LAPT - Rio - 3-5 Maj

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En af mine venner har vundet en LAPT pakke på pokerstars.
Specifikt til RIO, men kan ændres. Overvejer selv at tage med.
Mest som ferie.

Mit spørgsmål går på skat. Er bange for de beholder 30 % på stedet. Nogen der har nogen kloge ord at sige om det?

Er der andre der skal afsted, evt kan sige noget om RIO i starten af maj. Er det sikkert at gå i byen for 5 "mænd" på 26-28 år? Har et indtryk af at man ikke kan opholde sig udenfor turiststederne hvis man ligner en med penge på lommen.


Brazilian Withholding Income Tax on Poker Winnings

According to the Brazilian Income tax regulation there is a 30% withholding income tax due on any cash winnings on any tournaments held in Brazil. The withholding income tax is due regardless of whether the winner is a Brazilian or a foreign national and regardless of the country of residence of the foreign national. Nevertheless the Brazilian withholding income tax can be recognized as a tax credit in the country where the foreign national has its residence.

Brazil has double taxation treaties with several countries which guarantee the tax credit in the foreign country.

With respect to Canadian residents, article 22 of the double taxation treaty (Brazilian Decree 92.318 of January 23rd., 1986) assures that the tax paid in Brazil will be recognized by the Canadian tax authorities as a tax credit.

With respect to the United States of America, even though there is no double taxation treaty signed, Brazil has entered into a Reciprocity Agreement with the US Government, which also assures that the tax withhold in Brazil will be acknowledge as a tax credit by the US tax authorities.

In both cases, the tax receipt shall be certified by the corresponding consulates in order to be accepted by the foreign tax authorities. _____________________



27-03-2008 11:30 #2| 0

Det ser jo meget ud til at de tager 30% på stedet, og at det beløb så kan fratrukket skattebetalingen i det land du kommer fra.

Skal til Rio om en uge - skal nok skrive hvor mange gange vi bliver rullet.

27-03-2008 11:50 #3| 0

Problemet er så hvis man overhovedet ingen indkomst har jo ;)

Men jo du gør det mere klart. Og glæder mig til at høre i slet ikke er blevet rullet.

27-03-2008 11:59 #4| 0

DK har en dobbeltbeskatningsaftale med Brasilien.
De 30% fratrækkes den skat du skal betale af indtægten du har haft i Brasilien.

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