Interpoker: Random crashes?

#1| 0

Nu har jeg sgu fået nok. I tide og utide (ok mest i utide) crasher mit Windows XP og går i blå skærm mens jeg spiller hos Interpoker. Det er ofte mens jeg multitabler, typisk fire borde af gangen, at det sker, og det kræver, at jeg restarter computeren. Det sker KUN med Interpoker, ellers aldrig.

Det tager self. tid at genstarte computeren, og i en sng er tid noget af det dyrebareste man har.

Er jeg den eneste, der har random crashes?

Det sker ikke hver dag. Mere en gang om ugen eller lignende. Men hver gang er det selvfølgelig pisse irriterende, da det koster $ på bundlinjen.


29-11-2007 18:36 #2| 0

Kender det alt for godt :-(
Dog har jeg kun haft problemer på Fortune poker.
Jeg spiller altid 4-6 sit&goes af gangen, men når software helvedet bryder løs er det som regel kun 2-3 af bordene der fryser, MEN jeg er stadig nødt til at restarte softwaren og dermed computeren for at få bordene igang igen. RESTART = KOSTBART
Vil gætte på det har kostet mig omkring 400 euro den sidste uges tid :-(
Måske har deres opdatering idag hjulpet på problemet, man har vel lov at håbe! Kan se de har fjernet nogle af deres sit&goes , bla. dem hvor der er betaling til de bedste 4. (pays 4) hmmm. dem var der ellers extra god value i. Læs : <*))))>-(

29-11-2007 18:55 #3| 0

Lyder som om det er et lokalt problem på din comp. Jeg spiller indimellem op til 6 borde på Inter, uden problemer!

29-11-2007 19:17 #4| 0

Dette er et lokalt problem, oftest er det ens skærmkort som trenger updates.

29-11-2007 19:30 #5| 0

Jeg havde også problemet på Interpoker og endte med at opgradere til Vista hvilket endte med at løse problemet, men kan lige poste de par mails jeg fik fra interpoker om at løse problemet:

Hello and thank you for contacting the InterPoker support team.

With regards to your technical issue, we are sorry to hear that you are experiencing difficulties with our software.

Sometimes games will freeze or not load at all due to a computer not matching the minimum system requirements, video
card problems or by not using the latest video card drivers. To avoid problems with your game you can try the following:

Check the screen resolution your computer is set to. It should be 1024 by 768 pixels.
- Go to Start/Settings/Control Panel/Display/Settings.

Delete your temporary internet files.
- Go to Start/Settings/Control Panel/Internet Options/Temporary Internet Files -> Delete Files

Uncheck/Untick sound, voice and animation.
- Log into the casino, go to 'Options' and uncheck the boxes for voice, sound and animation.

Uncheck/Untick sound, voice and animation.
- Log into the poker, go to 'Options' and uncheck all boxes for voice and sound as well as display/animation (card and
chip animation).

Please run the upgrade assistant prior to attempt to login or create an account. You can run the upgrade assistant the
following way:
- Go to Start, Programs, Poker and then Upgrade
- Let the Upgrade Assistant run until the Status is idle
- Reboot your PC
- Log on as normal

If you have a fast computer and fast internet connection and you are still experiencing problems with the game play,
please try to decrease your hardware acceleration settings.
- Go to Start/Settings/Control Panel/Display/Settings/Advanced/Troubleshooting. Take the slider back one scale/unit.

Go to this website and install the latest direct X driver. The latest version available is DirectX 9.0b.

Please go to Windows Update and download all the critical updates available:

Download the latest scripting engine for your Windows version from the following Microsoft Web site:

You may encounter errors or be disconnected during a game if you're using a firewall, as it may prevent your computer
to connect to our servers. Windows XP has a firewall inbuilt into the main operating system. You can get more
information about the Internet Connection Firewall by going to this link:

Please consult your software provider (Microsoft), we cannot offer support for software other than our own. Please be
advised that any change on the settings of your firewall is done on your own discretion.

Also, if you are not using Windows XP but have an internet connection via cable modem or router (broadband), those
usually come with an inbuilt firewall as well. We can advise you of the ports that we recommend to be opened:

20/tcp (FTP) Active Setup
21/tcp (FTP) Active Setup
80/tcp (WWW) Game Play
7000/tcp (Proprietary) Game Play
443/tcp (HTTPS) Java Games

Please be advised that any active pop-up blocker might cause problems during the download, installation and running of
our software. Windows XP users with Service Pack 2 will encounter the Windows Security Alert dialog box when
downloading. This might prevent the download to start or access to the cashier for example. Select 'Unblock' to

Please feel free to contact us again for any question regarding this matter or for any other query you may have.

Thank you for choosing Interpoker and the best of luck in your gaming with us.

If we can be of any more assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here for you 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. If you 'd rather call, a full list

29-11-2007 19:34 #6| 0

Jeg bliver af og til disconnected fra Interpoker selvom jeg i øvrigt har fin internetforbindelse.

Dit problem skyldes dog formentlig din maskine. Geninstallér Windows.

29-11-2007 20:35 #7| 0

"Geninstallér Windows"

Er du KLAR over, hvor besværligt det vil være... Men det får altid et smil frem på læberne at høre den sætning. Jeg tror selv, jeg har sagt den snart hundrede gange til min bror, der er komplet computeramatør, og hos hvem en geninstallering ofte er letteste løsning for mig. :-)


Tak for at du gad copy-paste dine mails. Jeg vil forsøge at se om det virker for mig.


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