Hey PokerNettere!
Sagen er den, at jeg er mere eller mindre ny i pokerfaget, så jeg benytter bl.a. PokerNet.dk som et sted, hvor jeg kan lære noget mere. Dog synes jeg det er lidt svært og indviklet fordi jeg ikke er helt ajour med diverse forkortelser.
Derfor kunne jeg godt tænke mig, hvis I gad bruge noget af jeres tid på, at fortælle mig hvad diverse forkortelser betyder.
EV-, EV+ og ROI kunne være ganske glimrende eksempler, dog er der sikkert også andre forkortelser jeg ikke kender, så dem må I også gerne meget poste.
På forhånd, tak,
Hvad betyder diverse forkortelser?
EV = Expected Value = Forventet værdi
"Expectation - Expected Value - EV
The amount you can expect to gain or lose on average for a certain act.
Expectation can be applied to a bet, a hand, an hourly rate, a career, etc.
Expected Value is jargonized as "EV"."
ROI = Return on investment
"ROI is short for "return on investment."
This is a poker term that is used to measure the profitability of one's play in poker tournaments.
ROI is calculated as (100 * total profit/total buy-in). Thus, if one received a prize of $150 in a tournament with a buy-in of $100+$9, one's ROI is calculated as 100 * $41/$109= 37.61%. ROI is used for tournaments though because tournaments always have a fixed buy-in in relation to the prize pool.
ROI is not useful for ring game play. Some people keep track of their ROI for ring games based on their buy-in and how much they cash out. This is silly. Hourly rate is the measuring stick for ring game play. For example, if one wins $10 at $.50-$1 limit over 5 hours, that person's hourly rate is $2/hour. It will not matter if that person buys in for $100 at that game or $1 million, he or she made $2/hour.
However, that person's ROI drastically changes. At a buy-in of $100, that person's ROI is 10%. At a buy-in of a million, that person's ROI is .001%."
Håber det hjalp, ellers brug google
PokerNet har sku også deres egen ordbog
Forkortelserne kan være svære at tyde for en begynder. Selve udtrykkene står dog beskrevet her
EV = Expected value (+/- om denne er positiv/negativ)
ROI = Return of investment (Hvis du har brugt $100 på at vinde $110 har du en ROI på 10%)