Hvorfor skal det alt sammen være så alvorligt???? :D
En abe sidder oppe i et træ og er ved at lave sig en joint.
Et firben går forbi, kigger op og siger: Hey, hva" laver du?
Aben svarer: Jeg skal til at ryge, kom op og vær med.
Firbenet klatrer op og sætter sig ved siden af aben og ryger med. Efter et
lille stykke tid siger firbenet, at den er blevet helt tør i halsen, og
vil lige smutte ned til floden og få lidt at drikke.
Den er lidt rigeligt påvirket og falder uheldigvis i floden. En krokodille
ser det, og skynder sig hen og hjælper den lille fyr op på breden
igen, mens den spørger: Men hvad laver du dog?
Firbenet fortæller om aben, jointen, tørsten, og at den faldt i floden.
Krokodillen går ikke ind for brug af euforiserende stoffer og begiver
sig ind i junglen for at tale med aben.
Ved foden af træet kigger den op på aben og siger: Hey, du!
Aben kigger ned og udbryder: Fåååååck mand, hvor meget vand har du drukket???
OT: Grineren
super grineren :-) Mere af det tak...
Mvh Mika
Hahaha, den var sjov.
Den er faktisk rigtig sjov... =)
ha ha, flere fra samme skuffe, tak!
klart grineren
mere fra samme skuffe 8-D
If Milli Vanilli falls over in the woods, does somebody else make a sound?
Telephoning 0800 1800 didn"t get me through to National Rail Enquiries - turns out I was trying to ring the opening hours.
You should never eat blackberries on the bushes if they are below waist height.
The internet - where men are men, women are men and children are FBI agents.
You never can truly tell when you have run out of invisible ink.
A shortcut has to be a challenge, because if it was easy, then it would just be the way.
What the big print giveth, the small print taketh away.
There"s nothing wrong with a bicycle that a motor won"t cure.
I want to meet someone who has had a near death experience, but instead of bright lights, pearly gates and welcoming relatives, he has seen coal bunkers, cloven hoofprints and smelled sulphur.
There are 2 rules to being a success in life: 1. Never give out all the information.
Alarms don"t "go off". If they did, then they would be pointless. Alarms "go on".
The Trans-Siberian Railway has a large kink in it, for the following reason. When the Tsar decided it should be built, he drew a line across a map of Russia with a ruler. The ruler had a nick in it.
Don"t you hate it when someone asks you a question and you don"t know whether it"s rhetorical or not?
Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don"t have film.
For just this year only black is the fashion world"s new black.
Three ways to tell if a person is dead is a) lividity (all the blood has gone to the lowermost part of their body b) visible C.S.F. (cerebro-spinal-fluid mostly called brain matter) or c) decapitation - a sure sign.
The only thing that keeps me from realising my full potential is the depressing awareness that it probably wouldn"t take much time or effort...
If you ever catch on fire try to avoid seeing yourself in the mirror because I bet that"s what REALLY throws you into a panic.
Why is a delivery on a ship called a cargo and a delivery by car a shipment?
When you sleep, the dreams are recorded and when you wake up those yellowy bits in your eyes are the tape. We just haven"t figured out how to use them yet.
Wittgenstein and a friend were discussing why people used to think that the sun orbited the earth. "Because that"s what it looks like" said the friend. "Oh", replied Wittgenstein, "and what would it look like if the earth orbited the sun?"
Sex is the most intimate, beautiful and natural experience that money can buy.
If something is adjustable, sooner or later it will need adjusting.
When you point 1 finger at someone else, you"re pointing 4 at yourself. Think about that when you want to blame someone.
Remember laughter"s the best medicine, unless you"re asthmatic, and then its ventolin.
It is impossible to look cool whilst picking up a frisbee!
Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur - "That which is said in Latin sounds profound."
To stop your car windscreen from icing up in winter, cut an onion in half and wipe the juice on the glass.
Under Capitalism, man exploits man. Under Communism, the reverse is true.
Putting the word "Amphetamines" on your CV, regardless of context, is not likely to get you an interview.
I got the disk full message when downloading http://*.*
Never fall in love with a tennis player... love means nothing to them.
The south end of Great Britain is sinking into the English Channel by one inch each year. The north end is rising by one inch each year.
Whenever an archaeologist uses the word "ritual" to describe a find, feature or activity, this is trade code for "I haven"t the foggiest