online poker i frankrig

#1| 0

Hej alle PN'ere!

jeg er de næste 4 måneder bosat i frankrig, men har desværre fundet ud af at de sites jeg spiller på, ikke må bruges i frankrig.

er der nogen der ved kender nogle sites, jeg kan bruge? eller kender en måde jeg kan komme udenom de her franske regler?

13-12-2010 11:13 #2| 0
Plo champ 2023

yo :) er din ven :)

13-12-2010 11:16 #3| 0

Man skal vel have fransk adresse for at kunne benytte .fr skins/sites...


Du kan evt bare få dig en dansk IP. Jeg bruger selv Overplay VPN. Mener det koster $10 or so om måneden.

13-12-2010 11:19 #4| 0

Så burde du være dækket ind.

Internet poker i Frankrig kører på lukket netværk, så du må nøjes med at spille mod frogs :-)

13-12-2010 11:20 #5| 0

Jeg brugte hide my ass da jeg var dernede og det virkede fint, jeg kunne dog ikke deposite på betfred men det var også det eneste sted der var problemer, jeg spillede selv på stars, full tilt, boss og ongame mens jeg var der.

Hide my ass kan findes her.

13-12-2010 11:28 #6| 0

"så du må nøjes med at spille mod frogs :-)"


13-12-2010 12:05 #7| 0

Men kan man spille på .fr sites når man ikke er bosat i Frankrig?

13-12-2010 12:10 #8| 0

Er der andre skatteregler i Frankrig?

13-12-2010 12:35 #9| 0
Plo champ 2023


sendte en mail den anden dag til FTP for at spørge om dette, her er deres svar :

Hello Thomas, Thank you for your email. Pleased note that you can play on FTP.FR software from Denmark and you also need to verify your FTP.FR account. In compliance with the laws enforced by the Regulatory Authority of Online Games (ARJEL), once an FTP.FR account is created you have a provisional account, players must provide the requested documents to fully validate their account. To fully activate your account and be able to withdraw your funds, you will be asked to send by email to [email protected], clear and valid scanned copies of the following documents: 1. A valid ID card Thank you for using one of the documents from the list: a national ID card in validity, a passport or driver's license that clearly indicates your date of birth anddates of issue and expiry. 2. Proof of Bank AccountA document containing all information concerning the bank account you will use for withdrawal. It must clearly shows that the account is opened in your name. Once these documents have been received and verified by our Customer Service, we will send you an activation code to the address registered on your account. * If you do not complete the activation of your account within 30 days your account will be suspended.* If you do not complete the activation of your account within 60 days, your account will be permanently closed. And for your information FTP.COM and are two differents platforms and you will not be able to have both of them registered on your desktop at the same time. If you wish to play on FTP.COM for example you need to uninstall and reinstall or vice versa, you need to adher to this procedure to avoid any conflict. Also, it might please you to know that we now offer support in Danish. Should you wish to take advantage of this service, all you have to do is write to us in Danish in the future. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. Regards, Jannick Full Tilt Poker Support

13-12-2010 23:37 #10| 0


nu har jeg kigget lidt rundt på den side der, men jeg kan sgu ikke helt fange hvad det lige er jeg skal gøre for at skjule/skifte den ip.. kan du evt. hjælpe ?

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