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Så fik jeg sakset fra EPT regelsæt:
61.Exposed Cards - A player exposing his or her cards with action pending may incur a penalty, up to and including a dead hand. The penalty will begin at the end of the hand. All players at the table are entitled to see any exposed cards. 62.Exposing and Mucking –Players who show their cards to a player who has already folded and then fold their cards themselves may receive a penalty. Dealers upon seeing this are instructed to hold those cards outside of the muck and show them to the entire table when the hand is completed. Players doing this repeatedly will be penalized. 63.Collusion – Poker is an individual game. Soft play, chip dumping, colluding to allow players to survive the bubble (i.e. a table continually folding to the big blind on the bubble), etc... will not be allowed and may be subject to penalties.64.Etiquette Violations – Repeated etiquette violations will result in penalties assessed by the tournament staff. Examples include, but are not limited to, unnecessarily touching other players' cards or chips, delay of the game, repeatedly acting out of turn, splashing chips, intentionally betting out of reach of the Dealer, or excessive chatter. In addition, excessive celebration through extended theatrics, inappropriate behaviour, or physical actions, gestures, or conduct may be penalized. These violations also include abusive behaviour towards other players' playing styles and/or berating players for how they have played or are playing the tournament.
Redigeret af Brunen d. 15-02-2015 19:55