Nu har der været en del snak om kundeservice inden for poker branchen på det seneste, så syntes lige jeg vil dele denne her med jer
Problemet er at jeg har mistede den musik jeg har købt Itunes, det skete da jeg skulle ligge musikken fra min gamle Iphone til min nye.
Da det helt sikker er min egen skyld, da jeg højst sandsynligt har fucket op på et tidspunkt i processen er jeg overrasket over deres svar fra deres kundeservice
Skrev til dem i håb om de kunne hjælpe mig med at få min musik tilbage, fra da jeg skrev mailen til jeg fik svar gik der 1 time og her er svaret
Dear Michael,
Thank you for contacting Apple iTunes Store Customer Support! My name is Leo and I'll be your iTunes Advisor for today.
I understand that your iTunes Store purchases are missing from your iTunes library and your iPhone. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience of this situation. I know that you are eager to have this issue resolved so I am more than happy to look into this for you.
Fortunately, those items may still be on your hard disk. To look for them, follow the steps in this article:
If you have any of these items on an iPod or iPhone, you can transfer them from the iPod or iPhone to your computer using iTunes. You'll find instructions in this article:
Michael, if you are unable to locate one or more of your purchases, it may be possible for me to make any missing purchases available for you to download a second time, free of charge. However, it is important to note that this would be a one-time exception to the iTunes Store Terms of Service, so you'll want to make sure you give me a complete list of any missing purchases.
If you have not done so already, please take a few minutes to look over your purchase history and your iTunes library so you can determine if any of your other purchases are missing, so we don't use up your exception without getting as many of your purchases back as possible.
Please reply to this email and include the order numbers and titles of all your missing purchases. You can find the order numbers of your purchases on your email receipts or in your Purchase History. To review your purchase history, follow these steps:
1) Make sure you're using the latest version of iTunes. It can be downloaded free of charge from the Apple website:
Note: Installing the latest version of iTunes will not affect your Library or any items in your account that you haven't downloaded.
2) Open iTunes and sign in to the iTunes Store, if necessary.
3) From the Store pull-down menu at the top, choose View My Account.
4) Enter your password and click View Account.
5) Click Purchase History. You will see the details of your orders. To see a full list of the items from each order, click the gray circle with the white arrow next to each order number.
If you are missing all or most of the purchases you made on a certain account and couldn't find any of them, you don't need to reply with the order numbers or titles of the missing purchases. Just state that you are still missing all of the items you purchased, and include the name of the account you used to purchase the items.
If you find no other items are missing, please reply to this email and confirm this so I may assist you further.
Resolving your issue is important to me, and I look forward to your reply Michael. Thank you for choosing iTunes.
iTunes Store Customer Support
Please Note: I work WED-SUN, 8-5PM CT
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to assist you.
Customer First Name :
Customer Last Name :
email :
Web Order # :
Support Subject : Music Purchases
Sub Issue : undefined
See additional info below
OS version: Windows 7
Country: Denmark
Lang_Country: en_DK
iTunes version: iTunes 10.6
Apple ID:
Specific request: I'm unable to locate my purchased item(s)
Item title:
Og nu har jeg fået muligheden for at købe alt mit musik igen uden at skulle betale
Det er sgu en god kundeservice
God kundeservice "ikke poker"
20-04-2012 00:39
Redigeret af Ishusen d. 20-04-2012 00:42
20-04-2012 00:41
Cool story bro.
20-04-2012 11:11
Synes godt om !
Fedt at alt ikke bare er brok og sure miner!
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