Forkortelser, Opdateret liste

#1| 0

Poker abbreviations and expressions

B&M = Brick and Mortar
BB - Big Blind
GCA & GCB - see
CO - Cut Off seat to right of button
EV - Expected Value
HE - Hold"em
HL - High Limit
HTH - Head To Head
HTML - High to Middle Limits
KQs - King Queen suited
LL - Low Limit
NL - No Limit
NLHE - No Limit Hold"em
OPC - Online Poker Casino
OTB - On the Button
PL - Pot Limit
PLHE - Pot Limit Hold"em
Presto - Set of fives
PTL - Player To my Left
PTR - Player To my Right
SB - Small Blind
SD - Show Down
SNG - Sit "n Go - Single Table Tournament
TTH - Turbo Texas Hold"em software
UTG - Under The Gun

****Events & Sites:
2+2 -
PP - Party Poker
RG - rec.gambling newsgroup (<1995)
RGP - newsgroup
UB - Ultimate Bet
UPF - United Poker Forum
WPT - World Poker Tour

WSOP - World Series of Poker

****Online Poker Chat:
nh - Nice Hand
ty - Thank You
vnh - Very Nice Hand
ighn - I Go Home Now (busted out)

****General Chat:
BTW - By The Way
BWDIK - But What Do I Know
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
IMO - In My Opinion
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
IIRC - If I Recall Correctly
IRC - Internet Relay Chat
JAT - Just A Thought
LOL - Laughing Out Loud
OT - Off-Topic
OTOH - On The Other Hand
ROTF - Rolling on the floor
LMAO - Laughing My Ass Off
WGAF Who Gives A Flute
WTF - What the F**k

A-A - Pocket Rockets
A-A - Snake Eyes
AdAh - American Airlines
A-K - Big Slick
A-J - Ajax
K-K - Cowboys
K-J - Kojak
K-9 - Canine
Q-Q - Mop Squeezers
Q-7 - Computer Hand
Q-3 - Gay Waiter
J-J - Fishhooks
J-J - Two Jakes
J-4 - Flat Tire
T-T - Twenty Miles
T-5 - Woolworth
T-4 - Broderick Crawford
T-2 - Doyle Brunson
9-9 - Phil Helmuth
9-8 - Oldsmobile
9-6 - Big Lick
9-5 - Dolly Parton
9-2o - Montana Banana
8-8 - Dog Balls
8-8 - Snowmen
7-7 - Sunset Strip
7-6 - Union Oil
7-5 - Heinz 57
6-6 - Route 66
5-5 - Presto
5-5 - Double Nickels
5-4 - Jesse James
2-2 - Deuces Never Loses
2-2 - Ducks
2-2 - Quackers
A- Rocket, Bullet
K- Cowboy
Q- Lady
J- Hook
10- Dime
9- Niner
8- Ocho
7- Hockey Stick
6- Boot
5- five-spot
4- Sharp Top
3- Crab, Trey
2- Duck, Quacker, Duece

21-06-2004 11:00 #2| 0

Hvad betyder gg?

21-06-2004 11:05 #4| 0

good game= GG

21-06-2004 11:05 #3| 0

great game

21-06-2004 11:06 #5| 0

gg = good game

21-06-2004 11:10 #6| 0

ok, så noterer jeg begge versioner.

21-06-2004 11:14 #7| 0

Hjælp venligst allesammen med at ajourføre listen.

Tak - Leon

21-06-2004 11:37 #8| 0

wp - well played
44 - mid-life crises

21-06-2004 11:44 #9| 0

QQ: Four boobies
QQXX: Tits up

21-06-2004 12:24 #10| 0

Q5s: Granny Mae

Link til flere nicknames:

21-06-2004 14:28 #11| 0

AA- anonyme alkoholikere

21-06-2004 15:51 #12| 0

99 - German virgin

21-06-2004 15:56 #13| 0

666 = da beast

21-06-2004 16:01 #15| 0

AK = Walking back to Houston

21-06-2004 16:01 #14| 0

55 = Speed limit

T4 = Roger over

K9 = K9 (som du skriver, men det er amerikanske tal, og er en hund. Hvorfor en K9 er en hund har vist noget med politiet at gøre, men jeg er langt fra sikker).

Ellers kan jeg ikke komme på nogle andre forkortelser, som du ikke har med.

21-06-2004 16:13 #16| 0

VR = vappe rules he he

21-06-2004 16:27 #17| 0

omfg ???

21-06-2004 16:33 #18| 0

omfg = ohh my fucking god

21-06-2004 16:39 #19| 0

kma = kiss my ass
smc = suck my cock
bm = blow me

håber de går an Leon, ellers er det ok :o)

21-06-2004 16:40 #20| 0

@ Dan The Man......
K9= Canine = hund... Derfor :)

De venligste hilsner
Daniel Nielsen

21-06-2004 16:44 #21| 0

MBYFO? = My balls, your face, ok?

21-06-2004 17:03 #22| 0

haha, go on boys :-)

21-06-2004 17:19 #23| 0

77= walking sticks
55= speed limit


21-06-2004 18:39 #24| 0

Ac-As-8c-8s + ukendt kicker = Dead Mans Hand.
"Wild Bill" Hickok blev skudt og døde under et pokerspil i Deadwood, South Dakota. Dette var kortene han havde på hånden, da uheldet var ude.

Konklusionen må vel være at man skal holde sig fra draw poker..

21-06-2004 19:37 #25| 0

FFS= For Fuck Sake

21-06-2004 19:41 #26| 0

33= to treere

21-06-2004 22:03 #27| 0

Gult kort til chili :-)

21-06-2004 23:30 #28| 0

hvad gælder de gule for ;-)

22-06-2004 03:47 #29| 0


22-06-2004 06:47 #30| 0


shut the fuck up ok? thanks, bye.

par på hånden der rammer = set
tre ens generelt = trips

22-06-2004 09:50 #31| 0

QQ = Siegfried & Roy

22-06-2004 11:37 #32| 0

A-Q: Doyle Brunson
10-2: Doyle Brunson

22-06-2004 18:39 #33| 0

Er stødt ind i "yw" et par gange. Hvad betyder det?


22-06-2004 18:59 #34| 0

yw = you"re welcome

22-06-2004 19:11 #35| 0

you win

08-07-2004 21:41 #36| 0

nu har jeg mødt wd et par hvad betyder det?

08-07-2004 21:56 #37| 0

well done ?

08-07-2004 22:02 #38| 0

ul = unlucky
n1 = nice one
wp = well played

26-07-2004 00:14 #39| 0

Jeg er i forbindelse med statistik stødt på forkortelsen ROI et par gange...
Hva" dælan betyder det?

26-07-2004 00:39 #40| 0

Faldt lige over forklaringen selv.
ROI = Return on Investment (%)

27-07-2004 10:49 #41| 0

TTT=Thirty miles of bad road

28-07-2004 09:58 #42| 0

Jeg fik denne smidt i hovedet da jeg ramte en str8 på river: FPS.
Nogen der har et bud?
Og bliv nu ikke for personlige:)

28-07-2004 10:35 #43| 0

What is an FPS?


The often used abbreviation "FPS" means First Person Shooter. In a FPS shooter you see everything from a first person point of view, that is as through the eyes of your player character. That naturally makes the environment in which you play three dimensional. Most of the time you are moving through some sort of maze that represents an ancient castle, a tomb, sewers or simpley a building. That depends on the setting of the respective game (QW has a somewhat "medieval" setting). Along your way you encounter a lot of enemies which you dispatch with the weapons you found previously. Besides the weapons there are also other items to pick up like health, ammunition or powerups which help you on your quest.
The goal of the game depends a lot on which mode you play. In single player the goal is more or less to find the exit of the maze. Before reaching that you usually have to kill a boss monster blocking the exit. Often you have to solve some puzzles as well, like finding a key to open a door.
In multiplayer the concept is much different. In short words it is to kill the enemy player.There are many different styles though.
In deathmatch or "free for all" two or more players kill each other until someone reaches the fraglimit that is has killed his enemies a certain number of times. Once the limit is reached you start over, either on the same map or a different one.
In duel or 1on1 you only have a single enemy at the same time. Usually you play for like 10 minutes. Whoever gets the most frags(kills) wins the duel. In contradiction to raw deathmatch this mode requires much more knowledge about various aspects of the game.
Teamplay means that you play together with your team against another team. This can be 2on2, 4on4 or even 16on16. Teamplay is perhaps the most difficult mode to master in an FPS since you not only have to care about yourself but you also have to pay a lot of attention towards what your teammates are doing. This is if you want your team to win of course.

For a newbie QW might not be the best game to try because it is very hard to get into it. However here in our guide we will provide you with all the information you need and it is worth the effort. QW is considerably better than the modern FPS games when it comes down to what a game is all about: gameplay.

28-07-2004 10:55 #44| 0

Fucking Poker Sars?

28-07-2004 11:25 #45| 0

IMFAO = I am falling all over ( som i jeg dør af grin ) Bliver tit brugt på et virkelig heldigt draw.
GJ = Good Job
G1 = Good one
YR = Yeah Right ( Bruges hvis en spiller better højt og man er sikker på han bluffer )

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