OT: Engelsk!

#1| 0

Inspireret af et andet indlæg her på dette utrolig fortrinelige forum, er her en engelsk opgave, jeg kunne bruge lidt hjælp til.
Det kunne jo være der var nogle som er bare en tand eller ti bedre til engelsk end mig som lige kan gøre mig opmærksom på de værste fejl...?

Det er en 2.G"s resumeringsopgave, hvor vi har fået en dansk artikel som vi skal plukke det vigtigste ud fra og omskrive på smukt og korrekt grammatisk engelsk...
Der takkes ærbødigt for hver eneste hjælpende indslag.

Så kan alle jo også med spænding til sidst se, hvilken karakter den ender med at få ;)

Skilsmisse gør stærk:

The text is written by Helle Broberg Nielsen in January 2001, in a magazine called Eurowoman. It is about arranged marriages and how Moslem women, who live in Denmark, have had luck to escape from catastrophic marriages.

The magazine has talked to Aysa Deveci who has experienced an arranged marriage herself.
She is now 34 years and has escaped from her marriage.

Right now Aysa Deveci is building up a special network, to women with the same experiences as her. The group shall inspire other Moslem women not to let them force into a marriage, and give them the courage to get a divorce if they get problems in their marriage.
The association is called Broen and was opened officially last year.
They are among other things, helping the women to go underground and get a new identity if they are in fear of their live.

In the Moslem culture a man can without problems get a divorce with his wife, but to the wife the divorce is a synonym to a social degradation.
If they get divorced the woman will be forced to be watched over of the family, or they can take the alternative, and being totally cut off from the family.

Candidate for the Folketing, Nasar Khadar who has written the book “Honour and Shame”, has noticed that Moslem women who break up with the traditions are starting to mark themselves stronger in the society.

When Nasar Khader was 20 years old he said no to marry his cousin, which made him extremely unpopular in his own family.

Rushy Rashid, the previous host on TV3 is married with a Danish man. She says that her marriage with a Danish man was very hard for her father to accept.

Aysa moved home to her family after she had been underground from her husband. Afterwards she had a very low self-esteem but has cured it with the help of a psychologist, meditation and by practise martial arts. Aysa ends up pondering: “Perhaps everyone should feel how it is to lose their freedom. It teaches you how much it really is worth.”

12-11-2004 12:36 #2| 0

Well jeg havde selv Engelsk A på Handelsskolen og havde lignende opgaver. Resumer på maks 200 ord +/- 10% af en tekst, hvor man kun tog essensen med!

Læren gik meget op i at eksempler om forskellige personer, som ofte var i teksterne ikke skulle nævnes. Kunne tænkes det samme gælder for dig.

Hvad angår det du har skrevet læser jeg måske ordentlig igennem senere, men er lige stået op så den hjælp vil nok være en bjørnetjeneste lige nu :p


12-11-2004 12:37 #3| 0

"Candidate for the Folketing, Nasar Khadar who has written the book “Honour and Shame”, has noticed that Moslem women who break up with the traditions are started to mark themselves stronger in the society."

Istedet for "started" skal du måske bruge starting, eller måske "have begun"


12-11-2004 12:45 #4| 0

*Tak TheDude

Forresten, den skal afleveres i dag klokken 15...
*Larsen - Hvis du har tid, ville det være helt fantastisk hvis du så kunne nå at få kigget på den...

12-11-2004 12:49 #5| 0

Du skriver at det fra magasinet Eurowoman og længere nede nævner du Euroman har snakket med en..
Ved ikke om det er med vilje.


Edit="Har du slået muslim op i en ordbog?? ved ikke hvordan det staves på engelsk men syntes ikke det ser rigtigt ud."

12-11-2004 12:55 #6| 0

Det er rettet

12-11-2004 12:59 #7| 0

Har slået det op

12-11-2004 13:11 #8| 0

"It is about arranged marriages and how Moslem women, who live in Denmark, have had luck to escape from a catastrophic marriage"

Skal "marriage" ikke stå i flertal, eller er det bare mit rustne engelsk??

"Right now Aysa Deveci is building up a special network, to women with the same experiences as her"

Skal det ikke være "herself" tilsidst?


12-11-2004 13:16 #9| 0

@ Mandelir - Jeg er ikke helt med...
Mener du der skal stå:........ have had luck to escape from a catastrophic marriages?

12-11-2004 13:17 #10| 0

nej "a" skal væk, det er flere ægteskaber. Men er ikke sikker.

12-11-2004 13:18 #11| 0

nå... Det har du nok ret i

12-11-2004 13:20 #12| 0

"If they get divorced the woman will be forced to be watched over of the family"

ved ikke om det skal være kvinden eller kvínderne men hvis det er sidstnævnte så er det "women" og så "watced over by the family".
Skal lige siges det er nogle år siden jeg havde engelsk så jeg tør ikke rettet for meget men måske skulle du overveje at ændre formuleringen i denne sætning
"The group shall inspire other Moslem women not to let them force into a marriage, and give them the courage to get a divorce if they get problems in their marriage."

noget lignende
"The group want to give other moslem women the self-esteam("stave")/courage to say no to an arranged marriage or if they are already married, to get a divorce if they are having problems in their marriage"
måske er det bare mig.. men brug det som du har lyst.. og kommaer og punktumer har jeg overhovedet ikke styr på.


12-11-2004 13:33 #13| 0

Her er lige de rettelser jeg lige kunne finde:

The text was written by Helle Broberg Nielsen in January 2001, and published in a magazine called Eurowoman. It is about arranged marriages and how Muslim women, who live in Denmark, have had luck to escape from catastrophic marriages.

The magazine has talked to Aysa Deveci who has experienced an arranged marriage herself.
She is now 34 years and has escaped from her marriage.

Right now Aysa Deveci is building up a special network for women with the same experiences as her own. The group is intended to inspire other Muslim women not to let them force into a marriage, and give them the courage to get a divorce if they experience problems in their marriages.
The association is called Broen and was officially opened last year.
Among other things, they are helping women to go underground and get a new identity if they fear for their lives.

In Muslim culture, a man can be divorced from his wife without problems, but for the wife a divorce is the same as social degradation.
If they get divorced the woman will be forced to be watched over by the family, or they can take the alternative, and being totally cut off from the family.

Candidate for the Folketing, Nasar Khadar who has written the book “Honour and Shame”, has noticed that Muslim women who break up with the traditions are starting to mark themselves stronger in society.

When Nasar Khader was 20 years old, he rejected to marry his cousin which made him extremely unpopular in his own family.

Rushy Rashid, the previous host on TV3 is married with a Danish man. She says that her marriage with a Danish man was very hard for her father to accept.

After hiding underground from her husband, Aysa moved home to her family . Afterwards she had a very low self-esteem but has cured it with the help of a psychologist, meditation and by practicing martial arts. Aysa ends up pondering: “Perhaps everyone should feel how it is to lose their freedom. It teaches you how much it really is worth.”

12-11-2004 13:53 #14| 0

@ Ratboy
Tusind tusind tak!!! Super fedt, du tog dig tid til alle de rettelser! Meget bedre end før!

Og også tak til alle jer andre, som tog sig til at hjælpe en fortabt gymnasieelev. Meget fornemt!


12-11-2004 13:55 #15| 0

Hej Tobias
Så gir du nok en lille en til alle medlemmerne af PokerNet, ikk ? :-)

Go" weekend..

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