Det er blevet nødvendigt at fjerne al information om disse på computeren og ville høre om nogle vidst hvordan det gøres? Mht. reg. filer osv.
Fjerne Party+skins totalt?
Mener bestemt der kommer et program med til afinstallation, når du installerer Party (ligger formentlig i samme mappe).
Desværre har jeg erfaret, at det ikke helt slå igennem. Der ligger stadig et tilføjelsesprogram, som jeg ikke kan finde ud af at slette.
Nogen der har en ide ?
Run regedit, and delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE:SOFTWARE:Calculator. If you are unfamiliar with the windows registry editor, you may want to stick with method 1, as you can seriously screw up your machine.
Here are the steps:
1. CONTROL PANEL - Add/Remove Programs : Delete all party skins
2. MANUALLY DELETED the PartyPoker and skins folders from "Program
Files". Seems that Step 1 didn"t catch this.
my computer >> local disk (:C)>>program files
2. REGEDIT: Do a search for "regedit". It should be in the "c:\\windows" folder. Open it. Click on tabs: HKEY_CURRENT_USER >> Software >> then delete (Party skin) folder.
3. REGEDIT: Go back to the registry folder. Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >>SOFTWARE>> Calculator>> (delete the UCID file)
3. FIREFOX AND IE: Delete all cookies, cache, and history.
Mozilla: tools>> options>> privacy>> clear all
4. SEARCH ALL FILES AND FOLDERS FOR "PARTY" or "empire" etc. then delete them.
5. SEARCH THE REGISTRY - for any additional keys relating to "PARTY" etc - If so delete
7. INSTALL party skin with a different email address.
All other pertinent info remained the same - name, username, street address, Neteller.