På tour for Klakk

#1| 0

Har fået $28 af Klakk som vi gerne skulle prøve at få til at yngle. Jeg vil opdaterer nedenunder med hvilke tours osv der spilles!


$11 KO

1. 2636
2. 5694

$6.5 KO



$3.30 1k gtd



$3.30 KO SNG

$3.30 KO SNG

$3.30 KO SNG

Løbende rulle: $0

19-05-2011 11:34 #2| 0

1 hånd

Full Tilt Poker Game #30580073383: $10 + $1 Knockout (237322755), Table 3 - 15/30 - No Limit Hold'em - 10:31:01 CET - 2011/05/19 [04:31:01 ET - 2011/05/19]
Seat 1: stered (3,000)
Seat 2: WeeDyMaN_ (3,000)
Seat 3: BeckStar102 (3,000)
Seat 4: stiftl78 (3,000)
Seat 5: zampire008 (3,000)
Seat 6: Pooley99 (3,000)
Seat 8: 62 Bird (3,000)
Seat 9: GizminPoker3 (3,000)
stered posts the small blind of 15
WeeDyMaN_ posts the big blind of 30
The button is in seat #9
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to WeeDyMaN_ [4c 8c]
BeckStar102 folds
Josie Wales 77 sits down
stiftl78 folds
zampire008 has 15 seconds left to act
zampire008 calls 30
Pooley99 folds
62 Bird calls 30
GizminPoker3 calls 30
stered calls 15
WeeDyMaN_ checks
*** FLOP *** [8s 9d 6c]
stered checks
WeeDyMaN_ checks
zampire008 checks
62 Bird has 15 seconds left to act
62 Bird checks
GizminPoker3 bets 90
stered folds
WeeDyMaN_ calls 90
zampire008 folds
62 Bird folds
*** TURN *** [8s 9d 6c] [6h]
WeeDyMaN_ checks
GizminPoker3 has 15 seconds left to act
GizminPoker3 bets 120
WeeDyMaN_ calls 120
*** RIVER *** [8s 9d 6c 6h] [Ac]
WeeDyMaN_ checks
GizminPoker3 bets 330
WeeDyMaN_ has 15 seconds left to act
WeeDyMaN_ folds
Uncalled bet of 330 returned to GizminPoker3
GizminPoker3 mucks
GizminPoker3 wins the pot (570)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 570 | Rake 0
Board: [8s 9d 6c 6h Ac]
Seat 1: stered (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 2: WeeDyMaN_ (big blind) folded on the River
Seat 3: BeckStar102 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: stiftl78 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: zampire008 folded on the Flop
Seat 6: Pooley99 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: 62 Bird folded on the Flop
Seat 9: GizminPoker3 (button) collected (570), mucked

19-05-2011 12:09 #3| 0

Lækkert setup :-)

Full Tilt Poker Game #30580350358: $10 + $1 Knockout (237322755), Table 10 - 30/60 - No Limit Hold'em - 11:07:42 CET - 2011/05/19 [05:07:42 ET - 2011/05/19]
Seat 1: 60_BX_PA_17_254 (3,100)
Seat 2: WeeDyMaN_ (2,161)
Seat 3: corn013 (3,455)
Seat 4: aue12 (7,135)
Seat 5: Totti 105 (4,796)
Seat 6: Thewildbuck (5,785)
Seat 7: ferox78 (2,707)
Seat 8: KIARI (1,765)
Seat 9: maks13tolik (1,875)
Thewildbuck posts the small blind of 30
ferox78 posts the big blind of 60
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to WeeDyMaN_ [Kh Ad]
KIARI folds
maks13tolik calls 60
60_BX_PA_17_254 folds
WeeDyMaN_ raises to 300
corn013 folds
aue12 calls 300
Totti 105 folds
Thewildbuck folds
ferox78 calls 240
maks13tolik calls 240
*** FLOP *** [Kd 9c As]
ferox78 checks
maks13tolik checks
WeeDyMaN_ bets 300
aue12 calls 300
ferox78 raises to 2,407, and is all in
maks13tolik folds
WeeDyMaN_ calls 1,561, and is all in
aue12 folds
ferox78 shows [Ks 9s]
WeeDyMaN_ shows [Kh Ad]
Uncalled bet of 546 returned to ferox78
*** TURN *** [Kd 9c As] [Jh]
*** RIVER *** [Kd 9c As Jh] [Qh]
ferox78 shows two pair, Kings and Nines
WeeDyMaN_ shows two pair, Aces and Kings
WeeDyMaN_ wins the pot (5,252) with two pair, Aces and Kings
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 5,252 | Rake 0
Board: [Kd 9c As Jh Qh]
Seat 1: 60_BX_PA_17_254 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: WeeDyMaN_ showed [Kh Ad] and won (5,252) with two pair, Aces and Kings
Seat 3: corn013 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: aue12 folded on the Flop
Seat 5: Totti 105 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Thewildbuck (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 7: ferox78 (big blind) showed [Ks 9s] and lost with two pair, Kings and Nines
Seat 8: KIARI didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: maks13tolik folded on the Flop

19-05-2011 12:14 #4| 0

Og vi takker og bukker

Full Tilt Poker Game #30580388533: $10 + $1 Knockout (237322755), Table 10 - 30/60 - No Limit Hold'em - 11:12:17 CET - 2011/05/19 [05:12:17 ET - 2011/05/19]
Seat 1: 60_BX_PA_17_254 (3,724)
Seat 2: WeeDyMaN_ (4,570)
Seat 3: corn013 (3,335)
Seat 4: aue12 (7,417)
Seat 5: Totti 105 (4,657)
Seat 6: Thewildbuck (5,755)
Seat 8: KIARI (1,566)
corn013 posts the small blind of 30
aue12 posts the big blind of 60
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to WeeDyMaN_ [Jd 9c]
Totti 105 folds
zampire008 sits down
Thewildbuck has 15 seconds left to act
Thewildbuck folds
KIARI raises to 180
60_BX_PA_17_254 folds
WeeDyMaN_ calls 180
corn013 has 15 seconds left to act
corn013 folds
aue12 folds
*** FLOP *** [Jh Js 9s]
KIARI checks
WeeDyMaN_ bets 180
KIARI raises to 1,386, and is all in
WeeDyMaN_ calls 1,206
KIARI shows [Th Kc]
WeeDyMaN_ shows [Jd 9c]
*** TURN *** [Jh Js 9s] [5c]
*** RIVER *** [Jh Js 9s 5c] [5h]
KIARI shows two pair, Jacks and Fives
WeeDyMaN_ shows a full house, Jacks full of Nines
WeeDyMaN_ wins the pot (3,222) with a full house, Jacks full of Nines
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 3,222 | Rake 0
Board: [Jh Js 9s 5c 5h]
Seat 1: 60_BX_PA_17_254 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: WeeDyMaN_ (button) showed [Jd 9c] and won (3,222) with a full house, Jacks full of Nines
Seat 3: corn013 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: aue12 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: Totti 105 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Thewildbuck didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: KIARI showed [Th Kc] and lost with two pair, Jacks and Fives

19-05-2011 13:37 #5| 0

Full Tilt Poker Game #30581136791: $10 + $1 Knockout (237322755), Table 10 - 200/400 Ante 50 - No Limit Hold'em - 12:34:47 CET - 2011/05/19 [06:34:47 ET - 2011/05/19]
Seat 1: stiftl78 (14,879)
Seat 2: WeeDyMaN_ (2,209)
Seat 3: AcesSteve (8,830)
Seat 4: Ronnyka27 (27,900)
Seat 5: Totti 105 (7,803)
Seat 6: Thewildbuck (24,180)
Seat 7: FrankieMachine8 (10,279)
Seat 8: SuperFangus (9,583)
Seat 9: MrTubbernaut (8,660)
stiftl78 antes 50
WeeDyMaN_ antes 50
AcesSteve antes 50
Ronnyka27 antes 50
Totti 105 antes 50
Thewildbuck antes 50
FrankieMachine8 antes 50
SuperFangus antes 50
MrTubbernaut antes 50
Thewildbuck posts the small blind of 200
FrankieMachine8 posts the big blind of 400
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to WeeDyMaN_ [4d 3h]
Thewildbuck: K8 u loser
SuperFangus folds
MrTubbernaut folds
stiftl78 folds
WeeDyMaN_ raises to 2,159, and is all in
AcesSteve folds
Ronnyka27 folds
Totti 105 folds
Thewildbuck has 15 seconds left to act
Thewildbuck folds
FrankieMachine8 calls 1,759
WeeDyMaN_ shows [4d 3h]
FrankieMachine8 shows [Jc 4h]
*** FLOP *** [Qc 5c Ad]
*** TURN *** [Qc 5c Ad] [6s]
*** RIVER *** [Qc 5c Ad 6s] [8s]
WeeDyMaN_ shows Ace Queen high
FrankieMachine8 shows Ace Queen high
FrankieMachine8 wins the pot (4,968) with Ace Queen high
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 4,968 | Rake 0
Board: [Qc 5c Ad 6s 8s]
Seat 1: stiftl78 folded before the Flop
Seat 2: WeeDyMaN_ showed [4d 3h] and lost with Ace Queen high
Seat 3: AcesSteve folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Ronnyka27 folded before the Flop
Seat 5: Totti 105 (button) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Thewildbuck (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 7: FrankieMachine8 (big blind) showed [Jc 4h] and won (4,968) with Ace Queen high
Seat 8: SuperFangus folded before the Flop
Seat 9: MrTubbernaut folded before the Flop

19-05-2011 13:38 #6| 0

Ved sq ikke helt hvad han vil ind for med den J4, men han er self godt inde. Vi buster 3 mand, så vi er på 23 dollars. opdaterer når der spilles igen.

19-05-2011 14:33 #7| 0


Full Tilt Poker Game #30581717554: $6 + $0.50 KO Sit & Go (237465200), Table 6 - 15/30 - No Limit Hold'em - 13:28:05 CET - 2011/05/19 [07:28:05 ET - 2011/05/19]
Seat 1: vio1955 (3,000)
Seat 2: pickpla (3,000)
Seat 3: Alex Chris Stew (3,000)
Seat 4: WeeDyMaN_ (3,000)
Seat 5: Tabfitz (3,000)
Seat 6: s777udge (3,000)
Seat 7: EM KOKC (3,000)
Seat 8: EuphoricAct (3,000)
Seat 9: Libinlai (3,000)
vio1955 posts the small blind of 15
pickpla posts the big blind of 30
The button is in seat #9
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to WeeDyMaN_ [2s 7s]
Alex Chris Stew raises to 90
WeeDyMaN_ folds
Tabfitz folds
s777udge has 15 seconds left to act
s777udge has timed out
s777udge folds
s777udge is sitting out
EM KOKC folds
EuphoricAct has 15 seconds left to act
s777udge has returned
EM KOKC has been disconnected
EuphoricAct has timed out
EuphoricAct folds
EuphoricAct is sitting out
Libinlai raises to 480
vio1955 folds
pickpla folds
Alex Chris Stew folds
Uncalled bet of 390 returned to Libinlai
Libinlai mucks
Libinlai wins the pot (225)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 225 | Rake 0
Seat 1: vio1955 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: pickpla (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: Alex Chris Stew folded before the Flop
Seat 4: WeeDyMaN_ didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: Tabfitz didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: s777udge didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: EM KOKC didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: EuphoricAct didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: Libinlai (button) collected (225), mucked

19-05-2011 14:53 #8| 0

Buster i flip

Full Tilt Poker Game #30582000330: $6 + $0.50 KO Sit & Go (237465200), Table 1 - 40/80 - No Limit Hold'em - 13:51:12 CET - 2011/05/19 [07:51:12 ET - 2011/05/19]
Seat 1: WeeDyMaN_ (2,851)
Seat 2: rocketman737 (1,911)
Seat 3: 5dolsi (8,680)
Seat 4: almassiva85 (9,305)
Seat 5: vio1955 (9,723)
Seat 6: Brownacres (1,255)
Seat 9: elfu (4,560)
elfu posts the big blind of 80
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to WeeDyMaN_ [Ah Kd]
WeeDyMaN_ calls 80
rocketman737 folds
5dolsi calls 80
almassiva85 calls 80
vio1955 has 15 seconds left to act
vio1955 folds
Brownacres calls 80
CHELAY sits down
elfu raises to 240
WeeDyMaN_ raises to 800
5dolsi folds
almassiva85 folds
Brownacres raises to 1,255, and is all in
elfu has 15 seconds left to act
elfu has requested TIME
elfu raises to 4,560, and is all in
WeeDyMaN_ calls 2,051, and is all in
elfu shows [Jd Jc]
WeeDyMaN_ shows [Ah Kd]
Brownacres shows [Ad 9d]
Uncalled bet of 1,709 returned to elfu
*** FLOP *** [3s Qs 4s]
*** TURN *** [3s Qs 4s] [Ts]
*** RIVER *** [3s Qs 4s Ts] [6h]
elfu shows a pair of Jacks
WeeDyMaN_ shows Ace King high
elfu wins the side pot (3,192) with a pair of Jacks
Brownacres shows Ace Queen high
elfu wins the main pot (3,925) with a pair of Jacks
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 7,117 Main pot 3,925. Side pot 3,192. | Rake 0
Board: [3s Qs 4s Ts 6h]
Seat 1: WeeDyMaN_ showed [Ah Kd] and lost with Ace King high
Seat 2: rocketman737 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: 5dolsi folded before the Flop
Seat 4: almassiva85 folded before the Flop
Seat 5: vio1955 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Brownacres (button) showed [Ad 9d] and lost with Ace Queen high
Seat 9: elfu (big blind) showed [Jd Jc] and won (7,117) with a pair of Jacks

20-05-2011 15:29 #9| 0

Spiller PLO tour 1k gtd om 15min.

20-05-2011 15:50 #10| 0


Full Tilt Poker Game #30600835398: $1,000 Guarantee (237490543), Table 3 - 15/30 - Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 14:47:00 CET - 2011/05/20 [08:47:00 ET - 2011/05/20]
Seat 1: MR_canon (3,000)
Seat 2: juliusoner (3,000)
Seat 3: KK1ngKKong (3,000)
Seat 4: welshshark88 (3,000)
Seat 5: AASityuAA (3,000)
Seat 6: theleprehaun (3,000)
Seat 7: BdBeatBrnsn223k (3,000)
Seat 8: Caspi77 (3,000)
Seat 9: WeeDyMaN_ (3,000)
MR_canon posts the small blind of 15
juliusoner posts the big blind of 30
The button is in seat #9
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to WeeDyMaN_ [4s 4d 8c 2c]
KK1ngKKong folds
welshshark88 folds
AASityuAA calls 30
theleprehaun calls 30
BdBeatBrnsn223k calls 30
Caspi77 calls 30
WeeDyMaN_ calls 30
MR_canon calls 15
juliusoner checks
*** FLOP *** [Kd 6d 3d]
MR_canon checks
juliusoner has 15 seconds left to act
juliusoner checks
AASityuAA bets 210
theleprehaun calls 210
BdBeatBrnsn223k folds
Caspi77 raises to 1,050
WeeDyMaN_ folds
MR_canon folds
juliusoner has 15 seconds left to act
juliusoner folds
AASityuAA raises to 2,970, and is all in
theleprehaun calls 2,760, and is all in
Caspi77 calls 1,920, and is all in
AASityuAA shows [Kc 2h Td 7d]
theleprehaun shows [5s Ad 8d 2s]
Caspi77 shows [As 9c Qd 2d]
*** TURN *** [Kd 6d 3d] [6s]
*** RIVER *** [Kd 6d 3d 6s] [Qc]
AASityuAA shows a flush, King high
theleprehaun shows a flush, Ace high
Caspi77 shows a flush, King high
theleprehaun wins the pot (9,120) with a flush, Ace high
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 9,120 | Rake 0
Board: [Kd 6d 3d 6s Qc]
Seat 1: MR_canon (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 2: juliusoner (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: KK1ngKKong didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: welshshark88 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: AASityuAA showed [Kc 2h Td 7d] and lost with a flush, King high
Seat 6: theleprehaun showed [5s Ad 8d 2s] and won (9,120) with a flush, Ace high
Seat 7: BdBeatBrnsn223k folded on the Flop
Seat 8: Caspi77 showed [As 9c Qd 2d] and lost with a flush, King high
Seat 9: WeeDyMaN_ (button) folded on the Flop

20-05-2011 16:03 #11| 0

Han mente umidlbart hans top2 var fint på det bord. sick bust

Full Tilt Poker Game #30600998418: $1,000 Guarantee (237490543), Table 4 - 20/40 - Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 15:00:34 CET - 2011/05/20 [09:00:34 ET - 2011/05/20]
Seat 1: sniacchera (3,085)
Seat 2: 500CB (1,200)
Seat 3: Dino_11_007 (3,535)
Seat 4: solidbrob (2,615)
Seat 5: ross58m (7,860)
Seat 6: WarToBuy (2,835)
Seat 8: WeeDyMaN_ (3,299)
Seat 9: welshshark88 (2,955)
WarToBuy posts the small blind of 20
WeeDyMaN_ posts the big blind of 40
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to WeeDyMaN_ [As Kd Qc 8s]
mariom86 sits down
mariom86 has registered late for the tournament and will be dealt in on their big blind
welshshark88 folds
Dino_11_007: llllllllloooooooooolllllllllllll
sniacchera has 15 seconds left to act
sniacchera calls 40
500CB folds
Dino_11_007 folds
solidbrob folds
ross58m raises to 180
WarToBuy calls 160
WeeDyMaN_ calls 140
sniacchera calls 140
*** FLOP *** [8h Td Qs]
WarToBuy checks
WeeDyMaN_ checks
sniacchera checks
ross58m bets 720
WarToBuy folds
WeeDyMaN_ raises to 2,880
sniacchera has 15 seconds left to act
sniacchera has requested TIME
sniacchera folds
ross58m raises to 5,040
WeeDyMaN_ calls 239, and is all in
ross58m shows [Ks Qh Th 7c]
WeeDyMaN_ shows [As Kd Qc 8s]
Uncalled bet of 1,921 returned to ross58m
*** TURN *** [8h Td Qs] [9c]
*** RIVER *** [8h Td Qs 9c] [7h]
ross58m shows two pair, Queens and Tens
WeeDyMaN_ shows two pair, Queens and Eights
ross58m wins the pot (6,958) with two pair, Queens and Tens
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 6,958 | Rake 0
Board: [8h Td Qs 9c 7h]
Seat 1: sniacchera folded on the Flop
Seat 2: 500CB didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Dino_11_007 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: solidbrob didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: ross58m (button) showed [Ks Qh Th 7c] and won (6,958) with two pair, Queens and Tens
Seat 6: WarToBuy (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 8: WeeDyMaN_ (big blind) showed [As Kd Qc 8s] and lost with two pair, Queens and Eights
Seat 9: welshshark88 didn't bet (folded)

20-05-2011 16:09 #12| 0

bust i den anden. får aldrig rigtig fat, eller connecter med nogle boards.

Full Tilt Poker Game #30601082901: $1,000 Guarantee (237490543), Table 18 - 25/50 - Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 15:07:02 CET - 2011/05/20 [09:07:02 ET - 2011/05/20]
Seat 1: WeeDyMaN_ (1,510)
Seat 2: tr1lob1t (2,960), is sitting out
Seat 3: MiahStar 82 (7,187)
Seat 4: sundisback (2,805)
Seat 5: KK1ngKKong (1,309)
Seat 6: b musta (8,235)
Seat 7: Bo210385 (3,050)
Seat 8: REDJOK (3,000)
Seat 9: BALAN ROBERTO (3,285)
tr1lob1t posts the small blind of 25
MiahStar 82 posts the big blind of 50
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to WeeDyMaN_ [6s Ac Ks 2c]
tr1lob1t has returned
sundisback has 15 seconds left to act
sundisback has timed out
sundisback folds
sundisback is sitting out
KK1ngKKong folds
b musta calls 50
sundisback has returned
Bo210385 calls 50
WeeDyMaN_ raises to 325
tr1lob1t folds
MiahStar 82 calls 275
sundisback has been disconnected
b musta folds
sundisback has reconnected
Bo210385 has 15 seconds left to act
Bo210385 folds
*** FLOP *** [7c Qc 2d]
MiahStar 82 checks
WeeDyMaN_ bets 1,100
MiahStar 82 calls 1,100
*** TURN *** [7c Qc 2d] [9h]
MiahStar 82 bets 50
WeeDyMaN_ raises to 85, and is all in
MiahStar 82 calls 35
WeeDyMaN_ shows [6s Ac Ks 2c]
MiahStar 82 shows [Ad 7h 8c 7d]
*** RIVER *** [7c Qc 2d 9h] [2h]
WeeDyMaN_ shows three of a kind, Twos
MiahStar 82 shows a full house, Sevens full of Twos
MiahStar 82 wins the pot (3,470) with a full house, Sevens full of Twos
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 3,470 | Rake 0
Board: [7c Qc 2d 9h 2h]
Seat 1: WeeDyMaN_ (button) showed [6s Ac Ks 2c] and lost with three of a kind, Twos
Seat 2: tr1lob1t (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: MiahStar 82 (big blind) showed [Ad 7h 8c 7d] and won (3,470) with a full house, Sevens full of Twos
Seat 4: sundisback didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: KK1ngKKong didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: b musta folded before the Flop
Seat 7: Bo210385 folded before the Flop
Seat 8: REDJOK is sitting out
Seat 9: BALAN ROBERTO folded on the Flop

20-05-2011 16:12 #13| 0

$9.90 tilbage. Dem spiller jeg 3x 3.30 KO SNG for, og ser om vi ikke kan shippe der. gl us

20-05-2011 16:17 #14| 0

1 hånd i sng

Full Tilt Poker Game #30601184745: $3 + $0.30 KO Sit & Go (237629606), Table 1 - 15/30 - No Limit Hold'em - 15:14:35 CET - 2011/05/20 [09:14:35 ET - 2011/05/20]
Seat 1: bigdaddy54323 (3,000)
Seat 2: TopGunH (3,000)
Seat 3: 8voodoo8 (3,000)
Seat 4: adrian863 (3,000)
Seat 5: 4bet_the_flop (3,000)
Seat 6: Keesieplus (3,000)
Seat 7: WeeDyMaN_ (3,000)
Seat 8: personaNgrta (3,000)
Seat 9: IFish2Luck (3,000)
bigdaddy54323 posts the small blind of 15
TopGunH posts the big blind of 30
The button is in seat #9
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to WeeDyMaN_ [Qd 8c]
8voodoo8 folds
adrian863 raises to 90
4bet_the_flop calls 90
Keesieplus folds
WeeDyMaN_ folds
personaNgrta folds
IFish2Luck calls 90
bigdaddy54323 calls 75
TopGunH folds
*** FLOP *** [Kh 7d 9h]
bigdaddy54323 checks
adrian863 checks
4bet_the_flop checks
IFish2Luck checks
*** TURN *** [Kh 7d 9h] [Th]
bigdaddy54323 bets 390
adrian863 folds
4bet_the_flop folds
IFish2Luck calls 390
*** RIVER *** [Kh 7d 9h Th] [5h]
bigdaddy54323 checks
IFish2Luck bets 800
bigdaddy54323: idiot donk
bigdaddy54323 folds
Uncalled bet of 800 returned to IFish2Luck
IFish2Luck mucks
IFish2Luck wins the pot (1,170)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 1,170 | Rake 0
Board: [Kh 7d 9h Th 5h]
Seat 1: bigdaddy54323 (small blind) folded on the River
Seat 2: TopGunH (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: 8voodoo8 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: adrian863 folded on the Turn
Seat 5: 4bet_the_flop folded on the Turn
Seat 6: Keesieplus didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: WeeDyMaN_ didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: personaNgrta didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: IFish2Luck (button) collected (1,170), mucked

20-05-2011 16:24 #15| 0

1 hånd

Full Tilt Poker Game #30601256335: $3 + $0.30 KO Sit & Go (237629605), Table 2 - 15/30 - No Limit Hold'em - 15:19:56 CET - 2011/05/20 [09:19:56 ET - 2011/05/20]
Seat 1: oilersssss (3,000)
Seat 2: WeeDyMaN_ (3,000)
Seat 3: free-weezy2 (3,000)
Seat 4: ATHENE7 (3,000)
Seat 5: linda_flea6 (3,000)
Seat 6: Skillie007 (3,000)
Seat 7: heinzileinginga (3,000)
Seat 8: Czech Republic1 (3,000)
Seat 9: moolin (3,000)
oilersssss posts the small blind of 15
WeeDyMaN_ posts the big blind of 30
The button is in seat #9
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to WeeDyMaN_ [5c Jd]
free-weezy2 calls 30
ATHENE7 folds
linda_flea6 has 15 seconds left to act
linda_flea6 raises to 120
Skillie007 folds
heinzileinginga folds
Czech Republic1 folds
moolin folds
oilersssss has 15 seconds left to act
oilersssss has timed out
oilersssss folds
oilersssss is sitting out
WeeDyMaN_ folds
free-weezy2 calls 90
*** FLOP *** [9d Th Js]
oilersssss has returned
free-weezy2 bets 120
linda_flea6 raises to 390
free-weezy2 folds
Uncalled bet of 270 returned to linda_flea6
linda_flea6 mucks
linda_flea6 wins the pot (525)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 525 | Rake 0
Board: [9d Th Js]
Seat 1: oilersssss (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: WeeDyMaN_ (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: free-weezy2 folded on the Flop
Seat 4: ATHENE7 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: linda_flea6 collected (525), mucked
Seat 6: Skillie007 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: heinzileinginga didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: Czech Republic1 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: moolin (button) didn't bet (folded)

20-05-2011 16:29 #16| 0

1 hånd
Full Tilt Poker Game #30601318456: $3 + $0.30 KO Sit & Go (237631619), Table 3 - 15/30 - No Limit Hold'em - 15:24:34 CET - 2011/05/20 [09:24:34 ET - 2011/05/20]
Seat 1: ferox78 (3,000)
Seat 2: 2Boston2 (3,000)
Seat 3: Czech Republic1 (3,000)
Seat 4: fazaans (3,000)
Seat 5: simongts (3,000)
Seat 6: ROIDEFRANCE (3,000)
Seat 7: WeeDyMaN_ (3,000)
Seat 8: t4daaa (3,000)
Seat 9: Seade1 (3,000)
ferox78 posts the small blind of 15
2Boston2 posts the big blind of 30
The button is in seat #9
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to WeeDyMaN_ [Qs 3s]
Czech Republic1 folds
Czech Republic1 is feeling confused
fazaans calls 30
simongts calls 30
ROIDEFRANCE raises to 150
WeeDyMaN_ folds
t4daaa folds
Seade1 has 15 seconds left to act
Seade1 has timed out
Seade1 folds
Seade1 is sitting out
ferox78 folds
2Boston2 calls 120
fazaans calls 120
simongts folds
*** FLOP *** [4c Td 5c]
2Boston2 checks
fazaans checks
ROIDEFRANCE has 15 seconds left to act
2Boston2 raises to 2,205
fazaans folds
ROIDEFRANCE has 15 seconds left to act
ROIDEFRANCE raises to 2,850, and is all in
2Boston2 calls 645, and is all in
ROIDEFRANCE shows [7d 7s]
2Boston2 shows [Th Kh]
*** TURN *** [4c Td 5c] [Ac]
*** RIVER *** [4c Td 5c Ac] [2d]
ROIDEFRANCE shows a pair of Sevens
2Boston2 shows a pair of Tens
2Boston2 wins the pot (6,195) with a pair of Tens
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 6,195 | Rake 0
Board: [4c Td 5c Ac 2d]
Seat 1: ferox78 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: 2Boston2 (big blind) showed [Th Kh] and won (6,195) with a pair of Tens
Seat 3: Czech Republic1 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: fazaans folded on the Flop
Seat 5: simongts folded before the Flop
Seat 6: ROIDEFRANCE showed [7d 7s] and lost with a pair of Sevens
Seat 7: WeeDyMaN_ didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: t4daaa didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: Seade1 (button) didn't bet (folded)

20-05-2011 16:42 #17| 0

bust. syntes folk klonker deres 2-3 outers konstant mod mig lige pt.

Full Tilt Poker Game #30601515890: $3 + $0.30 KO Sit & Go (237631619), Table 3 - 25/50 - No Limit Hold'em - 15:39:17 CET - 2011/05/20 [09:39:17 ET - 2011/05/20]
Seat 1: ferox78 (2,320)
Seat 3: Czech Republic1 (2,720)
Seat 4: fazaans (2,974)
Seat 5: simongts (6,295)
Seat 6: DANIEL BADUK (2,205)
Seat 7: WeeDyMaN_ (991)
Seat 8: t4daaa (3,300)
Seat 9: Seade1 (2,940)
WeeDyMaN_ posts the small blind of 25
t4daaa posts the big blind of 50
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to WeeDyMaN_ [Th Jc]
Seade1 folds
ferox78 calls 50
Czech Republic1 folds
zhupel sits down
fazaans folds
simongts has 15 seconds left to act
simongts folds
WeeDyMaN_ calls 25
t4daaa has 15 seconds left to act
t4daaa checks
*** FLOP *** [5d Qs Jh]
WeeDyMaN_ checks
t4daaa checks
ferox78 bets 50
WeeDyMaN_ calls 50
t4daaa calls 50
*** TURN *** [5d Qs Jh] [7h]
WeeDyMaN_ checks
t4daaa checks
ferox78 bets 50
WeeDyMaN_ calls 50
t4daaa has 15 seconds left to act
t4daaa raises to 350
ferox78 has 15 seconds left to act
ferox78 folds
WeeDyMaN_ raises to 891, and is all in
t4daaa calls 541
WeeDyMaN_ shows [Th Jc]
t4daaa shows [Js 7s]
*** RIVER *** [5d Qs Jh 7h] [3c]
WeeDyMaN_ shows a pair of Jacks
t4daaa shows two pair, Jacks and Sevens
t4daaa wins the pot (2,182) with two pair, Jacks and Sevens
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 2,182 | Rake 0
Board: [5d Qs Jh 7h 3c]
Seat 1: ferox78 folded on the Turn
Seat 3: Czech Republic1 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: fazaans didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: simongts didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: DANIEL BADUK (button) folded on the Flop
Seat 7: WeeDyMaN_ (small blind) showed [Th Jc] and lost with a pair of Jacks
Seat 8: t4daaa (big blind) showed [Js 7s] and won (2,182) with two pair, Jacks and Sevens
Seat 9: Seade1 didn't bet (folded)

20-05-2011 16:43 #18| 0

Vi ender desværre på et træls 0tal nu. tak for skud.

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