Ongame/Betsson Addon fejl

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I den seneste software-update har Ongame i deres uendelige visdom valgt at indføre en lille serie af [ubrugelige] features, men har desværre dermed ikke fået tid tid at fikse de fejl der er i deres software.

De har yderligere lavet et par "forbedringer" som man lige skal vænne sig til, som at bytte om på Muck/Show knapperne (har lige fået vist et par bluffs op som ikke var meningen), og at lave om på "Sit in" processen på bordene så man de første gange kommer til at sidde ud når man forsøger at sætte sig.

Som om det ikke var dumt nok, så opdagede jeg en ny og langt værre fejl da jeg spillede deres 18K rebuy igår:

Vi er i sidste hånd inden add-on breaken, og på mit bord bliver der slået en ud i den hånd. Nu bliver bordet så brudt ned, og jeg bliver flyttet.

På det nye bord sidder sidder jeg ude mens de spiller hånden færdig på det nye bord - standard. I den nye software er det imidlertid sådan at den bruger "knap-området" til at vise "Sit-out .... Wait for big blind" osv. når man sidder ude. Det giver jo ikke mening i en turnering, og er sikkert en fejl i sig selv, men det værste er at da hånden er færdig og add-on perioden starter sidder jeg stadig ude, og kan se hele bordet lave deres add-on. Jeg får aldrig add-on knappen vist - den skal normalt komme i samme område som "Sit out" beskeden nu står.

Resultatet bliver at jeg ikke får mulighed for add-on hvilket selvfølgelig er et stort issue, så jeg skriver til Betsson support med det samme. Det skal lige siges at jeg normalt er meget tilfreds med Betsson support, mens min respekt for Ongame's support kan ligge på et meget lille sted, hvilket den følgende mail-udveksling vil afsløre.

- jeg poster emails'ne i nye indlæg for at lette læseligheden, gi mig 2 min...

Det skal lige siges at jeg i turneringen snakkede med 1 anden spiller som havde oplevet præcis samme fejl.

05-04-2007 10:21 #2| 0

> To: <[email protected]>
> Subject: No Add-on in rebuy tourney
> Hi, I am playing the 20+2 rebuy and we just reached first break. I was moved table right at the break - and at the new table everyone was doing their add-on's but I never got the add-on button on my screen, instead it showed the new "please wait to be dealt in" message.
> Looks like a bug in the new software. This gives me a big disadvantage in this tourney !!!
> Zaphod2006
> Here is a hand # : (

05-04-2007 10:22 #3| 0

Her er første svar, efter at Betsson som sædvanligt svarede pænt hurtigt tilbage at de ville videresende min mail til Ongame:

Thank you for playing at Betsson.

Our poker network checked your game history and noticed that you successfully re-bought in this particular tournament. However, they have placed in your account a $20+$2 tournament ticket that is valid until the 11th of April. Good luck with the games!
Please do not hesitate to contact us again should you have any further questions.

Best regards
Maria S
Betsson Support

Ok, Ongame har så som sædvanligt enten ikke LÆST hvad jeg skrev, elle rikke forstået det ... så

05-04-2007 10:23 #4| 0

Jeg skriver til dem igen :

Hi, thanks for your reply, but please read my email again - it was not the rebuy that was the problem, it was the ADD-ON. At the first break you are supposed to be able to add on, but because the table move sat me out and placed your new UI in the button-area, I never got the ADD-ON button and therefore could not perform the add on.

I hope you can understand from my explanation - like I said in another email I talked to one other person at the table who experienced the same error.

05-04-2007 10:24 #5| 0

Nu svarer de så :

Thank you for your email to Betsson. Your tracking ID for this inquiry is 79497.
We received an answer from Ongame an they have now issued you a $20+2 ticket, the buy in for the tournament since you were not able to add on. If you were not able to add-on you were not charged for it eather. The player only has 90 seconds to add-on and there are several reasons that may occur for the player to miss it.
Please do not hesitate to contact us again should you have any further questions.

Best regards
Betsson Support

Ok, de siger altså at jeg nok bare er for dum eller for langsom og ikke har set knappen !

05-04-2007 10:25 #6| 0

Så bliver man jo lidt vrissen :

Look, it's not about the money - I am happy with the ticket - that's fine. But please don't give me a story about "several reasons" bla bla bla.! I am TELLING you that there is a bug in the latest software update that meant that I and at least one other player who was also moved to another table after the last hand before the add-on break were NOT able to Add-on. I have played hundreds of tourneys on Ongame so I am fully able to see whether the button showed up as it usually does and I could see the "Player xx has performed an add on" messages scrolling by while I was waiting for the button to appear and it DID NOT.

So - I am sorry for now sounding a bit annoyed but I only tried to be friendly in reporting something that is clearly a BUG in your software, and it is a bug that can seriously affect the outcome of tournaments so I believe you should take it more seriously than just telling me that it's my own fault !!!!

I will also note, now that I am ticked off, that this happens ALL THE TIME : Every time you release a new version of the poker client, there are new bugs showing up. I do not for the life of me understand how you can seriously prioritize adding stupid useless features like a chat-police-robot and a black-jack "thingy" instead of fixing bugs first of all and second of all at least TEST that new versions of your software don't introduce new bugs.

In conclusion: Not being able to add-on while other participants in the tourney are is a SERIOUS disadvantage - if you understand the game, you will know that! So it is not important if I was charged for it or not - it's a serious error in your software that you must fix.

Best regards

05-04-2007 10:27 #7| 0

Den sidste mail har jeg så ikke fået andet svar på end at de ville videresende den til "The relevant department" - men jeg vil vædde den $20 ticket jeg fik af dem på at den fejl kommer til at eksistere i mindst 10 versioner mere af deres software mens de koder videre på deres chat-politi-robot så den kan genkende flere grimme ord (som lool som den censurerer i øjeblikket :) )

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