Held og lykke til Rene Mouritsen, der er nået til finalebordet i event 40 (mixed hold'em)
Chip counts:
Christoph Niesert 396000
Michael Craig 317000
Scott Bohlman 246000
Fred Goldberg 193000
Kevin Marcotte 184000
Rene Mouritsen 172000
Reza Zand 147000
Joe Brandenburg 129000
Karlo Lopez 58000
Dansker på WSOP final table
@ Razga
Hvorfor er det lige at DK styrer WSOP i år? Jeg synes da ikke der er opnået nogle resultater af nævneværdig karakter!
sku da meget flot at Gus næsten kom i top 100 i HORSE
Troede du havde droppet ironien? :)
damn, den hukommelse er komplet skudt i sænk, hvis jeg boede i Amerika havde jeg sagsøgt nogen for det.
Anyway. GL Rene Mouritsen hvem du end er.
3 minutes ago | Posted by BJNemeth
Updated Chip Counts
Seat 1 - Scott Bohlman - 250,000
Seat 2 - Kevin Marcotte - 97,000
Seat 3 - Rene Mouritsen - 485,000
Seat 5 - Joe Brandenburg - 222,000
Seat 6 - Fred Goldberg - 157,000
Seat 7 - Christoph Niesert - 495,000
Seat 8 - Michael Craig - 152,000
Best-selling poker author Michael Craig is eliminated in seventh place, earning $22,850. The next player eliminated will receive $30,467 for sixth place.
hvor ser du det henne?
www.pokernews.com har den bedste blog i år.
ja det er pokernews og sidste nyt:
Joe Brandenburg is eliminated in sixth place, earning $30,467. The next player eliminated will receive $39,353 for fifth place.
Rene stadig med
Seat 1 - Scott Bohlman - 465,000
Seat 2 - Kevin Marcotte - 105,000
Seat 3 - Rene Mouritsen - 305,000
Seat 6 - Fred Goldberg - 550,000
Seat 7 - Christoph Niesert - 460,000
Kevin Marcotte is eliminated in fifth place, earning $39,289. The next player eliminated will receive $54,498 for fourth place.
Rene lige nappet stor pot
Scott Bohlman is eliminated in fourth place, earning $54,498. The next player eliminated will receive $82,804 for third place.
Basket af Rene
Hand #69 - Scott Bohlman Eliminated in 4th Place ($54,498)
Hand #69 - (NO-LIMIT) Rene Mouritsen has the button in seat 3, Bohlman moves all in under the gun for 90,000, and Mouritsen calls from the button with . Bohlman shows , and he needs to improve to survive.
The board comes , and Mouritsen wins the pot with his ace kicker.
Scott Bohlman is eliminated in fourth place, earning $54,498. The next player eliminated will receive $82,804 for third place.
Til de dovne
Ser godt ud for Rene!
Updated Chip Counts
Seat 3 - Rene Mouritsen - 960,000
Seat 6 - Fred Goldberg - 590,000
Seat 7 - Christoph Niesert - 290,000
Updated Chip Counts
Seat 3 - Rene Mouritsen - 960,000
Seat 6 - Fred Goldberg - 590,000
Seat 7 - Christoph Niesert - 290,000
Too slow ;)
Short Break
The players take a short break before heads-up play. Here are the official chip counts:
Rene Mouritsen - 940,000
Fred Goldberg - 925,000
1st - ? - $204,935
2nd - ? - $125,895
Så er de HU
Jojo. Kom faktisk ok langt i sidste års main event - en rigtig fin fyr!
Nr. 298 for at være præcis..
Det ku sgu være nice med et armbånd til DK ;)
Martin Wendt kender ham.
mixed holdem er skiftevis NL og LIMIT Holdem...
Ham Goldberg, det er ham, der ligner Moneymaker ekstremt meget, han sluttede på en 10.plads ved main event sidste år.
Updated Chip Counts
Rene Mouritsen - 350,000
Fred Goldberg - 1,515,000
Han chocker jo for sygt har tabt 2/3 af sine chips, og ALLE hænder i Limit
Weak ?
Hand #96
Hand #96 - (LIMIT) Fred Goldberg has the button, he raises to 80,000, and Mouritsen calls. The flop comes , Mouritsen checks, Goldberg bets 40,000, and Mouritsen calls. The turn card is the , and both players check. The river card is the , Mouritsen bets 80,000, and Goldberg calls. Mouritsen shows for jack high, and Goldberg shows for king high. Goldberg wins the pot.
Så nappede han lige en pot mere... men jjeeesus jeg synes det virker som om han spiller weak (gør han jo nok ikke)
han bli owned - lige blevet kaldt på river med K høj - og den var god - LOL
Hand #100
Hand #100 - (LIMIT) Fred Goldberg has the button, he limps for 40,000, and Mouritsen checks. The flop comes , and both players check. The turn card is the , Mouritsen checks, Goldberg bets 80,000, Mouritsen reraises all in for 100,000, and Goldberg folds. Mouritsen takes the pot.
Så har ikke meget tilbage :-p
Updated Chip Counts
Rene Mouritsen - 1,605,000
Fred Goldberg - 260,000
Updated Chip Counts
Rene Mouritsen - 1,605,000
Fred Goldberg - 260,000
Updated Chip Counts
Rene Mouritsen - 700,000
Fred Goldberg - 1,165,000
ja, i hånd 111 virker Goldberg meget dårlig - der er mange raise/fold situationer, hvor han slår over i ren callingstation...
Skandale, at dealeren har glemt at fortælle dem det er no limit nu.
Updated Chip Counts
Fred Goldberg - 1,260,000
Rene Mouritsen - 605,000
han kæmper!
Updated Chip Counts
Fred Goldberg - 1,420,000
Rene Mouritsen - 445,000
Surt, heller ikke noget armbånd til Danmark denne gang.
Stort tillykke til Rene, det sutter altid røv at blive toer, men alligevel et flot resultat.