Hej allesammen...
Jeg sidder lige med en engelsk opgave, som skal afleveres onsdag.
Men da mine engelsk kunstskaber ikke er fantastiske ville jeg lige se om jeg kunne være så heldig, at der var en venlig sjæl som lige vil skimme den og gøre mig opmærksom på de værste fejl...
- The Mopings -
The Mopings are an upper class family, and they have a rich background and life-style. There is a class-distinction in the asylum. There are two wings, a “rich” and a “poor” wing. If you pay a certain amount, you can live in the rich wing. In this wing you have more privileges, and are aloud to wear you own clothes, invite people, and smoke cigars.
Lady Moping: Lady Moping is selfish, and shallow. She thinks that her husband has betrayed her, because he tried to commit suicide on her most important day, on her garden party. She thinks appearances must be perfect. She has no compassion and she doesn't care about Mr. Loveday.
Angela: Angela visits her father and hasn't seen him for 10 years. She cares about her fathers uniform and his dignity. This shows that she respects him, and is concerned about him. Angela is occupied with Mr. Loveday. She is a young innocent person who believes in justice.
Mr. Loveday: Loveday sees himself as a man who can help the looneys. He considers himself as a member of the staff. He has gentle blue-grey eyes, and not eyes of a lunatic. But nothing is as it appears to be...
Lord Moping: Lord Moping is delusional. The sickness he suffers from is megalomania. He is still acting as a lord and he acts superior with authority.
Moping: To mope - at surmule. That word fits to Lady Moping.
Angela: Angela. If you remove the last character in Angela it says angel. This fits to a young innocent person like her.
Loveday: Mr. Loveday would just love another day in which to exercise his secret passion, and kill a woman.
The author uses the asylum as a parralel to the real world, and class-distinction. If you are rich you have a lot of priviliges
the poor people doesn"t have. All the contrasts in the text are creating the funny element in the text.
Waugh uses an impersonal 3. person narrator. The absurd events in the text seems to the
narrator as a part of normal everyday life. The purpose of this irony is to make the audience
realize the absurdity of the situation.
The ending of the story is choking. It tells us that not everything is at is appears to be. You must take care with naivety and be sceptical. There might be reasons with why things are as they are!
The humour in the story is black humour and social satire. What makes the story funny is that all the reader's traditional assumptions concerning normality are proved wrong. Everything are upside down:
Patients in an asylum do not wear uniforms, as assumed by Angela - Asylums are furnished to look like ordinary homes, yet the doctor's office looks like a prison with bars behind window and unmoveable furniture.
Asylums are usually given nice names to remove a sense of shame, yet in this case “County Home for Mental Defectives” is stamped all over the place.
OT: Lidt Engelsk
(Med forbehold for at jeg ikke er professor i engelsk :)
* The Mopings _is_ a ... (_een_ familie)
* Kan "Amount" stå alene? Lyder forkert for mig, ville tilføje "of money", men er ikke sikker.
* aloud = allowed
* He considers himself [-as] a member eller
* He [thinks of] himself as a member...
* Fit [-to] - Jeg vil mene det er fordansket engelsk at medtage "to".
* "There might be reasons with why things are as they are!" - lyder forkert. fjern "with", eller omformuler.
* Everything _is_ upside down
BTW. Lyder som en fed historie... Er det en short story eller en længere historie?
Mange tak Mukke...
Yep, den er også ganske god. Det er en short story skrevet af Evelyn Waugh. Helt præcist hedder den Mr. Loveday"s Little Outing