Jeg har fået mit stort set daglige nyhedsbrev fra Absolute Poker.
Der står at der er 20% Hump Day deposit Bonus.
HUMP DAY???? Er det bare min tankegang der er lidt afsporet, eller hvad er det for en dag Absolute henviser til? :o)
Hump Day?
Lad mig se -- det er onsdag idag.. Så må det være "Lillemoraften" de hentyder til. God service med en bonus i anledning af det!!
lyder rigtigt nok Stacker :), burde være sådan.
for de mere "seriøse", der vil have udvidet deres amerikanske slang, hvorfor nogen skulle er dog en gåde, men her kommer den alligevel.
Hump Day:
Wednesday, or the hump of the week
The absolute BEST day of the week, the day of maximum hope that maybe, you might make it out of this week alive. A particularly good hump day can last you the rest of the week, and by Doomday morning (Monday) you survive by anticipating hump day. Nothing goes wrong on hump day
Most other days can be defined by hump day. Tuesday is the day before hump day. Thursday is one day after hump day. Except Friday is WOOOH!!! FREEDOM!!! Day, Saturday is Mostly Hungover day, and Sunday is PreDoom day.
Hump day has nothing to do with sex. Unless one wants it to. I like to declare the existence of hump day just to see people"s faces. Usually being conservative and all"Do you know what the best thing about Tuesdays are? Its the day before Hump Day!"
LOL Stacker - nice one!
Jeg fandt forklaringen ved at google lidt:
An English language idiom for Wednesday is "hump day", a reference to making it through the middle of the work week as getting "over the hump". It is also unofficially (and with some irony) referred to as "the peak of the week".
Men jeg kan nu bedst lide Stackers forklaring :o)
Absolute skal vist bare have den mindste smule at fejre, for at smide en deposit bonus afsted. Lidt ligesom da man studere, og ikke skulle have ret meget undskyldning for at feste og drikke sig fuld.