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Er der nogle af jer der ved, hvor man kan få sådan et, og hvordan det helt præcist fungerer?
Sådan én skulle man ha :)
den er da ret vild, og tror sgu måske den er god nok. ved det ikke, men ku være fedt, hvis nogen fandt info om det :)
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Bottoms Up Home Units
Subscribe to our mailing list and reserve your place in line. First come, first serve for the Bottoms Up Home Unit; while Bottoms Up is offered for commercial sale only as of right now, the home unit is slated for a full market release date in 2013. Limited releases may become available prior to 2013, but only to subscribers. Subscribe and become the exception to the rule! GrinOn will give away several home units each December among subscribers only! If you want to subscribe to our mailing list drop us an email.
Once you sign up you get credit to GrinOn's apparel store as well as a credit towards a future purchase of your Bottoms Up Home Unit, without any kind of commitment from you other than your email address.
Your information is used for internal purposes only. GrinOn will not share your information with any party.
Subscribe by entering your information into this Bottoms Up Home Unit form. While we all don't like to fill out forms, we hate to wait in line (especially for a beer!) and your filling out this form will speed up how fast we roll out the Bottoms Up Draft Beer Dispenser Home Unit.