Hey guys....hvis nogen er interesseret kan det oplyses at Gus er ved at rive Durr i småstykker.
182k - 23k
245k - 26k
39k - 98k
Brian hastings har lige joinet
Gus vs Durr NU!!!!!
Alexander Kostritsyn
Han vandt bl.a. 25k HU på FT
altid lækkert at gus kan hive 9bi's hjem på 7game :D, betyder alligevel lidt nå bi er på 30k, bare lidt arveligt han så skal tabe dem på plo :)
synes gusses planer om at spille lidt lavere i år er gået lidt ned af bakke:)
Durrr blev sgu renset af isildur :D men ser ud til han ikke vil spille mere PLO
Dealer: Isildur1 vinder puljen ($254,586.50) med en Straight, Ti hi
Dealer: Hånd #18522026601
Dealer: durrrr vinder puljen ($800)
durrrr: huh?
Isildur1: lets just play 6 tables 3 6 nl instead ?
durrrr: lol
durrrr: ur too annoying to deal with
durrrr: play for hours then the second u get up u want new game
Chat Monitor (Support): Olof Lundin has lost their chat privilege for 2 minutes. Spamming the table is prohibited.
durrrr: thats ridic
Isildur1: lol, like i just to quit playing
Isildur1: wtf
Isildur1: i play plo with u all even tho i dont want
durrrr: i wanna play here obv
Isildur1: i been waiting for u at nl and u say u comming but never show up
durrrr: its obv terrible timing right after u win 250k pot
Isildur1: thats annoying
durrrr: i came to play 4
durrrr: but had 4 other games
durrrr: u hav too many rules w/e
Isildur1: ye ok
durrrr: im stuck 500 ill play here
durrrr: dont wanna move tho
durrrr: i lost a lot to gus before u came
Isildur1: ok sry to hear that
durrrr: n said to friend on aim that i hoped u didnt win early or ud quit and ask me for NL
durrrr: its k we can play another time or w/e
Isildur1: i dont use to quit plo when im winning
durrrr: ok lets play then?
Isildur1: thats just bs
System: Rush Poker Happy Hour is running right now! Earn Double Full Tilt Points by playing in any Rush Poker game!
durrrr: lets play then?
Isildur1: i need 5 mins then i know after
Isildur1: plo
durrrr: ok
Isildur1: would rather play nl but gimme some time i have small stuff to do
durrrr: ok np