Guld FuckMyLife citater.-_-.

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Her kommer lige en række sjove citater som jeg lige vil dele med PN:
Jeg gætter på at en række af citaterne er sagt/gjort for sjov, og at de skal tages som en joke. Der er nogle der er lidt for urealistiske, men jeg synes nu alligevel at de er sjove.
Today, my boyfriend called and told me he had cheated on me with a minor. She is claiming rape and going to put him in jail. He asked me to help him pay for his attorney. FML
Today, my boyfriend told me one of the main reasons he started dating me was because I have the same name as his ex, whose name he has tattooed on his back. FML
Today, I woke up to my boyfriend making breakfast. I thought he was making it for me, so I sat at the table. When he walked over with his plate, he said, "Oh, I didn't know you were here!" I'd slept in the same bed with him last night. FML
Today, I went on a movie date with a guy. He brought his mom. FML
Today, I was rejected by a girl when she told me she is not ready to date. We met on a dating website. FML
Today, I met my husband's other wife. FML
Today, my boyfriend got mugged. I found out because the mugger had the courtesy to ring me, after I texted several times asking where he was, to say "He won't reply. He got robbed." FML
Today, I was with my boyfriend and we were in his car when he burst out crying, I thought it might have been because we had gotten into a huge fight and he felt bad. No, he cried on my shoulder for a half hour because he misses his ex-girlfriend. He's been writing songs about wanting her back. FML
Today, I asked my boyfriend what celebrity I look like. He thought long and hard, then said "Sarah Jessica Parker." I gasped and told him that I find her extremely hideous. He replied "So do I." FML
Today, my boyfriend of eleven months broke up with me, but adamantly insisted I didn't move out of our apartment, because he can't pay the rent alone. FML
Today, I went on a date with my new boyfriend. When the check came, he asked, "Do you accept food stamps?" When the waiter said no, he checked in his wallet and said, "Well all I have is five dollars." I ended up picking up the $20 tab. FML
Today, my girlfriend broke up with me by sending me a text. She was sitting right beside me on a 10 hour car trip, and there was still 6 more hours to go. FML

30-12-2010 21:33 #2| 0

Bumper lige.

30-12-2010 22:03 #3| 0

Har du googlet boyfriend isaac?

30-12-2010 23:18 #4| 0

Jeg troede poker lovgivningen ville blive gennemført d. 1-1-2011 og stars ville blive skattefrit. Det skete ikke og det blev udsat i 18 mdr.? FML!

30-12-2010 23:29 #5| 0

Dybt fjollet topic, hvis man vil se de bedste FMLs gaar man vel bare ind paa FML siden?

30-12-2010 23:40 #6| 0

Den her er også god!

Today, I texted my college boyfriend to tell him how terrible I felt about cheating. He replied saying he was so relieved because he had been cheating on me with a girl in his dorm. I was talking about my math exam. FML

En mere. Shit en tumpe

Today, I was at the park when I saw a homeless man sleeping on a bench. I thought it would be funny to throw a small rock at him. He thought it would be funny to pull out his knife and chase me for six blocks. FML

31-12-2010 01:30 #7| 0


Ja og hvis man vil have de bedste serier går man ind på, hvis man vil have de bedste film går man ind på, hvis man har spørgsmål omkring su-lån går man ind på

Eller, det er dét man har et forum for, retard.

"Forum: a public meeting or assembly for open discussion "

31-12-2010 10:43 #8| 0

Jeg synes de var fine, og aner ikke hvad FML er.

31-12-2010 10:44 #9| 0

@ Sealand

Fuck my life


31-12-2010 12:40 #10| 0

God stil alcohomer, lad os opmuntre trolls til at lave copy paste traade fra sider som 9/10 kender I forvejen.

31-12-2010 12:45 #11| 0

Mit konstruktive forslag er at lave en lc traad (low content) det virker fint paa andre forums.

31-12-2010 12:52 #12| 0

Kan man være mere tvær nytårsaften? Jesus kristus det er bare en række sjove citater intet andet. Hvad havde du forventet under OT? Komplekse kvanteteorier?
Det er bare lidt spas 30 sekunders læsning og så videre til næste tråd.

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