OT: Ting vi ikke viste om Orca

#1| 0

Der er sku lavet en film om ham :) Måske Marinus kan bruge dette...

[a: www.filmthreat.com/index.php?section=features&Id=1316][a]

"Owen wanted to make sure the movie didn't open with orca sex"

“Orca” is also very educational, as we learn among other things that to killer whales the English language would seem “retarded” and that whales are capable of crying, blowing things up, and flipping the bird..."

Er der nogen der ligger inde med denne film?

07-12-2005 20:26 #2| 0

"“Orca” is also very educational, as we learn among other things that to killer whales the English language would seem “retarded” and that whales are capable of crying, blowing things up, and flipping the bird...""

Jamen det lyder da meget som en standard poker session hos mig :)

07-12-2005 20:28 #3| 0

Hvordan katten falder man over sådan en oplysning?

07-12-2005 20:41 #4| 0


Her er Orca igang med at gå "all on" på en n00b! ;-)


Så er det bare med at komme væk! Det er sgu også kreative måder, du nakker folk på, Orca! :D

07-12-2005 20:51 #5| 0

Det er faktisk en ret god film så vidt jeg husker :-)

08-12-2005 02:14 #6| 0

Kanon klip, Ludo !

08-12-2005 11:24 #7| 0

Ja, det viser vist, at Orca har set ALT for meget wrestling...


08-12-2005 12:29 #8| 0

WOW - han er da gone den stakkels kajak-roer?!

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