Nogle der ved om der er nogle EU crypto sites?
Crypto sites?
lol@sheep - prøv lige at få det verificeret hos SKAT inden du er så skråsikker...
Dear Mr. Jensen
As a result of recent pronouncements by the Danish tax authority advising that winnings earned by Danish players through internet poker rooms will be taxed as income unless the poker room in question is operated from an EU member state, we have received a number of queries as to the jurisdiction from which our internet poker room is operated.
Please be advised that our poker room is licensed by and operated from Curacao, which is a part of the Netherlands Antilles. While Curacao is not an EU member state, it does enjoy a special relationship with the EU as an “overseas country or territory or OCT” of the Netherlands. OCTs are provided for by Part 4 of the Treaty of Rome, which reads in part:
Article 183
Association shall have the following objectives.
1. Member States shall apply to their trade with the [OCTs] the same treatment as they accord each other pursuant to this Treaty.
It is our view following discussions with legal advisers, that the Danish tax authority will have to recognize that the Netherlands Antilles should be treated as if it were an EU member. We also note their recent declaration that winnings earned from sites located in Gibraltar are not subject to their tax. Gibraltar is not a member of the EU, but enjoys a special relationship with the EU, albeit different from that of a OCT, and as such is not exactly the same situation as the Netherlands Antilles. It does show that non-EU entities do enjoy the special relationship with the EU.
We provide this for information only and do not accept responsibility or liability should the Danish tax authority or other governmental agency disagree with our view. We do not provide legal or tax advice, and encourage you to seek your own advice on this issue.
Yours sincerely,
Marc Waxman
Head of PartnerLogic
Så Inter mener i hvertfald de er under EU lov, men hvem ved hvad flueknepperne på christianborg synes..
Prøv at se denne glimrende blog.
Iflg. SKAT er det pt. kun LadBrokes der er accepteret som skattefrit online pokersite. Dog ser det ud til at det er grundet smøleri fra flere EU sites hvos jeg forstår det rigtigt...