Hey Pokernet.
Sidder og kigger på Em-kvalen, og kan se Danmark, hvis de slår Norge, højest sandsynligt ender med lige mange point. Hvordan afgøres det så hvem der skal videre? Målscore eller indbydes opgør?
Equality of points after the group matches
7.04 If two or more teams are equal on points on completion of the group matches, the
following criteria are applied, in the order given, to determine the rankings:
a) higher number of points obtained in the group matches played among the
teams in question;
b) superior goal difference from the group matches played among the teams in
c) higher number of goals scored in the group matches played among the teams
in question;
d) higher number of goals scored away from home in the group matches played
among the teams in question;
e) if, after applying criteria a) to d) to several teams, two or more teams still have
an equal ranking, the criteria a) to d) will be reapplied to determine the ranking
Sakset fra: www.uefa.com/MultimediaFiles/Download/Regulations/uefa/Others/91/48/36/914836_DOWNLOAD.pdf
Slår vi Norge, er vi næsten garanterede på den playoff plads. Kan ikke forstille mig, at vi skulle tabe til Cypern i den møg vigtige kamp og hvis vi bare har slået Norge, så er allerede foran der. Og jeg tror x mod Portugal er muligt. :)