Jeg er blevet personligt udvalgt....
Av 16 Reu 87 ABIDJAN
PNONE: 00 225 07 40 87 51.
Dear ,
I know that this mail will come to as a surprise but please it was borne out of a desparate need for assistance.
I am kandeh Kemoh the only son of late Mr. Ernest Kemoh from Sierra Leone.
I got your contact from the ECOWAS Infomation Center in Cote d'Ivoire. My source of your contact gave me the courage and confidence to rely on you. I am writting you in absolute confidence primarily to seek your assistance to transfer the amount of (EIGHT MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS)($ 8,500,000,00 US )now in the custody of a BANK here in Abidjan to your private account .
SOURCE OF THE MONEY; My late father, Mr. Ernest Kemoh a native of mende district of Sierra Leone, was the general Manager of Sierra Leone Diamond minning corporation (S.L.D.M.C.)Freetown.
According to my mother, This money was the income that accrued from minning corporation's over draft and minor sales.
Before the peak of the civil war between the rebels forces of major Paul Koroma and the combined forces of ECOMOG peace keeping operation that almost destroyed my country, following the forceful removal from power of the Civilian Elected President Ahmed Tejan Kabbah by the rebels. My father had already made arrangement for his family;
My mother, my sister rose and myself to be evacuated to Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire.
My father deposited the fund for safe custody until after the war when he will join us.
But During the war in my country, indiscriminate looting of public and Government properties by the rebel forces was rampant and the sierra Leone minning co-op. was one of the targets looted and destroyed.My father including other top Government functionaries were attacked and killed by the rebels because of his relationship with the civilian Government of Ahmed Tejan Kabbah.
The news of my father death, and my uncle,s involvement in an air crash while on a business trip to benin republic caused my mother heartfailure and other related complications of which she later died in the hospital After we have spent a lot of money on her.
Now my 16-year-old sister and myself are alone in this strange country suffering without any care or help;Without any relative, we are now like refugees and orphans. Before our mother died, she told us that our father deposited some money which he made from diamond sales and contracts at this bank here in Ivory Coast and that we should pray and find a trust worthy foreign business partner who would help us to transfer and invest this money in profitable business venture overseas.
She told us to do this quickly so that we can leave Ivory Coast and, then settle down abroad. She gave us the bank document to prove the deposit and then told us that my father used my name as the beneficiary to the money in the bank in the event of his death. She told us that this is the reason why we came to Ivory Coast .
I have gone to the bank to make inquires about this money and I spoke with the Manager of International remittance who assured me that everything is intact and promised to help me transfer this money to my foreign partners bank account as soon as I introduce my partner to them .
If you are willing to assist us, please let us know immediately so that you will arrange the transfer of the money to your account with the bank.
Our only hope now is in this money our father deposited in the BANK. To this effect, I humbly solicit your assistance in the followings ways;
To assist me claim this fund from the BANK as a co-beneficiary.;
To transfer this money in your name to your country;
To make a good arrangement for a joint business investment on our behalf in your country with you as the caretaker.
To secure a college for my little Sister and my self in your country to further our education.And to make arrangement for our travel to your country after you have transferred this fund. most importantly,The whole documents issued after deposit is in my custody.
For your assistance, I beg to concede 15% of this money to you while 5% will be set aside for ancillary expenses that may arise in the course of the transaction.
Fuck jeg bliver rig nu......
Jeg dropper poker
det lyder ikke spor mistænkeligt lol
Jeg kom dig i forkøbet.. Har lige sendt alle mine bank oplysninger mm. til Kandeh og hans stakkels søster!.. MUHAHAHA
U got owned!
Nu er det vel ikke noget scam??
For helvede donkey....
Ikke nok med at du nakker mig i poker. Det kan du sgu ikke være bekendt...
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Han er min fætter ham der, han snyder.........................................
GG Lone :)
Den tikkede lige ind, mens jeg læste denne
Og så var det jeg tænkte..... Bliver folk ved med at hoppe på den slags?
@ Zipex
Når pengene tikker ind, staker jeg dig til hvad som helst :-P
"For helvede donkey....
Ikke nok med at du nakker mig i poker. Det kan du sgu ikke være bekendt...
Skal jeg så afbestille min Detomaso Pantera Nu ?"
Nej, hvis du sender dine bankoplysninger i en mail til mig. LOVER jeg at sende en andel af formuen til dig ;-D
Hvorfor også købe en Detomaso Pantera når man kan få limosine udgaven af en Trabant!..
Det lyder jo fedt, jeg skal nok lige presse min fætter, selvom han nu mest opdages med en barnevogn fyldt med alle hans ting..
Han anvender netcafeen ofte og bliver desværre også tit smidt ud pga. søg på: nice scam tricks ..
Men jeg glæder mig :D
Jaaaeee, dt megah saiøst, han er mit fætter, også i virkelig heden
Muligvis postet før, men tjek lige denne scammer-scammer.
Fantastisk historie, hvor scammerne lokkes til træsnitning og udgifter er en helt genial side, med masser af fremragende underholdning. De gutter der laver det der, er toppen :-)
Det lykkedes mig at komme igennem hele artiklen.
Det er sgu ok humor at bruge så lang tid på at se om man kan få fat i en.
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