live tournering

#1| 0

Mig og nogle venner har snakket om at arrangerer en turnering, som muligvis skal afholdes i lejede lokaler.
er der nogle der kender reglerne om afholdelse af sådan en turnering?
Altså fx må man ta entry fee til lokaler og sådan, og er det overhovedet lovligt at arrangere turnering med spil om penge?

04-03-2007 22:01 #2| 0


04-03-2007 22:09 #3| 0

nej... ikke lovligt at arrangerer tuneringer om penge hvis du tager fee for det...

04-03-2007 22:38 #4| 0

okay, det er lovligt hvis man ikke tager fee?

05-03-2007 03:30 #5| 0

i assume the laws are pretty much the same over there as in Sweden so fill you in on how it is here....can guarantee its the same but...its late and am tired so pls forgive my spelling mistakes.

Its not allowed to arrange any poker tournaments of any kind concerning money

And its never allowed to take any entrance fee/rake. Frezzeout is generally considered to be more legal then rebuy since one know pre how much one can lose, and therefore dont seems to be so adventures.

Its is allowed to arrange poker tournaments in "slutet sällskap" but in the eyes of the law "slutet sällskap" is like 5 people around the kitchen table and its also very important this people you spend time with outside the poker. Comon other interests.

However, its all about proofing for the police if they make a razzia so let me tell you a few bullletspoints on how we have sorted these things in our club:

First of all, never talk about money, we play for points and have a ranking system for this. We pay but we pay with "points" ;-)

no one are allowed in the facilities unless they are members, we are hard on this. Guest we sign i as members for the evening. To become a member you need to be over 18, and recommended by someone that already are a fulltime member. We do not allow any illegal issues in the facilities.

We got a code lock on the door. Open only for members.

Never any money at sight, on the tables or in a box, never. Always in someone's pocket.

Money from selling drinks and food and chocklad and such we keep open, but we sell for self cost only. That is allowed.

The beer we sell is my private ones kept in a special fridge with big note "Queens private- hands off",,heheheh i drink a shitload of beers and keep them all in the club, if the polices ask i mean!

the stadgar for the club i written so each and every one are responsible, no one are more in charge and i made an schedule so all have a certain responsibility area each week. (this we dont practise but on paper its important to have )

so basically if police make a razzia and wants to charge us they have to press charges on all 150 and i guess that will be the biggest gambling case since jimmy hoffa and i count it will not happen.


05-03-2007 03:32 #6| 0

Pokerturneringer for medlemmer om penge hver dag


05-03-2007 09:24 #7| 0


Yea i seen your site also been in contact with you before about coming over and play with some of my boys.

so you mean you can legaly and open invite people to play and say it cost this and this much? I mean we have live tournament and cash game 4 night a week but bloody hell nooo we cant write it on the site, then we get the eyes on us straight.

Every club registred with the Swedish Association of Poker is reported to the "police departmetn gambilng" as it is today but then its up to the police to decide however they have time and intrest in procceding it, with in many cases they dont, but if you bang the drum and inivte for big even like 5-10000 kr then you will for sure have an razzzia, we hade a few of them already and 3 of them gone to court.

If its ok to do it open in Denmark, then my above posting should be removed, it isnt the same at all then as here. then am only confusing everyone, sorry!

In Sweden we even have to host the swedish championship in Tallin this spring because we didnt want to run it with Casino Cosmopol as the only partner, we wanted differnt sites for an example to be able to run satelites and then it wasent possible so therefore we go to Tallin.


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