Er der nogen der kan fortælle mig hvordan dælan man spiller suited connectors?? Får aldrig noget ud af dem uanset om jeg raiser preflop eller limper..
Forbandede suited connectors
Jeg går ud fra, vi taler om connectors fra T og ned. Og uanset om det er FL eller NL spiller jeg dem forsigtigt og kun sjældent fra EP. En gang imellem raiser jeg med dem fra LP, hvis der kun er limpere, det giver lejlighed til at agere, hvis der falder topkort.
Men humlen i det er at spille dem rigtigt, når de endelig rammer en straight eller flush. Der skal malkes mest muligt, så man indhenter de tab man uvægerligt vil lide alle de gange, de ikke rammer.
Du vil gerne spille SC når stacks er forholdsvist dybe, du kan se floppet billigt, din position er god (sen) og andre før dig har åbnet potten ved at limpe eller med et lille raise. Desuden vil du gerne spille SC mod loose spillere for så har du bedre chance for at få betaling hvis du rammer din hånd.
Vær dog forberedt på at du ofte skal smide SC på floppet på samme måde som du ofte skal smide små par på floppet.
Personligt er jeg overbevist om at SC giver en del varians men er en god forretning når de spilles rigtigt.
SC på NL25:
PF: limp
Hvis du ikke får st8 eller flush træk, 2 par eller trips så folder du.
På LL vil det ofte være selvmord at forsøge at spille en top pair, da du altid bliver kaldt af et par fisk.
der er heller ikke meget FE på LL, så semibluff med omhu
Spillet er no limit, hovedsageligt SNG omkring 6-11 $ og turneringer med buyin op til 20 $.. Tak for svarene indtil videre.. Må prøve at følge dem fra nu af..
Harrington on Hold `em!! kan kun anbefales, er godt nok kun kommet halvvejs igennem vol.1, men af hvad jeg har hørt andre sige om bøgerne, så skulle de være vægt mange gange værd i $$$!
Jeg har dog ikke selv læst det endnu, men fik det i en mail i et nyhedsbrev.. Kunne være der stod noget brugbart :)
Playing Suited Connectors
Suited connectors are one of the most overplayed hands in poker, consequently costing players an unnecessary amount of money through their misuse. If played correctly, however, they can prove a useful tool in cash games, adding some much needed flair to your play.
There is much debate on forums as to how to play suited connectors and, of course, it''s ultimately dependent on your style and what strategy you feel comfortable adopting. For the average cash game player, my advice would be to raise preflop with suited connectors 5-6 and above.
If you are concerned that your preflop strategy is becoming predictable and easily identifiable, then raising with suited connectors is certain to add an extra dimension to your game. If you are a text book player, then opponents will find little difficulty in placing you on specific preflop raising hands come the flop, but, if you also raise with suited connectors, then you could hit a variety of flops and will consequently become much more difficult to read.
Even if opponents are aware that you raise preflop with suited connectors, it is nigh on impossible to put you on a hand due to the potential for two pair, trips, straights flushes, etc. You could have anything from 5-6 of diamonds to J-T of clubs, so practically any flop that you hit will disguise the fact that you have actually made your hand.
Also, if the flop comes out something innocuous like 7-7-2 and you hold 7-8 suited, your opponents will be reluctant to put you on a 7, thereby potentially paying you off as the hand progresses. It''s amazing how players can so adamantly refuse to believe you have connected with a certain flop, but they do, so take full of advantage of this na´vety.
Although I don''t mind calling preflop raises with suited connectors, I am not a big fan of smooth calling for just the big bind. I see this as a missed opportunity to be aggressive whilst also leaving yourself open to chasing or even being out-flushed. Narrowing the field reduces the potential of being out-flopped or out-turned by a higher flush, subsequently sparing you an almost certain ''cleaned out'' predicament.
Whilst I advocate aggressive play of this hand, I would also advise caution. In the end, it is only a suit away from being a hand that many would usually deem instantly foldable, so don''t play it with too much zest and enthusiasm.
Personally, I wouldn''t raise with less than 4-5 suited as anything lower and the straight becomes harder to make. If you have raised and found a caller, then there''s a good chance that an Ace (one of your straighting cards) is already out there.
It''s also worth considering that the lower down you go in the ladder of suited connectors, the less chance you have of your opponent flopping a big pair alongside your monster. If you have J-T, however, and either flop a straight or two pair, then there''s a good chance that your opponent has also made contact and can pay you off, especially if there was a preflop raise.
What you mustn''t do is start calling pot-sized continuation bets willy nilly when you make one pair, especially out of position. If you have some sort of straight draw too, then maybe the call (or raise for that matter) can be justified, but only if you are certain that making your hand on the turn will result in a large chunk of money being extracted from your opponent. Otherwise, the call just isn''t worth the investment and will merely lead to a dwindling stack.
Ultimately, I am always happy to raise suited connectors preflop as they can create strong semi-bluffing opportunities and are so well concealed if they actually hit. Due to their disguise, there is a better chance of them bringing you a lucrative double-up, which is what cash game poker is really all about. However, be aware that if you overplay them