Firefox og java

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Jeg har dags dato opdateret fra 17 til 18, og med et fået et java problem,

Hvordan skal forholde sig ? I IE 9 ingen problemer.

Java Plugin 7 update 10 and lower (click-to-play), Windows has been blocked for your protection.

Why was it blocked?
The Java plugin is causing significant security problems. All users are strongly recommended to keep the plugin disabled unless necessary.
Who is affected?
All users who have these versions of the plugin installed in Firefox 17 and above.
What does this mean?

The problematic add-on or plugin will be automatically disabled and no longer usable.
When Mozilla becomes aware of add-ons, plugins, or other third-party software that seriously compromises Firefox security, stability, or performance and meets certain criteria, the software may be blocked from general use. For more information, please read this support article.

Blocked on October 30, 2012. View block request.
12-01-2013 15:26 #2| 0

Java bliver automatisk blokeret i firefox pga kendt sikkerhedsproblem.
Du bør pt kun bruge en browser med Java aktiv på sider du har tillid til.

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