Jeg har oprettet en konto i €, hvilket jeg har opdaget ikke er skide smart, da ethvert deposit i $ bliver vekslet til en lav kurs.
Kan man ændre sin Neteller konto til $ istedet?
Ændre Neteller konto...
Nej, det kan du ikke, men kontakt dem, og så vil de fortælle dig, at du skal oprette en ny konto i $ og så kontakte dem igen, hvorefter de flytter dine penge og informationer over til den nye konto.
Men kontakt dem lige først, så skal de nok fortælle dig hvordan det skal ordnes, jeg har selv gjort det.
Er der ikke nogen, der bare har fået den ændret? Altså, uden at oprette en ny konto?
Lød ellers sådan tidligere...
Og hvad er forskellen sådan cirka på en withdrawel på $1000?
Jeg fik klart besked på at åbne en ny konto, da de (dengang) ikke kunne ændre currency. Er da sikkert muligt at det er lavet om, men kontakt dem, de er normalt ret venlige.
Så fik jeg mail tilbage fra Neteller:
"Dear Jacob,
We have received email and you wants us to change your bank currency form DKK to USD.
Can you inform us if your own bank currency has changed to USD? Can you provide more information why you want to change the currency?"
Hvad vil I anbefale at sige til det?
Lyder som om de vil høre om det er for at spare penge, hvilket jeg sikkert ikke må. :(
Endnu en mail (til folk der overvejer at ændre sin konto):
"Dear Jacob,
I have received an email with your request to have your funds transferred to your bank in USD.
We are not able to do this unfortunately, as our system only allow us to transfer in the currency of your bank account.
If you have a USD bank account, we could change the bank account information. If you do this and use a USD account, we would then have to do manual wires for you so you would not be able to transfer funds electronically any longer.
The processing time is the same, only you would email your request instead of requesting it on line in your account.
Please let me know what your preference is and I will be happy to help you."
Nu må de personer, der har kunnet ændre deres konto gerne lige skrive, om de også fik sådan en mail, eller om det kun er de uheldige...?
Det er ikke din bank account currency du kan ændre, men din base currency i Neteller.
Hvis du spørger om det får du garanteret denne mail:
Thank you for your email. Please be advised that in order to change the base currency that your NETELLER account is held in, you will need to register for a new account. When you are registering for the new account, you will need to register with a different email address than you used initially. This can be changed later if you need it to be.
When you are entering your Passport or Identification number again in your New account simply add the currency code for the currency you wish to use to the end so we can differentiate the two accounts for you. For example if your passport number is 1234567 you need to register it as 1234567USD indicating the currency that you wish to use.
Once you have registered the new account we will close out your old account. You need then only contact us by telephone to arrange for a transfer of your current balance into your new USD account.