Gratis 50$-?? hos Gaming Club.

#1| 0

Hej alle.

Har ikke selv spillet hos Gaming Club,
men overvejer det efter at have læst følgende post på 2+2. Reglerne virker en kende kompliceret men mon ikke de er til at gennemskue med en nærlæsning.

P.S. lige en tak til drengene fra i onsdags for en hyggelig poker-aften, så vi da snart må gentage...

Mvh Mika


Based on the results of the poll it looks like The Gaming Club is the clear favorite, but before I get into the matter at hand, lets go back to the beginning and make things clear...

The Open Internet Challenge was an idea originally put forth my Mike Haven to encourage players to gain experience at higher levels with a limited amount of risk to their normal bankrolls. It is meant to be a self-paced, honor bound, educational endeavor. Yes, there is an element of competition to it (to see who can reach the goal first), but like poker (and life for that matter) the real competition is with yourself. You should be approaching this with the goal of improving your game and gaining experience for a limited amount of risk, don"t let the dollar signs blind you as many of us won"t make it all the way.

The Gaming Club has made a generous offer to host and sponsor the Open Internet Challenge for anyone interested. This is fantastic because anyone interested can now participate in the challenge with zero risk. In the spirit of the competition you may participate at any site you choose and (as long as you follow the rules) you will still be considered as part of the OIC. Obviously you"ll be risking your own money (and not be eligible for any bonuses from the gaming club), but that choice is up to you.

The details of Gaming Club's offer are as follows:

Gaming Club will sponsor the first 500 players interested in playing the OIC at the gaming club by giving them $50 (you"ll need to check out Gaming Club"s profile to get the details of how to do this. Please read the instructions carefully as I already messed this up. )

Gaming Club will post a daily leader board on the forum (this is where the players on other sites can piggyback their results). Gaming Club will give a $50 bonus to the player who wins the most money each day, as well as $50 to the overall competition leader each day.

Gaming Club will provide the first person to reach $2000 (that is playing at their site) with a trophy and get it engraved with the winner"s name, etc. The winner from the Gaming Club site will also receive a $500 bonus and a digital camera (with the understanding the winner will take a picture of them self with the trophy to be posted on the forum).

Gaming Club will hold a tournament at the end of the month for all the players (at their site) who make it to the $2000 mark. This will be a freeroll with a prize pool of $100/head. For example, if 10 people make it to the $2000 mark those 10 people will play a freeroll tournament with a $1000 prize pool. In addition, all players that make it to the $2k mark will receive some sort of "knick-knack" from the site (hat, T-Shirt, souvenir chip, etc).

Remember, you must visit Gaming Club"s profile to get the details on how to get the $50 for playing the OIC. If you don"t already have an account at Gaming Club, Cup is offering his standard refer a friend kickback.


As was mentioned before this is a self-paced, honor bound, educational endeavor. To make sure that everyone is on the same page there are a few rules that everyone is expected to follow:

The official start date is Monday, November 3, at midnight Eastern. We've extended the start so that everyone can get their account set up at the gaming club.

The challenge will end on Sunday, November 23 at 11:59:59 PM. With the tournament for the $2,000 winners to be held sometime that following week. This gives us time to get o

31-10-2003 20:49 #2| 0

Lyder da meget fint, men kan slet ikke finde noget på deres side om det... Og selv tak for sidst - Det må vi bestemt gøre igen.

01-11-2003 10:48 #3| 0

Det er go" nok. Jeg har modtaget min 65$.
15$ i gratis signup og 50$ ved at maile til [email protected]. Skriv dette i subjectlinen "Sign me up for the GC OIC".

Husk også at skrive dit 2+2 username


01-11-2003 16:07 #4| 0

Tak for det Deicer... Har gjort som du skrev så nu håber jeg det virker. Skrev dit navn (altså Deicer) da den spurgte om jeg var blevet refered, så måske får du også lidt ud af det :) .. Har godt nok ikke set noget til de 15$ i signupbonus, men dem skal man måske også requeste via mail? har bare overført 50 fra min neteller.

01-11-2003 16:13 #5| 0

Hej Morten
Selv tak, men jeg hedder "whynot12" på gamingclub, da deicer var taget :-)

De 15$ får du på deres hjemmeside (

01-11-2003 22:44 #6| 0

Så har jeg også modtaget de 50$ ... blir spændende at se hvad de kan blive til derinde :)

02-11-2003 17:02 #7| 0

Tak for sidst gutter. Jeg er helt sikkert klar på at gøre det igen.

02-11-2003 23:00 #8| 0


Det var noget sludder jeg sagde tidligere, jeg hedder "Deicer" på GamingClub - sorry :-)

03-11-2003 23:39 #9| 0

Så er jeg også på - og er selvfølgelig klar til at gentage succesen fra i onsdags.

Vi kan være hos mig næste gang.

04-11-2003 15:08 #10| 0

Hvor mange er med i det her hos Gaming club egentlig?? udover Deicer og jeg....- Eller du er måske slet ik med deicer? - Du har måske bare taget de 50$ efter 100 raked hands?

04-11-2003 15:27 #11| 0

Jo da, jeg er med.... Men det er sgu hård konkurrence på 0.5/1$ med alle de "2+2" spillere.

Jeg er oppe på ca. 78$ indtil videre (fik kun spillet 1½ time igår)

04-11-2003 15:47 #12| 0

Ja helt sikkert... Jeg kører næsten kun på 1on1 deriende, og er på 88$ pt. Har lige spillet mod en derinde som sad ved 0.5/1$ heads up bordet med ca 900$... Det skal siges at max buyin på bordet er 100$... Han må sgu ha siddet der ret længe :) - - Eller også er der sket en fejl så han ku sætte sig med så mange chips for det lyder jo helt vildt på det limit.

04-11-2003 15:50 #13| 0

Opdager lige at det jo er Pot Limit bordet der er max buy in på 100 :)

04-11-2003 16:26 #14| 0

Så er jeg på 1-2 med 114$ :)

04-11-2003 16:33 #15| 0

Kanon, Morten...

Gi" dem tørt på :-)

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