Ok, i give up and stick to poker!
DATING:::: i tried it and i seriously cant be bothered, omg!
Bad beats are EVERYWHERE so can just as well take em while playing poker :-)
Am just home all the way from copenhagen and dont say it i know am not sober, who cares!
My date throw up!! Jeeeesssuuus!
He was so so boring so i didnt even know what to talk about and hey hoe lets face it, i talk a lot !! so i said, lets get some drinks, well obviously 15 moijos or what the F*** they call them was too much for him, he THROW up, in the bar! PMSL.
And now Djoffer told me (over msn) its rom in them so now i feel like throwing up too, i dont like rom :-), not very much anyway. bhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Two weeks ago i went to the cinema with a date, or whatever its called, yeaaaaa he snezzed 7 times in a road .. so i said -bless you dear, your alergic or something?
naeee he said -only to dogs!
those who knows me know how insane that is, my dog even sleeps on my arm every night.
Am drunk, annoyed so lets play some poker :-) at least there one know one will be bad beated.
Hep hep
ADMIN: pls delete this post. lol
Lets stick to Poker!
This thread is worthless without a pic
dammed if i knew how i post one of that donk, lol.. bhaaaa.. thinking he can drink me under the table, get real!
He is now deleted. Hep hep.
første skridt i at komme i bukserne på c4queen, drik 15 moijos uden at brække dig...
Næste skridt få jern på... se den er straks værre efter 15 af ovennænte drinks:D
Don't do HU dates, you can get a much higher roi by hitting on a 10player table og even better multitabledating
WELL... this one was 34 and didnt made an impression with me so i seriously dunno anymore. I might stick to my other plan, go gay,
omg.. oldish women.. omg, now am depressed and on monkey tilt.
Asgerl my darling come back to your C4Q, i promise and swear i accept the cigarrets and not force you to go out and smoke, i can learn to accep it :-). It was very rude of me.
[ ] thread delivers
[ ] thread has exiciting implications
Anna, what makes you so interested in danish people, arent there any swedish guys of your taste?
this is funny
i actually have a university degree in : agriculture managment (lol)
and its true.
my title from thre are something called: lantmästare
BUT no there is hardly any men of my taste anywhere but in denmark they enjoy life a bit. AND dont forgett the language :-)
learned that from kongsgaard i take it :O )
well... he got a certain teknnik that i havent figured out yet :-)
No have not tryed any.. But on www.snyggast.se boys look really gay...
Dates are overrated.
AAAhhh,,desperate women,nam-nam-nam. Just to let you know, C4-Queen - Ill do you every day of the week an twice on Sunday. No way Im drinking 15 off anything with you...(Im not that much of a drinker anymore) but Ill treat you to 20 of anything if I can take seriously advantage of you afterwards. Wink-wink, nudge-nudge. After what I saw on your homepage, you are a serious piece of ass, hehe.
BTW, cats rule (mine is running the show thats for sure).
PM me for time, place and sexual preference and Ill run u over like a ten ton truck, hehe.
"PM me for time, place and sexual preference and Ill run u over like a ten ton truck, hehe."
Hahahaha so Sick:D
Beware of the Dokkedals Wrath!
"he snezzed 7 times in a road"
He went silent and peacefull, around the corner.
= Han væltede sidelæns og pissefuld rundt i kornet.
Thanks dear but, i pass. Not THAT desperate. Actually not desperate at all, it was just a date. There is always poker :-)
C*nt? Well, sorry if i offended you but its an offtopic.
@zaphoodyyyy darling
"han nyste"
lol, yea,, sorry, was quite a bit tipsy !
@ finexp
well no he didint.... we got a new round in and i said "buttom up" :-)
it was actually a joke, but he drank half the glas and then he run to the bathroom, he didnt make it all the way there unfortunally.
He came back 15 min later pale as white wall and i phoned him a cab.
poor little thing.
The pukeguy may have come to the conclusion, that he was on his way to banging some broad that has been on intimate terms with Gookedal.
That would make me instapuke as well...
I think i am part of deciding the banging part right?
And that one would never, regardless how many moijtos I DRANK, never even come to first base. Boring and unintresting men dont.
Erh, I guess so.
Besides for the fact that a bunch of mojitos can weaken your judgement to an extent where even good ol' hairy newcie stinking Gokkefox can get a ride:-)