Hi Killuminati,
Thanks for the feedback. Please see my replies below.
killuminati skrev:
synes generelt ikke det virker til at der er styr på det hos rcp, der er virkelig mange små problemer, ændringer mm hele tiden.
til gengæld er det positivt at man får hurtig suport gennem pokernet, men de svarer jos tort set ikke på mails, deres online support er stort set ikke eksisisterende, man kan ikke ændre sit password fx, når man bestiller et nyt, burde der komme asap med mail og ikke manuelt efter 20 timer som andre har oplevet. og udbetalingsproblemer har de fleste vidst også haft.
What the changes you are referring to since we last spoke I would gladly comment on would I know what these were so I must ask you too elaborate on that one. The delayed replies I can agree to haven't been the fastest and have been, as explained in one of my previous posts, the result on an internal restructuring that have caused some delays. This will improve and will do so soon. The reason the decision was taken to restructure was because of the fact that we weren't 100% happy with how it was previously managed. This change is a one for the better and will improve the service. As you know yourself, long term improvements sometimes affect things short term but my ambitions are that RCP players will notice the change within days.
The password issues we are working on. I will do my best to have this sorted during the day and we have connected quite some of ipokers technical specialists to solve this. Im on the phone with them here every day and will try to have it sorted asap.
All in all, and as many others have suffered from, we have been hit by the technical challenges there are with the shift from one license to another with multiple technical implementations to treat and take care of. Everything will be improved and sorted and we are doing our best to speed up the technical fixes there are still to be sorted.
killuminati skrev:og mht value, synes jeg det er blevet svært efterhånden t vide hvad man skal forholde sig til. der burde vel allerede være et race gældende fra i dag?
og de små winter tours og raked hands race indeholder ret beset ingen value for 95% af spillerne og endda begrænset værdi, for dem der såtrods alt får noget ud af det.
så hvis valuen udelukkende er clun coins point, er det jo en ringe en deal i bund og grund.
det er ikke for at være et brokkehovede, synes det er glimrende initiativ og det er forståeligt, der kan være problemer i starten, og mht reguleringer pr 1. januar 2012, men det kan jo ikke passe at den bedste ipoker deal der kan skaffes, skal være som det er pt uden 2 gange månedelige races som man signede op på, for selve den normale value med club coins point er også blevet forringet i forhold til man ført signede op.
savner lidt klare udmeldinger mht hva man permanent kan forholde til sig til mht race eller andre initiativer.
As its always been, even before our time here on PN and as we have discussed in the past, the size of the cash race and the guarantee must be a result of the activity level and what other promotions / value there is to grab from a card room. Hence
Betfred and Pokernet shifting from one prize pool level to another on a monthly basis.
This month, we were very clear not to guarantee another race until we had evaluated the situation shifting from one license to the next and a taxation cost of 20% on top.
We are though looking at possibilities of running another race and the plan for end of January and February should be announced shortly.
That the loyalty program dont bring enough value on its own I could not agree to coming in black and white comparing our us to many of the competitors adjusting down in January while we offered levels at half prize.
I will get back on all of the above issues shortly and until we will do our best to support you all the best way we can.
Please continue to provide your feedback Killuminati, its very well welcomed!