Har SERIØST ledt længe, prøvet at søge og lignende.
Hvor kan jeg finde biletter henne til std. hjemmekampe???
Hvor er ticket-info?
Mon ikke du skal oprette en brugerprofil og logge ind. for at kunne købe en billet?
Har bruger.
Så det er herinde? www.listicket.it/?lang=EN&S=
Kan ikke få den på engelsk, selvom jeg beder om det, sucks bigtime.
Så den eneste Napoli kamp man kan købe billetter til, er ikke engang en serie A kamp?
Må sgu da være muligt at købe billetter lidt ud i fremtiden
det ser ikke sådan ud, medmindre man er subscriber:
Napoli-Siena, tickets on sale.
40.000 tickets sale for Italy Cup Napoli-Siena match, scheduled at the San Paolo stadium on Tuesday march,21 at 08.45 p.m.
From Thursday 8 at 04.00 p.m. to Sunday march,11 at 06.00 p.m. sale will be reserved only for subscribers.
The pre-emption on the spot, which ends Sunday march,11 at 06.00 p.m. can be exercised only by box offices 1, 3 and 5 of the stadium and in the usual policy shops.
The box office 1, 3 and 5 of the stadium will be open Thursday, March 8 (times 04/06) and Friday March,9 (times 9-02/01-06).
It is allowed to buy only one ticket per person and it is prohibited to change user.
From Monday march,12 at 10.00, the sale will be open to non-subscribers too by box offices 1,3 and 5 of Stadium, in usual policy shops, and also online by official website of SSC Napoli in collaboration with Listicket-Lottomatica.