Så er der vist pletter på den unge komets ry.
Se tråden på 2+2 her
José "Girah" Macedo = en ægte scammer
Wow det er noget svineri. Kan godt forstå at Haseeb Qureshi og Jungleman ikke vil bo med ham efter det her.
What a fucking douchebag.. Måske en af grundene til at han har vundet så mange penge, at han har fulgt sine modstanderes kort under sessions.
Ad ad ad!
Men tjek hvornår der er postet, det er sku da mærkeligt
De poster næsten samtidigt - der er noget helt galt
Det er jo gjort i overensstemmelse med hinanden, som der også står i tråden? Så de har nok sat og snakket sammen før, at tråden blev offentliggjort! ;-) Men er det ikke standard, at når man coacher så videregiver man info til modstander?
Læs nu bare lidt af tråden.
Guldmageren skrev:
Det er jo gjort i overensstemmelse med hinanden, som der også står i tråden? Så de har nok siddet og snakket sammen før, at tråden blev offentliggjort! ;-) Men er det ikke standard, at når man coacher så videregiver man info til modstander?
Føj for en lede rødbede!
Der røg al respekt sku for ham, håber han mister sin sponsor kontrakt, og generelt bliver banned fra poker sådan nogle typer har pokeren sku ikke brug for!
ikke fordi at ofrene er ret meget bedre imo.
deling af HH, live sweating osv er ikke direkte tyveri, men vel bare systematiseret snyd
Der er i hvert fald det galt, at du ikke har læst tråden, du kommenterer på, men hvis det var et krav for dig ville du nok heller ikke have 14k indlæg på under tre år ;)
"We have co-ordinated this with José to allow him to write his statement in here for all to read. His statement will be posted below."
Det er da ikke José skyld at modstanderen er en skovl. Men stadig dårlig stil.
Ja det er ufatteligt hva nogle highstakes spilere vil gøre for at svanse penge fra folk... ..... .... HOST HOST!
Virkelig dårlig stil. Men jeg tror hellere ikke at vi har set det hele endnu.
Det er vel heller ikke det bedste markedsføring for den side som han repræsentere :)
AlexKP skrev:
Ja det er ufatteligt hva nogle highstakes spilere vil gøre for at svanse penge fra folk... ..... .... HOST HOST!
Love ;=) ♥♥
AlexKP skrev:
Ja det er ufatteligt hva nogle highstakes spilere vil gøre for at svanse penge fra folk... ..... .... HOST HOST!
Well, unødvendig kommentar så længe proletariatet ikke kender udfaldet af jeres idiotiske mudderkastning som ellers skabte lidt soapopera ind på den danske pokerscene, sadly..
Det lyder også som om at han kun indrømmede, fordi han godt vidste at de alle sammen var på sporet af ham, så han skyndte sig at sige det først. Han lyder til at være et rigtig fuskersvin, og så er jeg ligeglad med at han kun er 18 år.
madsmk skrev:AlexKP skrev:
Ja det er ufatteligt hva nogle highstakes spilere vil gøre for at svanse penge fra folk... ..... .... HOST HOST!
Well, unødvendig kommentar så længe proletariatet ikke kender udfaldet af jeres idiotiske mudderkastning som ellers skabte lidt soapopera ind på den danske pokerscene, sadly..
Jeg troede det var en selvironisk reference til episoden hvor KP aftalte at flippe i plo og derefter selv foldede fordi han havde tre éns kort på hånden.
kspr skrev:
Der er i hvert fald det galt, at du ikke har læst tråden, du kommenterer på, men hvis det var et krav for dig ville du nok heller ikke have 14k indlæg på under tre år ;)
"We have co-ordinated this with José to allow him to write his statement in here for all to read. His statement will be posted below."
Hold nu kæft - brug tiden på noget andet - da du laver dit indlæg har andre gjort mig opmærksom på dette og jeg har fået læst det helt igennem
Ufatteligt at der skal komme trolls ind i en tråd for at fortsætte , selvom andre har skrevet det samme og man har fattet det, men velkommen på ignore
PBaek skrev:madsmk skrev:AlexKP skrev:
Ja det er ufatteligt hva nogle highstakes spilere vil gøre for at svanse penge fra folk... ..... .... HOST HOST!
Well, unødvendig kommentar så længe proletariatet ikke kender udfaldet af jeres idiotiske mudderkastning som ellers skabte lidt soapopera ind på den danske pokerscene, sadly..
Jeg troede det var en selvironisk reference til episoden hvor KP aftalte at flippe i plo og derefter selv foldede fordi han havde tre éns kort på hånden.
God pointe egentlig.
Jeg regnede med det var en henvisning til alle de folk han lånte af i Kbh, velvidende han ikke kunne betale tilbage. Lige pludselig skylder man 2 millioner væk og folk kan godt vinke farvel til deres penge. Men så klonker man da bare en turnering, og lader som om det ALDRIG er sket.
Tilmed anklager man efterfølgende andre for at svanse, når man uden overdrivelse har været i top3 af svansemagere i det danske pokermiljø indenfor de sidste to år.
Charmerende fyr...
Så blev det rigtig interessant på 2+2. Side 61:
So this is a very long thread and I am not going to read through all of it. Below is my account of everything that has happened.
Girah invites me to a skype strategy group. This was probably a 4-6 weeks after black friday. During this time, I was playing very little poker and was almost non-existent in the group. I didn't participate in much strategy discussions nor any sweat sessions.
At some point, I log in and Girah and Toocurious are talking about a fish named dollarman223. TooCurious mentions that this fish plays terribly preflop but seems to 'own' him postflop and that he plays 25-50+. Girah pushes me to play dollarman. TooCurious is horrible at poker, so I decide to play dollarman. We play a short session of 1 table of 25-50 where I end up winning. During this time Girah is messaging me on skype but not viewing my screen. Dollarman leaves only to return in a short while. We begin playing another session during which Girah presses me very hard to allow him to 'sweat' me via teamviwer. Reluctantly, I agree.
I want to stress that this is the first and last time I have allowed anyone to 'sweat' me at my regular stakes. I have allowed students to watch me play much lower stakes and ask questions later - but that is where my 'sweating' experience ends.
Dollarman and I play another short session, this time with Girah watching via TV. I run numerous suicide bluffs, all of which work and end up winning about 4k overall. Dollarman becomes 'tilted' and asks to play 50-100 deep. I decline. He asks to play at a different time and we exchange e-mails. Over the next 2 weeks, dollarman e-mails me several times asking to play 2 tables of 50-100 deep. Over the same time period, Jose becomes super insistent that I play dollarman and allow him to TV. It becomes almost an obsession for him. He is also insistent that TooCurious play dollarman and allow him to TV and that the European guys in the group who play on ipoker play sauron.
This goes on until toocurious messages me and says he believes that Girah is cheating. It is decided that we contact ipoker and merge to try and collect some hard evidence and look for links between Girah and dollarman. One of the guys ends up contacting Sauce and Dogishead.
While we waited for responses, one or more of the group members pressed Girah for information. I was not involved in any of the discussions with Girah, as I have had very little contact with him since TooCurious brought up these allegations but I did read through the chat transcripts that were posted. It was clear that Girah knew that he was caught as he had come up with a story that his 'real life frined' super used him. This story was sent to at least 3 people in the group, myself included. Following this he admitted to ToOCurious that dollarman and sauron are the same person and that it is his rich friend from school and that "sometimes" he played at his house. A bunch of other BS followed.
The next day(?) Dogishead enters our skype chat and says that Girah confessed to him that this cheating took place. Prior to this, Girah did not confess to me nor anyone else within the group as far as I know. In any case, Dog says he will get back the money of those who lost it. In fact, he gave his word that if Jose didn't pay then he and Jungleman would. He then asks if we are going to go public with this and mentions that it's up to us, but he would rather it didn't go public. He mentions that they were going to go live with him...but if this gets out then they can't do that anymore...implying that if this wasn't outed they would still live together(?). He continues by taking on the role of big brother and almost defending Girah by saying that he's young and stupid and that while what he did was scummy, he doesn't think that he's a bad person and a whole bunch of other comments that rubbed me the wrong way.
During these conversations, Dog admitted that both he and Jungleman back Girah for highstakes games. This leads me to believe that either Dog or Jungleman were the mysterious backer who logged in to play PLO during the Lock Challenge. Jose also mentioned that one of the ipoker accounts he uses is in Dog's name. To quote Dog "draw your own conclusions".
Dog was very insistent that we hold off on making any posts before he had a chance to deal with this situation as both Jungle and him had "strong ties" to Jose. He also wanted us to wait and "confront" Jose and let him "explain himself" and other completely asinine kindergarten BS.
It became apparent (at least to me) that the only thing Dog cared about was his reputation, not about what his "very close" friend did, not about the people who were cheated - only that he's not portrayed in any way that could damage him. He confirmed this yesterday when, upon learning that all of the above would be posted, came into the skype group and said that if this was mentioned, "there is NO way [they] can agree to bank transfer the money".
According to Dog, in terms of reimbursement, Jungleman was going to bank wire funds to Moss who would distribute them to those who were cheated. I don't know if this is still the plan or if this has happened yet since I am not owed. It is a complete mess and it is possible that Girah may be repaying the funds via Lock.
JnyC is online now Reply With Quote
Forleden skrev jeg også i chatten at jeg ville folde hvis villan bettede river, da han så bettede halv pot shovede jeg mine nuts indover... BADBOY 4 LIFE!
Nogle gange får jeg dog moralske skrupler når jeg en tidlig morgen med lommen fuld af onlineguld står og ser mig selv i spejlet og tænker "Hvis min mor vidste at jeg var vokset op til at blive en dreng der skrev snydeord i chatten til random muppets for at få fat i deres skillinger i et spil der gik på at svanse folk for ALLE deres skillinger på alle lovlige måder så ville hun SATME være skuffet!"
Mht svansemageri gennem de 2 sidste år så kender jeg personligt ca. 90% af de danske pokerproffs og har lånt/lånt ud/gamblet/staket for MILLIONER af kroner gennem den tid... Har skyldt 1.000.000DKK+ og har haft folk til at skylde mig 1.000.000+ gennem de 5år...
For hver du kender/har hørt/tror du ved noget om eller andre mærkelige rygter (Som jeg gætter på er det flotte tal 2) ka jeg melde 100 respekterede pros op fra DK der aldrig har haft nogle problemer med nogle forretninger med mig eller andet...
Oversat på pokersprog:
Din samplesize er ekstremt minimal, inkorrekt og flawed. Dine reads er spot-off og du burde stikke snablen ind da du er i et spot hvor du ikke selv ka finde hoved eller hale i din syge linje "Brian"
Turbofluen skrev:
Så blev det rigtig interessant på 2+2. Side 61:
So this is a very long thread and I am not going to read through all of it. Below is my account of everything that has happened.
Girah invites me to a skype strategy group. This was probably a 4-6 weeks after black friday. During this time, I was playing very little poker and was almost non-existent in the group. I didn't participate in much strategy discussions nor any sweat sessions.
At some point, I log in and Girah and Toocurious are talking about a fish named dollarman223. TooCurious mentions that this fish plays terribly preflop but seems to 'own' him postflop and that he plays 25-50+. Girah pushes me to play dollarman. TooCurious is horrible at poker, so I decide to play dollarman. We play a short session of 1 table of 25-50 where I end up winning. During this time Girah is messaging me on skype but not viewing my screen. Dollarman leaves only to return in a short while. We begin playing another session during which Girah presses me very hard to allow him to 'sweat' me via teamviwer. Reluctantly, I agree.
I want to stress that this is the first and last time I have allowed anyone to 'sweat' me at my regular stakes. I have allowed students to watch me play much lower stakes and ask questions later - but that is where my 'sweating' experience ends.
Dollarman and I play another short session, this time with Girah watching via TV. I run numerous suicide bluffs, all of which work and end up winning about 4k overall. Dollarman becomes 'tilted' and asks to play 50-100 deep. I decline. He asks to play at a different time and we exchange e-mails. Over the next 2 weeks, dollarman e-mails me several times asking to play 2 tables of 50-100 deep. Over the same time period, Jose becomes super insistent that I play dollarman and allow him to TV. It becomes almost an obsession for him. He is also insistent that TooCurious play dollarman and allow him to TV and that the European guys in the group who play on ipoker play sauron.
This goes on until toocurious messages me and says he believes that Girah is cheating. It is decided that we contact ipoker and merge to try and collect some hard evidence and look for links between Girah and dollarman. One of the guys ends up contacting Sauce and Dogishead.
While we waited for responses, one or more of the group members pressed Girah for information. I was not involved in any of the discussions with Girah, as I have had very little contact with him since TooCurious brought up these allegations but I did read through the chat transcripts that were posted. It was clear that Girah knew that he was caught as he had come up with a story that his 'real life frined' super used him. This story was sent to at least 3 people in the group, myself included. Following this he admitted to ToOCurious that dollarman and sauron are the same person and that it is his rich friend from school and that "sometimes" he played at his house. A bunch of other BS followed.
The next day(?) Dogishead enters our skype chat and says that Girah confessed to him that this cheating took place. Prior to this, Girah did not confess to me nor anyone else within the group as far as I know. In any case, Dog says he will get back the money of those who lost it. In fact, he gave his word that if Jose didn't pay then he and Jungleman would. He then asks if we are going to go public with this and mentions that it's up to us, but he would rather it didn't go public. He mentions that they were going to go live with him...but if this gets out then they can't do that anymore...implying that if this wasn't outed they would still live together(?). He continues by taking on the role of big brother and almost defending Girah by saying that he's young and stupid and that while what he did was scummy, he doesn't think that he's a bad person and a whole bunch of other comments that rubbed me the wrong way.
During these conversations, Dog admitted that both he and Jungleman back Girah for highstakes games. This leads me to believe that either Dog or Jungleman were the mysterious backer who logged in to play PLO during the Lock Challenge. Jose also mentioned that one of the ipoker accounts he uses is in Dog's name. To quote Dog "draw your own conclusions".
Dog was very insistent that we hold off on making any posts before he had a chance to deal with this situation as both Jungle and him had "strong ties" to Jose. He also wanted us to wait and "confront" Jose and let him "explain himself" and other completely asinine kindergarten BS.
It became apparent (at least to me) that the only thing Dog cared about was his reputation, not about what his "very close" friend did, not about the people who were cheated - only that he's not portrayed in any way that could damage him. He confirmed this yesterday when, upon learning that all of the above would be posted, came into the skype group and said that if this was mentioned, "there is NO way [they] can agree to bank transfer the money".
According to Dog, in terms of reimbursement, Jungleman was going to bank wire funds to Moss who would distribute them to those who were cheated. I don't know if this is still the plan or if this has happened yet since I am not owed. It is a complete mess and it is possible that Girah may be repaying the funds via Lock.
JnyC is online now Reply With Quote
Den er helt gal , der er en del der tyder på at Jungleman er involveret i hele den misere , At Dog er afsløret som en cheater er allerede bevist imo , tråden på 2+2 udvikler sig minut for minut..
Mvh Søren
Og for øvrigt kan du indstille siderne på 2+2 til at vise 100 posts på hver side , så det er faktisk side 11 du har været på :)
scoopin_monsters skriver
So WE all sit down to scam this fish, WE end up getting scammed, boo hoo.
Den er ramt lige i tyreøjet...
Lidt som lilleper er inde på.
Så virkede det som om at det der skulle have været coaching i stedet blev to proer der sammen prøvede at tage en fisks penge. Det må også have været på kanten af tc.
PBaek skrev:madsmk skrev:AlexKP skrev:
Ja det er ufatteligt hva nogle highstakes spilere vil gøre for at svanse penge fra folk... ..... .... HOST HOST!
Well, unødvendig kommentar så længe proletariatet ikke kender udfaldet af jeres idiotiske mudderkastning som ellers skabte lidt soapopera ind på den danske pokerscene, sadly..
Jeg troede det var en selvironisk reference til episoden hvor KP aftalte at flippe i plo og derefter selv foldede fordi han havde tre éns kort på hånden.
Er det ikke en reference til episoden EP vs. KP hvor EP mente at have procenter i KP's WCOOP sejr?
så er der også blog fra Haseeb
part1 bliver JM grillet omkring de mest sandsynlige teorier fra trådene, part2 indrømmer han diverse løgne fra part1 og bliver grillet lidt mere.
Jeg føler stadig der en hulens masse som ikke er kommet frem i lyset.
Kæft der er masse løgne i omløb.. Bl.a. har Haseeb og Daniel betalt de scammede personer, ikke fordi de skylder Jose for deposit til hus, men fordi han tabte ca. 100k mens de havde 50%.
De har betalt, fordi de skyldte girah penge for spil på girahs account. Dvs. jungle har spillet på accounten og tabt nogle penge. Hør selv subject:poker interviewet hvor han indrømmer det (interview 2 del 2)
7.10: ja du har ret.. hørte forkert, møj lydkvalitet.
men også fucked at høre om Dan sweating Jose, men Dan fortalte hvordan Jose skulle spille. Desuden gør han meget ud af at de næsten ikke har haft noget kontakt. (10.30)