Online vs Vegas

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Jeg står og skal til US i tre uger nu her, jeg ramler bla. ind i vegas i 3-4 dage, og her havde jeg jo tænkt man skulle prøve lidt Poker.

Men nu er spørgsmålet, hvad skal jeg spille, og bør jeg overhovedet spille. Jeg kommer nemlig forbi samtidig med der er WSOP main event (rent tilfældigt) jeg bør vil ikke tro at der rigtigt er nogle hajer der går efter de lavere limits gør jeg???

Jeg er rimlig habil vindende spillere på 0.5-1$ og 1-2$ online borde (ja ja jeg kravler stadig), kan jeg "uden problemer" sætte mig og afprøve 2-4 bordene der, mener at have læst flere steder at bordene er rimlig meget mere loose end de er online.

Næste spørgsmål er hvor meget bør jeg sætte mig med til bordet, vi snakker FL her, jeg havde selv regnet med en 30-40BB, og hvis det så ikke gik så var det nok ikke mit spil. Er det helt skudt ved siden af?!?

Ja måske en del noob spørgsmål her, men har dælme ikke spillet live der ovre før alle input vil være dejlige :o)


En anden ting, jeg "lider" lidt af, til tider, at lave spil jeg ved jeg ikke bør lave, ved er dumt og ved jeg bør folde. Aka. Tilt, sikkert. Eneste bog jeg har kunne finde der omhandler det her lidt er Zen the art of poker (Eller noget i den stil). Er den værd at investere i, er der nogle der har et par gode råd?!?

05-07-2005 12:10 #2| 0

Hey Bubbi,

I just moved back to Denmark from Vegas and here is my bit of info.

The lowest stakes games are generally 2/4 (although the Excalibur plays a 1-3 which is a very very loose beginners game) (btw 2/4 means split like you play online and 1-3 is a spread game which means at any point you can bet from 1 to 3). Most places that play 2/4 are, yes, very loose but generally not always bad players but pretty straight forward poker...meaning if you are raised the person is rarely bluffing. But at such low stakes in Vegas people will chase anything as the pots get pretty big and justify chasing.

Be careful where you play try to stick to "tourist traps" The best games for low stakes (IMO) are The Riveria (only 6 tables new rooms usually only hotel guests), The MGM Grand only the low stakes games here are generally easy and The Excalibur the 3-6 spread game is usually very soft. The bigger rooms like Bellagio, Manderlay Bay, and The Wynn attract good players and its usually hard to find anything under 4/8 if you can.

One of the best rooms is the The Orleans with over 30 tables and always a game and just about any limit. This place is full of locals and can be a bit tough at times but is very beatable. They run tournys everyday with a usual buy-in of $60 with re-buys for the first 3 rounds and one add-on after that. All of "the Station" casinos (ie. The Pacific Station, Texas Station) are also generally local hangouts. But depending on the table they are pretty beatable. My advice is watch the play and make your decision from there. These locals are usually there for the fun of play.

There is a big difference in players from 2/4 to 4/8 so don"t take your same game to a 4/8 table and expect to win. They are still very loose but the players are generally better.

Hope this helps and sorry I can"t write in danish.


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