Hej gutter og gut-inder ♥
Jeg er ved at skrive et større projekt med nogen venner, hvor jeg er ved at redegøre for Kinas udvikling fra 1979 og til 1992. I min bog står der det her, hvilket er ret meget volapyk for mig da jeg ikke har haft makroøkonomi og om inflation:
The period from mid-1988 to 1991 represented a period of retrenchment. The reforms adopted were successful in spurring demand and production, which led to rising inflation, and by early 1988 the annual inflation rate reached double-digit levels. The plans for a new round of price reforms were deferred, and there was some reversal of earlier reforms as price controls were recentralized under a "rectification program" during which the authorities took strong measures to cool the overheated economy. The retrenchment measures succeeded in stabilizing prices, but they also resulted in a sharp slowdown in the economy, particularly in the industrial sector. As a result, losses of state-owned enterprises mounted, interenterprise debt escalated and inventories accumulated, threatening to destabilize the macroeconomic situation. To avert a looming economic crisis, in late 1990, the authorities resorted to stimulative monetary and investment policies to reactive the economy.
Derfor ville jeg være meget taknemmelig, hvis en gad at forklare hvad der skete her. Hvis svaret er godt nok er der lidt dollars i det for dig os. Det er nemlig det sidste jeg mangler for, at være færdig med min redegørelse.