Donk Teorien

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Her er en ny teori : Donk Teorien
Først Spiller man til alle på bordet er overbevist om at du er "the Donk"
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Her er et ex:

TEXAS_HOLDEM, 0,15-0,25 NL.
Seat 1: tihopi4a ($23.85 in chips)
Seat 2: Kundera_666 ($24.35 in chips)
Seat 3: The Donk ($10.25 in chips)
Seat 4: BAZOUKA27 ($36.30 in chips)
Seat 5: serenus2 ($5 in chips)
Seat 6: cedricxxx91 ($8.65 in chips)
Seat 7: Inocfc ($27.50 in chips)
Seat 8: adamUK51 ($13.70 in chips)
Seat 9: BOXEROV ($25 in chips)
Seat 10: lienuz ($34.35 in chips)

tihopi4a posts blind ($0.15), Kundera_666 posts blind ($0.25).

The Donk calls $0.25, BAZOUKA27 calls $0.25, serenus2 bets $1.50, cedricxxx91 folds, Inocfc folds, adamUK51 calls $1.50, BOXEROV folds, lienuz folds, tihopi4a folds, Kundera_666 folds, The Donk calls $1.25, BAZOUKA27 calls $1.25.

FLOP [board cards: 7S,AD,5S ]
The Donk checks, BAZOUKA27 checks, serenus2 checks, adamUK51 checks.

TURN [board cards: 7S,AD,5S,TD ]
The Donk checks, BAZOUKA27 checks, serenus2 checks, adamUK51 checks.

RIVER [board cards: 7S,AD,5S,TD,TC ]
The Donk bets $2, BAZOUKA27 calls $2, serenus2 folds, adamUK51 folds.
Donk shows [ AC,AH ]
BAZOUKA27 mucks cards [ 3D,QS ]
The Donk wins $9.90.

21-04-2008 02:50 #2| 0

Og lige en hånd mere

TEXAS_HOLDEM, 0,15-0,25 NL.

Seat 1: tihopi4a ($34.65 in chips)
Seat 3: Claro2 ($5.10 in chips)
Seat 4: 48kg ($25.80 in chips)
Seat 5: Rebetwin ($19.30 in chips)
Seat 6: Thorei70 ($4.45 in chips)
Seat 7: The Donk ($18.05 in chips)
Seat 8: alexnakis ($8.10 in chips)
Seat 9: HBelgium ($35.95 in chips)

tihopi4a posts blind ($0.15), Claro2 posts blind ($0.25).

48kg folds, Rebetwin folds, Thorei70 folds, The Donk
calls $0.25, alexnakis calls $0.25, HBelgium bets $1, tihopi4a folds, Claro2 folds, The Donk calls $0.75, alexnakis calls $0.75.

FLOP [board cards: QD,8D,AD ]
The Donk checks, alexnakis checks, HBelgium bets $3, The Donk calls $3, alexnakis folds.

TURN [board cards: QD,8D,AD,AH ]
The Donk checks, HBelgium bets $31.95 and is all-in, The Donk calls $14.05 and is all-in.

RIVER [board cards: QD,8D,AD,AH,3D ]

Belgium shows [ KS,TS ]
The Donk shows [ JD,AS ]
HBelgium wins $17.90, The Donk wins $36.

21-04-2008 02:52 #3| 0

Enough med de donk hænder, hvornår slår du til?

21-04-2008 02:53 #4| 0

Hvornår slår du så til?

21-04-2008 02:55 #5| 0

På River :)

21-04-2008 03:00 #6| 0


21-04-2008 05:45 #7| 0

wtf er det for noget at poste? har du tabt et vædemål?

21-04-2008 07:22 #8| 0

du er "THE DONK"

21-04-2008 11:16 #9| 0

donk = spille AA 4 way???
RR pre..

21-04-2008 11:19 #10| 0

Jeg er helt tosset med din post. Specielt dit check på flop og turn i hånd 1 er super godt, specielt når boardet er så tørt, som det er tilfældet. Limpet preflop er også super. WP!

Hånd 2: Std. limp/call preflop med AJ. WP once again.

21-04-2008 13:26 #11| 0

Du vil helt sikkert komme til at tabe penge !

Sennels siger det meget fint , WP;)

21-04-2008 14:02 #12| 0

[x] cheeseburger-stakes

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