette kan rykke ret meget ved dynamikken i gamet på et sites ovenpå sådan en ændring)
Fjern Turbo borde.
Ændre farven, således det er muligt at se hvem man har notes på og hvem man ikke har notes på.
Det lyder sgu godt! Jeg kunne godt bruge en buddylist-funktion også?
Hvad mener du præsist med action-buttons?
Og turbo-bordene er da pure value? :o
Vil du ha ændret farven på hele nicket ved note?
Action buttons, as in raise pot preflop, 3/4 pot flop, osv.
Synes bare de skulle fixe en anden farve til notes, jeg ser i hvert fald ingen forskelv.
glem ca alt hvad jeg har skrevet i denne tråd. Netop set Boss´s update.
Hehe - okay. Synes til gengæld de er MAX annoying de actionbuttons. De blocker for der hvor håndens styrke står.
So far ser mailen sådan ud (den er ikke rettet for stavefejl). I er meget velkomne til at foreslå rettelser (gerne på engelsk). Det er ret svært at forklare problemerne på engelsk.
Hello James.
I have some issues about the Fortune Software. I know only Boss media are able to change some of them, but maybe you can put in a word about it.
#1 Resize tables: I remember Boss Media made a promise that this feature was soon to come, and it probably would be available about September/October. The lack of this feature makes seriously multitableing (above 6 tables) almost impossible.
#2 Pop ups: When you are registered to a table and a seat is available there comes a little pop up. If you for some reason don’t see this, it prevents the tables you are seated on from popping up. It makes you time out.
#3 Filter: You can’t filter everything. A filter where you can sort out exactly what you need are missing. A sort by FR and SH would help a lot and so on.
#4 Buddylist: A buddylist which makes it possible to quickly detect your “buddies”. Botch which tables they are playing and their stack sizes.
#5 Pokertracker: Make Boss Media software more compatible with Pokertracker and the pokertracker add-on’s (PA-hud and so on). Also make the handhistories more readable for Pokertracker.
#6 Handhistories: Make it easier to search handhistories from the Boss Media software. A search-function where you can search by: Hand, pot, nick, time, table.
#7 Waitinglist: A waiting list that makes it possible to see which tables you are on wait too. Also make it possible to remove from specific waitinglists.
#7.2 Waitinglist: Make it possible to add yourself to waitinglist from an open filled table.
#8 Heads up sng: Make it possible to see your opponent before you register, like it used to be.
#9 The new betting feature: It is very annoying that it blocks where you can see your hand strength
#10 Post blind bug: There is a bug that makes you post blind on all tables, whether you want or not.
#11 Notes: Make the note a more visible color when you have written something in it.
#12 Autofocus: The autofocus makes it very hard to write notes or chat when you are playing a lot of tables.
#13 Sit out: when you are not responding in the middle of a hand, it is very annoying you become sit out. It would be nice if you were only sit out from the next hand.
@lillie - noteret
@lapepe - venligst uddyb :)
når der skiftes bord lukkes det nuværende ned og det nye popper op.
det er ret irriterende, hvis man sidder og spiller eks, cash også.
det er kun boss og Ipoker, der har det system.
alle andre har en glidende overgang
håber at det er forståeligt
Okay :)
Her er den endelige mail, hvis ingen har mere at tilføje:
Hello James.
I have some issues about the Fortune Software. I know only Boss media are able to change some of them, but maybe you can put in a word about it, or forward this mail to the right people.
#1 Resize tables: I remember Boss Media made a promise that this feature was soon to come, and it probably would be available about September/October. The lack of this feature makes seriously multitableing (above 6 tables) almost impossible.
#2 Pop ups: When you are registered to a table and a seat is available there comes a little pop up. If you for some reason don’t see this, it prevents the tables you are seated on from popping up. It makes you time out.
#3 Filter: You can’t filter everything. A filter where you can sort out exactly what you need are missing. A sort by FR and SH would help a lot and so on.
#4 Buddylist: A buddylist which makes it possible to quickly detect your “buddies”. Botch which tables they are playing and their stack sizes.
#5 Pokertracker: Make Boss Media software more compatible with Pokertracker and the pokertracker add-on’s (PA-hud and so on). Also make the handhistories more readable for Pokertracker.
#6 Handhistories: Make it easier to search handhistories from the Boss Media software. A search-function where you can search by: Hand, pot, nick, time, table.
#7 Waitinglist: A waiting list that makes it possible to see which tables you are on wait to. Also make it possible to remove yourself from specific waitinglists.
#7.2 Waitinglist: Make it possible to add yourself to the waitinglist from an open, filled table.
#8 Heads up sng: Make it possible to see your opponent before you register, like it used to be.
#9 The new betting feature: It is very annoying that it blocks where you can see your hand strength. The hand strength should be visible at all time.
#10 Post blind bug: There is a bug that makes you post blinds on all tables, whether you want or not.
#11 Notes: Make the note a more visible color when you have written something in it.
#12 Autofocus: The autofocus on the tables with action makes it very hard to write notes or chat when you are playing a lot of tables.
#13 Sit out: when you are not responding in the middle of a hand, it is very annoying you become sit out. It would be nice if you were only sit out from the next hand.
#14 Player to player transfer: Make it possible to transfer cash between players on Boss Media.
#15 Registered tables: Make it possible for the software to register your cash balance for more than 5 tables.
#16 Smooth transfers: A more smooth transfer between the tables when you are moved to another table in tournaments.
#17 Chat color: The new chat color is not very visible. The old, yellow one was nice.
The issues are not ordered in any specific order. I would say that the issues regarding multitableing are the most important.
Thank you for your time!
HU BORDE! Helst på alle skins, en del flere levels samt at det også kan foregå på Euro bordene, og det er helst insta!
Noteret :)
Er der stemning for at jeg prøver at forklare det til James næste gang jeg snakker med ham over Skype eller telefon?
Det er nogle gange lettere at forklare manglerne på den måde end det er i en email. :-)
Men hvad synes I?
1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 12 og 14 har jeg allerede indsendt til ham tidligere. Håber også snart på forbedringer =/
@Bonzai - Self er der stemning for det :) Har dog allerede sendt mailen, men det gør jo intet at han lige kan læse det inden.
@skodko - vi må vel bare blive ved.
Ja? Men den er sendt for 20 min siden or so.
Har jeg ikke endnu :)
Edit: fik den nu! :)
Thanks for this.
A very very quick answer to a couple of issues where I know the answer and then I will reply in more detail later.
See below.
#1 Resize tables: I remember Boss Media made a promise that this feature was soon to come, and it probably would be available about September/October. The lack of this feature makes seriously multitableing (above 6 tables) almost impossible.
àMarch 23rd is scheduled release date for mini-views. 4 per screen. When you sit in any position # at the table, you will be sitting in the bottom middle seat on the screen so your eyes don’t wander off. To be honest, I am not sure if this is the same thing as resizing but I know they called it mini-views.
#5 Pokertracker: Make Boss Media software more compatible with Pokertracker and the pokertracker add-on’s (PA-hud and so on). Also make the handhistories more readable for Pokertracker.
à This is pokertracker that works on this but I actually heard this past week that they have released a new version and it should be working well now. Last year when they released the compatibility it did not work fine.
#10 Post blind bug: There is a bug that makes you post blinds on all tables, whether you want or not.
à I think they working in this.
#14 Player to player transfer: Make it possible to transfer cash between players on Boss Media.
à Believe me I wish I had this. I used to do it through Webdollar. This is actually illegal within the EU license laws because of money laundering. Boss cannot be licensed if they allow this. I know that Stars and FT do it but they are not licensed in the EU.
#18 HU cash: Heads up cash tables on Fortune Poker at all levels and currencies.
à I have been pushing for a long time on this. There is no point to put them in the past just on Fortune cause we need the entire network to make this attractive. Some of us talked about this at the last meeting, primarily myself and Mermaid have pushed for this and we talked some sense into the other operators on Boss and it looks like it will be ready in the next month or so provided we all sign some contracts. The players will have to be super careful not to chip dump or Boss will be strict to lock accounts.
Jeg har listet nogle punkter her:
ok... mermaid og ansatte der spiller(som alle ved ).. fortune og ansatte der spiller... ikke noget der gør mig noget, men kunderne fortjener bare at vide det
Vi ved efterhånden godt at mange af de ansatte på nævnte sites, spiller på eget site. Og de fleste af os har lært at leve med det. At Bonzai så desuden er hjælpsom, f.eks. i disse spots, er jo bare cool.
Jeg vil lige sige en gang for alle at jeg ikke har adgang til noget som helst der kan gøre mig til den næste "potripper". Jeg er udelukkende PR-mand og hjælper desuden så godt jeg kan herinde.
Hvis folk skulle være i tvivl.
#14 Player to player transfer: Make it possible to transfer cash between players on Boss Media.
à Believe me I wish I had this. I used to do it through Webdollar. This is actually illegal within the EU license laws because of money laundering. Boss cannot be licensed if they allow this. I know that Stars and FT do it but they are not licensed in the EU.
Hvordan harmonerer det her med at Partypoker har licens i EU?
Jeg vil godt lige opklare, at jeg på baggrund af denne tråd har taget kontakt til Fortune Poker for at høre dem omkring situationen mht. medarbejdernes spil.
James har fortalt mig, at Bonzai_dk kun er ansat som PR medarbejder i Danmark og ikke har nogen som helst adgang til backend og dermed ikke har nogen muligheder for at skaffe sig informationer omkring hans modspillere.
Det er adgangen til backend jeg mener er grænsen og derfor har vi på PokerNet ikke noget problem med, at Bonzai fortsætter med at spille på Fortune (som han har gjort det i lang tid - også inden han blev ansat).