Noiq poker og carlos poker har ikke fået forlænget deres aftale med ipoker netværket og forlader derfor netværket den 24. januar. Noiq poker siger på mandag hvilket nyt netværk de skifter til, mens jeg ikke tror der er nogen der ved hvad der sker med carlos poker.
hvor tror i noiq poker skifter til?
indtil nu har jeg kun hørt at noiq siger at det nye netværk har væsentligt flere freerolls og er hurtigere.
noiq og carlos skifter netværk.
@dtm jeg håber da det er merge, men på 2p2 var der en der sagde at det nok ikke var cake poker grundet deres licens og at noiq har ansøgt om en lga licens, så hvis det ikke kan være cake netværket er merge netværket nok også utænkeligt grundet deres licens :(
men mine egne bud blev ødelagt af flere og større freerolls og hurtigere software da hverken boss eller ongame opfylder de ting :P
- carlos poker derimod har lige skrevet til mig at de er blevet truet med at blive smidt at netværket adskillige gange og at det ikke bekymrer dem, da de ikke tror det sker :S (Jeg har bedt om en withdraw, for hvis det ikke bekymrer dem / de ikke ved hvad de har tænkt sig når det sker, har jeg ikke lyst til at have $$ der.)
Dear Players and Partners,
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you from all of us.
Its Christmas time and we are about to close off the year, but not without some fireworks.
NoiQ have been on iPoker network since early 2007. This partnership is about to end January 24th. NoiQ and iPoker dont look at things the same way and it has been hard to understand each other. However, we are extremely excited about the change and cant wait to get started.
New Network:
The agreement is to let our new network publish the news first. The information will be released the 29th of December. The same day NoiQ will send out an updated email and publish more information about the merge with the network.
Basic info:
You can keep on playing as normal. We will update you all on the 29th about our next move.
Deposit and withdrawals will work as normal. We will have the same process speed of transfers during this period.
VIP system will be slightly changed to follow the new network policy. This system is roughly the same as we have today.
NoiQ will run a $500,000 race in January only for NoiQ players. How about that as a late Christmas gift? + a $100.000 mini warm up race.
This is by far the largest race we have ever run. There will be a lot of different promotions in January so we feel comfortable that you will like the new network.
We will also increase our Freerolls dramatically.
The future has never looked brighter for NoiQ. We are so happy about this change and when our partners and players test the new client then you will hopefully see why we are so excited. We have to say it looks amazing!
Next update 29th of December, with name of new network and other promotional material.
Until then, Have a fantastic Christmas
NoiQ Team