Et klamt split

#1| 0

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t1600 (9 handed)

BB (t28081)
UTG (t41520)
UTG+1 (t11755)
MP1 (t32048)
MP2 (t91542)
Hero (t43728)
CO (t13185)
Button (t17246)
SB (t30400)

Preflop:/ Hero is MP3 with A, J.
2 folds//, MP1 raises to t3200/, 1 fold//, Hero raises to t13200/, CO calls t13035 (All-In), 3 folds//, MP1 calls t10000.

Flop:/ (t40485) A, J, 6 (3 players, 1 all-in)/
MP1 bets t18698 (All-In)/, Hero calls t18698.

Turn:/ (t77881) 9 (3 players, 2 all-in)/

River:/ (t77881) K (3 players, 2 all-in)/

Final Pot:/ t77881

Results in white below:
MP1 has Jh Qh (flush, ace high).
Hero has Ac Jc (flush, ace high).
CO has Kc Qc (flush, ace high).
Outcome: MP1 wins t32198. Hero wins t32198. CO wins t13485. /

14-12-2007 23:58 #2| 0

Øv så :-D

15-12-2007 00:00 #3| 0

altid noget du ikke tabte den ; - )

15-12-2007 00:02 #4| 0

Ja - Det havde sku været for klamt :)

15-12-2007 00:37 #5| 0

Hvem sender noget skrub min vej.....

Jeg har absolut ikke fået nogen hænder i den her tour :(

15-12-2007 00:55 #6| 0

er du stadig med???

15-12-2007 00:57 #7| 0

Ja - Fik lige AA, men alle foldede............. :(

15-12-2007 01:02 #8| 0

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t6000 (9 handed)

Button (t133377)
Hero (t71928)
BB (t83639)
UTG (t53376)
UTG+1 (t78680)
MP1 (t271068)
MP2 (t142924)
MP3 (t219292)
CO (t182481)

Preflop:/ Hero is SB with J, A.
3 folds//, MP2 raises to t12000/, 2 folds//, Button calls t12000, Hero raises to t36000/, 1 fold//, MP2 calls t24000, Button folds.

Flop:/ (t88200) 2, K, 9 (2 players)/
Hero bets t35328 (All-In)/, MP2 folds.

Final Pot:/ t52872

Results in white below:
No showdown. Hero wins t123528. /

15-12-2007 01:03 #9| 0

railer dig lige om lidt

15-12-2007 01:07 #10| 0

skrub sangen til dig..

du sidder da nogenlunde kan jeg se

15-12-2007 01:18 #11| 0

Lorte sang :D

15-12-2007 01:20 #12| 0



15-12-2007 01:30 #13| 0

Damn - Jeg laver mange resteals...

15-12-2007 01:32 #14| 0

ja du er lige heldig nok ikke og blive taget i noget...

Shit ham Rufus er blevet suget ud 2 gange nu

15-12-2007 01:38 #15| 0

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t8000 (8 handed)

SB (t350324)
Hero (t136528)
UTG (t131264)
UTG+1 (t145988)
MP1 (t207468)
MP2 (t248601)
CO (t240292)
Button (t171465)

Preflop:/ Hero is BB with T, 8.
5 folds//, Button raises to t16800/, 1 fold//, Hero raises to t52800/, Button folds.

Final Pot:/ t38400

Results in white below:
No showdown. Hero wins t38400. /

15-12-2007 02:45 #16| 0

Hmm - sluttede som nr. 58.

Igen en tour, hvor jeg ikke fordobler min stack en eneste gang. Fik ingen kort til sidst.

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